Thursday, December 29, 2005

...Good weather...

I have not been writting any crap for the last 3 days. Just getting lazy each day. Haven't do my assignment which I have to hand it in by this Friday. Well, the tutor is alright with the 1st assessment as most of the students can't find the interviewees. So, he gave us reasonable dates to hand in. Oh gosh... I need to go down city and do my assignment or else my tutor might call the interviewee if I just crap it out. Not gonna do that as it's not very good since my tutor looking forward to see my assessment. I'm in a doom day soon.

Well, I have a nice sunny walk for the last 2 days and today as well. My son got to do major exercise running and walking around the park and streets as well. Now his sleeping since I didn't play with him as I'm writting the journal now. Trying to make him tired these days as he won't be so active at home. You know what.. that bugger can't get any rest at all. I think I will keep him awake and he'll leave me alone early in the morning for a good morning sleep. Hahaha... Just lazy to get up early in the morning. Since it's going to be spring and summer. I don't think I can sleep more than usual in winter. So long and farewell, dear winter. I'm looking forward to meet you next year.

So, how have you guys and gals been doing? Either you get to play all night long or you are busy with assignments or you might be busy working until you need to bang your head to the wall next to you now. For me, election is coming up and I have prepare most of my stuff. Done the poster design which is easy to identify. Since DUSA is going to give free 100 copies of B&W A4 size for me. Why not use this thing and I didn't use it last year as I was just plain lazy to design and no good photo as well.

Nothing much happening these days since the funeral. All is going as plain as grass. No flowering and birds chirping in Deakin university or in my life at the moment. Hrmm... might as well find some place to go especially to Dandenong. Need to go there soon or else some of my friends are going off or to continur their postgraduate in another university. Sad..... me miss them.

Havent' touch any books to do some readings. Just lazy to read. I remember last semester, I didn't do much readings. How did I survive and pass all the 4 units. No idea is what I know. Try to get higher marks for my practical and get pass for the theories. I dislike doing theories. I don't understand how to enjoy theories. I don't even do readings for studies.. And yet I still survive. Incrediblemo..!

Oh well, Olympiad is doing well each other. After the swimming contests, I don't really watch much of it. Nothing is interesting actually, most of the competitions that I like are when I'm asleep. Then, I don't wake up early in the morning to watch the highlight since I have things to do in the afternoon. I sleep most of the nights till late morning. Hey.. I get to sleep early last night at 2am. Hahaha. Better than I don't get a good sleep at all for the past few nights.

I remembered one of my friend, Julia invited me to go to her house and watch movie since I can't sleep. But then I seriously lazy to go even though she drive me to her house which is only 2 streets away from my home. HHhaaaa.. This is seriously call LAZY AD. Really 'THANK YOU' very much, Julia. Next time..

Oh yah, I went to your home just now. No one is in as I knocked the door once. Your car is not there and I just went back home after a long walk with my son. Auntie, you are sick, ok? Don't keep on going out especially at night. It's cold at night, wear warmer at night. Always so sexy and fashion, see also can't stand it. Hhahaa... Just joking! Anyway, will see ya when I have time. Just that save money don't want to call you. Ask you change to Optus you don't want, Ching Ching also can't talk to you long since yours are Orange. So expensive to call you...

Ok, better chao. Me hungry. Hrmm.. I think I should go shower, since I have a long walk. I didn't sweat but then feel so pathetic dry in me. Hehehe... Maybe cz of the dry air today. Have fun with your work and assignments, MATE!

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