Thursday, December 29, 2005

...grammar or whatsoever mistakes...

When I really read the journals that I have written, I only realized that I have lotz of grammar mistakes and the others. I have no idea what the other called already. Long time didn't study secondary school. Hahaa.

Anyway, I woke up late today and suppose to do my Multicultural Night thing at 11am. I ended sitting here writting the journal and then waiting for my friend to pick me up from my house. I'm so lazy walk to uni.

I only live 10 mins walk away from uni. What can you say, it's a windy day with the temp of 12 degrees outside. It's winter, come on. It's damn cold. Just that it's not snowing at all. Unlike in England, hrmm.. I have no idea when am I suppose to go yet. I have to get myself prepare for the postgraduate. I wonder I can have a place. Well, I have to ask again whether when I can stay applying for a place. Heard that the place is quite limited next semester. I have to get my butt moving faster.

Few of my friends are back to Malaysia. More going back next year. I think I don't even have friends that I know longer than 3 years are living here for good. Miss them so much until I ended up calling one by one.

When I want to go back so badly to Malaysia, I have the panicness of don't want to go back at all. I'm so damn scared of the pollution and the traffic jams. Plus I'm not use to the Malay language there. You can say that I can be not a good Malaysian citizen. Which I didn't vote for any of our PM before after my 21st b'day.

Well.. Well.. nothing much to say. I better get going. Still waiting for my friend. Kan pa teh neh every one! Chao

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