Friday, December 30, 2005

...I won for DUSA post...

For those of the Deakin International Students that have voted for my ticket (group) and me. I seriously would like to say THANK YOU ALL for it. We have won for the DUSA Elections 2005.

Good news to tell you all. Old committees are not really that great this time as some of them have lost. New one are getting ready to work for you all. Believe me, if anything goes right. We have at least more than 10 International Students working in Student Council and Melbourne Campus. I'm based in Melbourne Campus, of course I'll be saying Melbourne Campus.

I don't think we have bad news at the moment in the DUSA Elections 2005. Just that you won't believe that people can backstab you in this election. Really becareful people who are against you! CONFIRMED.

Okie... seriously. If you have any queries, please drop me a line or more at THANK YOU once again.

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