Friday, December 30, 2005

...Weird Connections...

What? What's that? Do you know what you are thinking?

Neh... no idea what's that all about.

I just ended up typing the subject as above. Seriously, I just came back from dinner. Finished the group editing around 9pm. Went to my friend's house as they told me they haven't eaten yet. That's why we all had late dinners. What to do? No time to cook at home plus where got the energy to cook. If I ever start cooking, I guess I'll be on the floor sleeping. It's actually faint on the floor till I know how to come to reality.

Good thing I didn't faint this year. Eventually, it's not going to end soon for this year cause we have another freaking 3 months to go. I seriously, got another month to go which I can finally go back to Malaysia. After so long since I came here until now, I didn't go back to Malaysia. Unlike my other friends, they always go back every year. My cousin sister who studies in Perth, got to go back home after 1 semester. How lucky she can be.... So good....!!!!

Well, my dad said he will bring me back to Sabah and I have to stay in the jungle. So sad.. I have to face my mom, dalmation, tv, the maid, the floor, rooms, furniture, and others which I don't get to go out city for 1 or 2 weeks time. I think I'll seriously get fed-up soon and I'll ask permission to live in town for 1 week with my friend if she's back to Sabah. That's the only place that I always go down to live at. Heheh..

Haven't seen her mother for 2 years also, wonder how is she now... Hrmm!

My naughty son is going to be taken care by many friends of mine over here. See how things go, wish he will be good and not do anything crazy while I'm gone especially lost in some space until I can't find him at all when I come back home. I seriously want to bring him home to Malaysia to let him knows how bad the weather can be in Malaysia. I think he will prefer over here OZ than in Malaysia. I'll be burn like hell in Malaysia. I think I better stop scaring myself about Malaysia. Too much of me talking crappy stuff about that.

Anyway, had my late dinner. Now I can't function at all and not even my brain. How sad that can be? So, I just type whatever it is in my mind. My typing skill also so slow until I do not know what to type for the next sentence. Amazing how things can be for me?

Oh yah, eventually I went in for the last Thursday tutorial. I was the second latest but am on time for him to start the lesson. What the hack? He saw me and asked me: "So, Adriana. How have you been?" I looked at him and in my heart - not again! Well, I told him that I missed the tutorial last Thursday because I forgotten it was Thursday. I was busy with assignments until I don't know when is when, the dates and day and time as well. Of course the whole class have to listen to what I said and they all were laughing cause I can straight tell him this incident without lying at all. Every one enjoys my stupidity and I told him that I eventually told myself today is Thursday and I have to come for the last class. Or else I don't have the chance anymore. His happy with it and good thing it's the last class which he won't ask me - how am I doing? It's fun in his class but it's quite stress for me when he sees me. I'm like if I can fly, I'll seriously fly away from his class. But I do really enjoys his class most of my 4 semesters over here.

I called a friend 2 days in a role at 9am (his time in UK). His so cute like a baby just waking up. Happy listening when I asked him to wake up. Today called too early cause he got class at 3pm. I was like oh oh... wrong timing to wake you up. I asked him to email me his timetable and then I'll wake him up if he got morning classes. Hahah.. The first day was funny cause he got Seminar at 9am which he slept at 5am. Then, he has class at 11am and I called him to wake him up. He realized he overslept and missed the seminar. Can't believe him, his so hardworking until like this. Hope that he eats well and not keep on studying until crazy.

I think I better go shower. It's already so late. I do not know what I said above. Hope that I didn't say something crazy until you all will get mad with me. Or you all can bite me when you see me. If not, then wait for the time when you see me then bite me. Ok..?

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