Thursday, December 29, 2005

...what a damn bloody busy week...

You know what.. I have no idea that I have appointments that clashes on this Tuesday. That means tomorrow. I have no damn good idea why the Deakin University Student Association President wants to see me for. Hrmm.. Maybe somone in the association complaints about me. Darn not that bloody gal that I really dislike. Every one that knows her wish she will resign and go home. Heard that she has been kick out of Uni as she hasn't pay her uni fees yet. Just imagine she's been in Deakin University for 6 years. Damn! She hasn't finish her undergraduate. That's what I heard about. Or she hasn't finish her postgraduate.

Stop bitching about her. Hope that she doesn't screw my friends and my life in Deakin University.

So, how's your day.. I didn't realized that I didn't have class today since every one is handling in their pitch about their major project. Mine is due next week. Have no idea what to sell my idea yet since I have no appropriate idea. But I know my lecturer knows I know how to talk and blablabla all the way to sell my idea to him. Well, I should earn my 10% from him hopefully quick and fast and good.

Anyway, French class is incredible nice and fun which I can't exactly speak appropriate French. When I go to France, at least I won't get cheated over there for some prostitute house to get undress. It's a pay job, I know.. But it's the people that I don't know and maybe I'll ended having A I D S, merbahaya, ADDis pula, menajam manusia. I can remember the words but I can't exactly remember how to spell it. Execuse me - for 2 years already I didn't go back to Malaysia. This summer won't be going back as well. Going to continue my postgraduate. Hopefully I'll get a place.

Wish that some one that I really want to see can come over here. Who is that.. I have no idea. My parents definitely coming next year for my undergraduate graduation ceremony.

I'm just crapping around here as waiting for my hot water. Going to shower soon. Tomorrow another freaking cold weather. Can't understand when is summer coming...

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