Friday, December 30, 2005

...Went to Uni...

Yupe, it's Saturday and I have to go Uni. It's so boring, I woke up late and I think I arrived at 2.30pm. Guess what! The doors are not open as usual which I have to go downstairs and call the stupid security to open the freaking editing door. Or else, I can just go there and sit down to prepare editing. What the freak! We have to hand in the after hours form all the time and the security doesn't open the editing rooms at all until each students have to call them all the time. Wasting freaking more than 10 mins of waiting for them to have a slow walk to the Building P. They are just wasting people's time.

Ada and I finished the Elgar Rd process, believe us. We seriously cut lots of craps in there. It's too long for some boring shots. Both of us just decided to shorten it and do some thing like a flashback sequence in some parts. Have no idea what's the rest gonna think, but for us it's quite good and not that boring. See what they have to say on Monday. Anyway, we did quite fast around 5pm. We are done for the Elgar Rd, plus I was so freaking hungry. I said I want to go find some thing to eat and we have finished the Elgar Rd as well. So, I came home and find some thing to eat before I faint. Which am still waiting the food to be cook at this moment.

We didn't do the rest cause it's quite hard to understand it as the main Editor is not there. I can't even concentrate as am so hungry like hell. Can't start eating a big bull, which I don't think I want to do that. Just joking, but am so hungry and waiting.

Now, I have nothing to do tonight cause no one wants to go out. I don't think I'll be going for the Pyrotechnic Fireworks as my friends don't want to go. So sad... but then I also lazy to go out, too crowdy over there is what I reckon. Better stay home and do my assignments which I have to hand it in by 1st Nov. I think I better concentrate on it as it's theory, don't want to fail this one. Very hard to concentrate is what I think it'll be for me.

I better chao.. very damn hungry until I can't wait already.

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