Thursday, December 29, 2005

...crappy day...

I am so damn tired until I didn't write anything for the last few days. Today is the worst day as I'm seriously tired le. No kidding.. good thing I don't have boyfriend here, or else I'll die. Have to take care of him, my son, my house, uni election, club, assignments, people, life, food, job (if I have), car, and other crazy stuff that you can thing of.

Anyway, can't believe that one of our group member didn't turn up for the meeting. He was the person who asked me when I have time to do group meeting. I said today I can do group meeting. What happen? Every one is not happy with him. One of the Aussie guy that was working with him last semester said that he is the best person that he has never work with. Now, ended up that every one is screwing him especially me. What can you say? You know, I'll damn screw you hard if you do stupid stuff to me.. Don't play play... Singapore is the best to eat people up now. Hahaha.. OKok.. Singapore is really good place to hang out cz got PCK. Eh.. they said got new version le. I MISSED PCK show.

So, let me bla bla bla my thing first. Then I talk more rubbish.. Don't I always talk rubbish and ended up I have no idea what the hack am I talking. Nevermind, as long as no one understand it.. Hahahhaa..

Ok. we have the meeting with the remaining member and we have no idea what to do as well. We got so many darn Qs to ask the lecturer. None of them are in the office. Weird when all are gone which is after lunch time. See how much they got paid and how long they stay in uni. That's so amazing..

Well, got a phone call from my parents who are at the new house in KL. Where's that.. near the Kelana Putera & Puteri area. What's the house add? No Idea.. ahaha.. Anyway, am not going back for summer. What to do? Find a job lo. What can I say? Earn summer money and don't know what can I spend in it. Hahaha..

Where was I? OH yah.... Skipped my lecture at 5pm as I was doing my editing for the Personal Statement (Digital Filmmaking) which I have to hand it up tomorrow. Hahaha.. Good thing at least I finished day earlier. Have never done that before in my life since I start studying. This is the first time I can finish it so early.

Until 8pm, went to the Gym as my have booked a gym for my club to play soccer or basket. I was there for half an hour to play basketball. Turn my head around a bit. Or else I'll go crazy soon. Since every one has been yanking at me for so many things. I'll die soon.

Went home after that quickly have my dinner.. So hungry. Ate the leftover fried rice this afternoon and asked my housemate to help me cook one packet of instant noodles. Ehh.. It's winter and I walked home with the huge metal suitcase of camera inside leh.. Have to let me eat more mar.. Since I don't gain so much, right?

Then, got mobile calls all the way until just now. My parents called me. Then, I can rest and talked to them as well. Didn't watch the Olympiad Games these days as there are nothing going on much. Nothing that really interest me..

That's all for these few days. Till the next time I bla bla bla about the updated crazy stuff of my dear life here. Bbbyeeee..

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