Friday, December 30, 2005

...Assignment, Assignment, Assignment...

Well, what a nice day outside and I'm in uni doing my assignment which I have to hand in tomorrow at 2pm. Eventually, I didn't even ask for extension since there are so many students didn't finish their work yet. So, I have to finish this and have a nice dinner with friends. Might go to watch Collateral, Yupe! Tom Cruise the bad boy, bad boy, bad boy....

Hope that it's cool or else I will be wasting money for it. Don't like to waste money for lousy freaking show. of course, then I won't recommend you all to watch it.

I was here in uni yesterday editing my assignment. Don't feel like coming today but then I have to do this assignment. I'm suppose to finish it off on Friday and have more fun on weekends. How the hell do I know, I eventually didn't finish until now. Hehehe.. After watching so many trailers, I'm going to change my mind of editing my assignment again. That's why don't waste time watching other people's work and you won't get stress out. I'm now having headache again cause I want to change my idea and it's already SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Just woke up not long ago and had my western lunch - bread with salads, eggs, and curry. I think so.... but it's good some times that I need to be vegetarian.

Hey, I'm wearing the T-Shirt of "I Need Chocolate, Now!" No worries, I got the digital camera with me. Got my friend to take the photo for me later when we are at the editing suite. I think I should take more photos before I go back... Hhehee.. don't know why, so you all can see what's happening around my crazy freaking idiotic days and nights.

Why am not doing assignment now and type some crapppy stuff in here. I'm waiting for the sound effects to transfer into my FireWire drive which is a portable hard disk drive. Freaking cost me a lot of money. AUD$246 fo 120GB. Not many people have this one and it's made of metal with metalic silver surrounding. It's coolllll... I like it so much until I really love to see it more often in my life. How cool is that??!!!

Saw a friend of mine and she is doing her Digital Imaging unit's assignment. It's a Photography major's unit which I didn't take it as I don't have any electives I can take anymore. I can't do double major as well. Cause am an Advanced Standing student. So, darn! Can't do any more units which I want to do. Oh well, life is like that when you want to do and you can't do it. But if you don't want to do it, it will surely be with you all the time 24/7. How extraordinary world and life that combines the ups and downs which kill people all the time and of course some times it happens to be a great fun of happiness.

Anyway, I better chao cause it's already finished. Might as well go to the editing suite and see whether it opens. It takes ages for a security guard to freaking open the door. Oopss.. I didn't book the suite anyway, but there are no people using it. Why not take the chances when we can. Don't waste the space when people need to do their assignments...? Right.......... Bye

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