Friday, December 30, 2005


Anyway, I have an assignment that I have to hand in tomorrow by 5pm which I have no idea whether I can manage that or not. I also forgotten that today is Thursday, I missed my 9am lecture and 11am tution class. Oh my goodness, what happen to me???

When I woke up around 1045am, I only realized that I have lecture and tution class which I am suppose to go. I ended up thinking that it was Wednesday which is yesterday. As I have Tuesday and Wednesday off except Wednesday at 5pm. So, I wrote an email to my Tutor to say sorry that I have forgotten today is Thursday. Am I crazy or what? I think I am. Since I have a group assignment that is suppose to hand it in way back - 3 weeks ago, but didn't manage to do it as one of the group members got sick until now. So, Tom decided to talk to her if she didn't turn up today in Tution class which I didn't go as well. I wrote to him to ask what will happen to the group assignment cause it's too way long time to hand it in. I told him I have too many assignments to deal with and major assignment which we ended up having problems. I knew it won't be good at all. Not happy as well.

I think on Tuesday it was 32 degrees and I had headache the whole day. Can't believe that I was having it until Wednesday afternoon and I missed the rough cut of the final project. Then, he wrote an email to three of us that were absent, to find a date to talk to him. I think he is damn pissed off with lots of students this semester. He is just that guy who always like that all the time. Don't worry he has kids and he thought he knows how to critise people's work a lot. Sometimes is good but sometimes it's way too MUCH for us as a student. He has so many years of experience but he should consider a little bit nice to us to say good things as well. Even though, we are not that creative in my group but don't say until like we are Hollywood directors, producers, editors, sound engineers, art directors, cinematographers, actors, or others more. Anyway, so shitty to talk about him all the time. I have been learning things from him for 3 semesters. He doesn't like me at all but hey, we pay for the knowledge and not biased like hell for we are asians. I hated when lecturers are like that.

Well, I do have good lecturers that really like me as I have crazy ideas which they know that I like to do things that are way out of extraordinary things. My friends said that I'm nuts as I do have better things to choose. I like the way that I like to explore new things and I don't like doing the same old things but not using sexual appearance in my short films. I don't like that overall even though it's a good piece of art to sell for international. I think I now understand what my creativity is - to explore new things and just do it. As there are no wrongs or rights of the way the short films should be. You should see how people can be crazy to do some short films that they understand and I don't really get it. But if you watch it seriously, you will understand the message easily. I watched a few good ones, it was great especially the one called URSULA.

This short film - URSULA is about a kid that has an abusive mother who corrects her by killing her pets. Once she wore a new skirt and she accidently riped it off from the tree branches as her mother was calling her to come into the house. She went to the house and the crazy mother asked her to bring her bird and killed it right in front of her as things that are ruined cannot be mend. The second time she dirtied her new clothing and the maniac mother killed her new pet - Frog name URSULA. The little girl got crazy and the pet bird was flying on top of her to take the knife and killed her abusive mother. After that, she went wacko to a corner and said that "girl who is naughty should be punish". How this wacko short film can introduce to the world by giving out the message to all abusive parents. I like how they used the colors to make the short film more interesting. Hehhe..

I don't know whether you all will read my crazy journal. It's just things that are crazy happening to me in Melbourne. So boring now! I think I'll go do some thing else. Chao...

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