Thursday, December 29, 2005

...??? Olympiad game...

I was sitting on the sofa watching the Olympiad competition. It's random games on Channel 7, have to watch whatever to screen and the timing is always out. I wonder why they have the TV guidelines but at least they show the competitions according to what they wrote in the newspaper. Can't complaint about that too much.

Ok.. I was this game and it's 2nd half. Eventually, I have never watch this competition before. I was wondering what the hell is that game. Nothing came across my mind except volleyball, touch footy, or basketball. It's totally unlike 3 games that I have described.

This competition is Korean against Hungarians. It was cool at least I got to watch other competitors playing except Aussies all the time. Which Aussies now are in rank 4, not bad but then I can't believe that Japan & Korea are ahead of Aussie. I wonder why.. Maybe we didn't have enough Aussies to play in it.

So, it was a fun and exciting competition. It was darn cool to see the coaches from 2 teams are calm as an ice. Can't believe what sort of coaches are they but it really have a good image of being a coach role. Fascinated with the coaches and the game the players played.

It's just that it's like a indoor soccer goal and has a big half moon ring outside of the goal. The opponents will run to the other side of the competitor to throw the ball to the goali, of course you have the home players to guide their goal in a line according to the half moon ring. It was darn cool and I was there sitting wondering 'what the hell is that game?' Question marks keep on randomizing my mind with all sorts of colours. What I have to do is finish up this game and I'll know what it is call.

Tell you the truth, I sat until I know that the Hungarians won but then I missed out the commentator said what game is was. Well, which I have to search from the newspaper and guess what.

It's call ' HANDBALL '. Hrmm... it's men' handball. Now, I know but then I don't think many people play that game. It's fun watching that then the basketball. Maybe I'm bored with basketball as I watched NBA when I was in secondary school. You can said that after Michael Jordan went off, I don't watch it anymore. Even Michael Jackson was not popular at that time but child abuse or rape cases all over his ET face. Sorry for that, but it damn resembles him.

The commentator said that it was the darn first time they the Olympiad Judges asked the Hungarian coach to cool down the Hungarian fans or audience (what to call them). Cz it was so noisy until no one can stand the loudness of them. You can say it is a noise pollution in the gym. That reminds of me all the time. That's all I want to say, actually I want to type some thing like the commentator style but then I got too lazy after talking to my parents. Want to go sleep as I'm going for the Overseas Health Cover Forum. I was invited for the counselling forum which I don't use at all in Deakin University. Eventually, the counseller himself was excited to see me when I first introduced myself. Darn! No idea why am I so popular in this forum thing until people keep on finding me. Not like they will give me a certificate for attending at all but I guess they will provide lunch tomorrow. I know I have free lunch in the Couselling Forum. I can take the whole freaking plate if I have the ability to do it. I was told not to by my friend. Darn! Made me hungry after that as well.

Okok... Better go to sleep or else I can't concentrate what they are asking. I don't give much opinion though but then I know how to recommend other things. Hahaha... Recommendation is the popular word for me in Deakin University since I'm here for so long and have been working in and out of Deakin University. Why not.. Chaoo.....!

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