Friday, December 30, 2005

...Final Semester...

Well, results were out on the 3rd Dec 2004 but I only got to check it today. I was of course were in Terengganu for holiday and can't check mail as I don't dare to go out to the Internet Cafe. So, I waited till now only check the results which I went to Midvalley for shopping in the morning. Hahahhaa... Good release of tension.

I was crying over there worrying about the results in front of mom. Well, silly me crying very hard and no freaking idea what is my stupid results. Finally, a great release of damn freaking AIR..... I PASSED... I CAN FINALLY GRADUATE ALREADY. I'm DONE with DEGREE....

Oh yah... I got another crazy degree to investigate as well and will take me 3 years. What the hell is wrong with me.. Am taking the Beautician course. Hahhaa.. None that I can take advance standing status for the Beautician course. Start from the basic still.

Ok... I will call people tonight. Get my call, ok? Chao first


Well, I am flying to Terengganu with my mom for a holiday back home (Actual home town is in Kuala Terengganu). Hehehe...until this Sunday. I wonder how this place is going to be since I left for such a long time and now it's under the great care of UMNO. What's the full name of the UMNO... no IDEA!

Anyway, going to buy lots of cheap stuff and EAT again. Ok, I am coming back for good. Why am I still doing it like that? Cause when I start studying BEAUTICIAN course. Me can't eat that much and not simply eat this and that. Every thing has to be reduce and guess what... How is a Beautician going to be beautiful if she eats so much until it's BIG SIZE....especially me. Belieave me, I think they are going to ask me for slimming course ready in a week time.This is going to kill me soon...

Ok, leaving today at night and going to KLCC later with mom and brother's girlfriend. Yupe, go to Genki Sushi and eat. Hahahaha.. See ya then. Another few days time, am going to check my results for last semester. Hope I can PASSS... and get rid of the DEGREEE lifeee.

...Back 4 gooD...

Well, it's true that I can eventually change my mind when I want to. Believe me that am coming back for good. What am I going to do when am back?

Good question!

Actually, am waiting for my results. If I pass everything, I'll be going back to OZ for graduation in March/April 2005. Send my Son and other stuff back home for good. Applying for the Permanent Residence if it's ok. Then, come back home to study "BEAUTICIAN". Yupe, studying Beautician course and not continuing my Postgraduate at all until I earn my own money.

Anyway, still in KL and my dad is back to work as the operation is still in consideration. We have not actually make up our mind as a whole family. See how things go at this moment. That's all for now - just that am coming back for good for sure this time. Stay tune as I got lots of things to think about it. Some thing bad came up today. Got to go...

Byeyeyeyeyeyeee... back in M'sia...

Okok... sorry for not calling you all when am back since a week ago. Have to be busy with my family first and then you all. Am in KL now and will be back to Sabah in mid-Dec. Damn, have to spend the Christmas Day and in the jungle watching the insects running around busy packing their food. I will be defnitely be FAT by then... Not really, cause my mom is going to cook less for me to eat and I have to be skinny as usual. Mommmmmmmyyyyyyyyy......

Anyway, I have been with my dad going to hospital most of the times and at home at night. That's all I did, unbelievable... Anyway, of course I did go for shopping but not much yet. Still got more to go. Hehhe. I just started off quarter only. No worriess....will go for more shopping when am back from Sabah before I go off to OZ. Hrmm.. Maybe and maybe not. Might change to somewhere else to study or maybe not study at all or maybe I HAVE NO IDEA. Still not making my mind straight enough these days when am back here with my parents. Well, yeh, of course I MISSED my damn SON. Miss his whitish fur and licking smell, his bad breath, his handsome face, his lovely sheep legs and his drumsticks, oh my goodness, I feel like cooking him and eat him up for goooooooodddddd...

Oh yah, went to Genting Highlands yesterday. Guess what! It's so freaking boring cause I went up with my family and auntie's family as well cause her husband wants to go for CASINO. Wasting our time especially MINE. My goodness, don't know whether his here for holiday or ME. Anyway, will definitely go up with friends next time and not with family. I guess I can even go for a good play fun with my parents, they are too old for that. hehehe... No worries, my parents are jokers and darn they are in Singapore. For what? No idea as long as I know it's not for shopping. That's why I stay here in KL. Or else I'll be going off with them and have more shopping in Singapore. I don't think this time will be going to Singapore at all.

Will definitely going up to Penang but still waiting for my friends to come back. Of course I have to take bus to go up, no car for myself and I have no idea what's the road to go up. Hehehe.. I'm damn lost in KL. Good thing I have a brother whose working over here and his girlfriend that can drive to most of the places. Oh yah, my bro = new gf, name is GRACE from Malacca. Hrmm.... how is she? She's not that bad, quite talkative. Hahaha...

What else, my mobile no. is +6016-6844813. Call me cause I don't know what's your no. Hahaha...I better go shower. It's late.

...Oh well...

I have eventually moved out from that house and now living with Julia they all. Hrmmm, I wonder where am I going to put all my big stuff in this house??? Hahhaa...

Well, today has been on and off raining which my friends and I have to stop here and there to wait for the rain to cool down. Yupe! It's cooling downnnnnn.. Hehehe.. Anyway, I siao already. So don't say am not totally siao today.

Hrmm... finished my shower. Got nothing much to do now except to move the big stuff here tomorrow and see how things go. Cause we have another friend coming in soon to help me take care of my son. His stuff is going to move here. I think this house is the house that when people don't have place to stay, everyone will be here all the time.

Julia's girl housemate is moving out and she's still searching for a place to to live in with her sister. Then, I'll be taking over her place when she move out. The actual story is like this. Better move in with people that I really familiar with rather than new ones. It's just plain stupid not moving in here earlier on. We'll see how things go on and on every day.

Am using Julia's laptop to online and you all won't be seeing me much. What about my own laptop, some where downstairs in a box. I think that's it for today cause I still have big stuff to move. Nitezzz. Very tired today....


Hrmm.. what is so great about this blog?

Until that can make you more impossible bored than not doing anything at all when there are no stress around the area. Which I ended up still have a major group project still going on until 14th Nov 2004 in ASTOR THEATRE at Chapel St. Remember it's 14th Nov at Astor Theatre the door opens at 7pm. Buy a ticket worth $10 to watch 12 teams' short films which the movies starts at 8pm. After party at the Revolver (If the spelling is correct) - at Chapel St. Be there and have lots of fun with the 3rd year Deakin Students. You might not know who you can end up with....

Anyway, oh yah! Moving house tomorrow afternoon which I have lots to pack up. Haven't finish packing up but will see how things go. Hrmm.. might be late to uni as I just came back home from late DINNER. Have been in uni since 2pm till 11pm. Well, I personally heard that the lecturer using swear word. Oh yah... FUCKING - this is the word that he taught me and my another group member! Hrmm.. I wonder how's my group member doing now??? Didn't get his call at all. You know what, I wonder if I ever report to the head of faculty, what will happen to him? Can't believe that he said that word and of course the usual OZ word - BUGGER - which this word is use in the movie Wimbledon. How extraordinary! What about your lecturers or tutors, did he/she swear in front of you? Did you ever tempt to make a report against he/she? Why not?

Actually, I just don't know what I want to say but I know I have not been here blogging for quite a long time. Since I'll be moving house tomorrow, I might not have the time to bla anything at all. Even I can online there by using their LapTops but I might watch more chinese movies. Hahaha.. I have to catch up more of it before I go back for a long holiday. I REALLY MISS MY JJ NOW, SO WORRIED ABOUT HIM. Don't feel like leaving him, don't want him to feel lonely. I just want to be there for him cause he seems to want me to be THERE for me. Hope that he can seriously get along with my friends. Hope that he won't get lonely. I'm so afraid that his not going to feel right, seriously hope that he won't get SICK. I LOVE him too MUCH until I don't want to leave him ALONE. His my BABE!

Well, I better go to bed and sleep with my son. It's pass bed time for him causes he was waiting for me to come back home after my dinner. I better chaooo....

...A fine day...

Last 2 days I went to bed after 3am, can't believe that I still haven't finish the assignment. So many things to read and cite with it as well. I can't believe that we can also use the lecture notes, readers, material and others to make it as citation thingy. At least, better than nothing. It's just that it's hard to understand the questions and do it as well. Limited words only till 1000 words. Yupe, three Questions and it'll ended up with 3000 words. 10 marks for each question which we only can choose three out of six.

Well, I went to uni early in the morning around 10.30am. Todd was late and there are not many people in the uni editing. I think am going to see most of them on Monday. Exams are coming up this Monday onwards for 2 weeks, I guess. Not having exams, so am not sure about it. I just know that I have another 2 more weeks, am going to leave my baby boy and go home for a huge holiday. Worst thing is that I can't go anywhere else more than just in Malaysia. It's different if I work and earn my own money, which I can go whenever I want to. I'm going to miss the opportunity to work for summer. I can earn so much money and go for far holiday in January. Life is like that when you are not that rich.

Came back home do a little bit of my assignment and had lunch. After lunch, I went out to do gardening. Ooooh.... so many weeds to clean up. It's just a disaster for me now cause still thinking whether I should call the gardener to come in or not. Eventually, it's a sunny day and it's good for gardening. I ended up cleaning two huge bucket - which is a large bucket to consume water when it's draught period. Yeh, it's a huge amount of weeds. I just clean up the things that I also don't like. I think next time my house will only full of LAVENDER. It's easier to take care and no worries about that.

Whenever I walk to uni, I pass by a house which has Lavender plants. I realized that there are different type of lavender. In K-mart garden area, I found out that there are lots more of Lavender. There is one with green color only. That means it's not purple flower but it's green. It's funny and interesting. Even though, the purple flowers have different blooming style. I'm so fond of lavender since when am I kid.

Seriously, I have never seen Lavender plant until I came here. If I did when I was a child, I would have no idea what is that. It's just - ooooohhhh, purple flowers. Hehehe... Cool huh? I can just sit there and look at the lavender plant for a long time which I won't get bored at all. It's just pretty, nice, cute, extraordinary and interesting. I think I'm so obsess with flowers that are blue and purple only. Others, I'll just get rid of it and I don't care. I think I just cleaned up the ones that are normal plants and not my type flowers. Hahaha..

...Emotional distress...

Well, well, well, I finally have the so-called emotional distress for my freaking last semester. I'm crazy over the last assignment. Freaking freak me out cause I tend to want to finish off this freaking crazy last semester which I have the freaking last Theory assignment to do.

Ok, I better stop saying this freaking word. Anyway, I can't swear and that's the rules. Freaking stressing me out now cause I so damn freaking unbelievable don't know what to say at all. Just to bla whatever things that come across my mind.

So, I kind of have this emotional distress and it's killing me especially my appetite. I just can't finish food now a day and I don't feel like eating meat. Which I ended up don't feel like eating rice or noodles. I don't want to eat any snacks cause it's freaking not nice for me to bite. I just don't feel like eating anything but drink drinks - not alcohol cause me can't drink at this moment of time. I better don't get drunk on the 14th Nov night as well, cause I have to catch my plane back to M'sia at 3pm. Eh, I freaking never get drunk before. I wonder how I will be like if I get drunk but then I also don't dare, hahaha.... Weaky cat is what I can say about me now!

Freaking FCUK! Anyway, I LOVE FCUK, Okay? Don't say that I use the FCUK word all the time means that I don't like FCUK. Can't remember how one of my OZ friend pronounce the FCUK word. It's kinda cool and no one has ever pronounce it that way except her. Didn't see her at all today cause I came late to uni. Hehehe...

Anyway, I feel so sick and I can't sleep nicely these few nights. Hey, people how's the soccer match going on?

...Went to Uni...

Yupe, it's Saturday and I have to go Uni. It's so boring, I woke up late and I think I arrived at 2.30pm. Guess what! The doors are not open as usual which I have to go downstairs and call the stupid security to open the freaking editing door. Or else, I can just go there and sit down to prepare editing. What the freak! We have to hand in the after hours form all the time and the security doesn't open the editing rooms at all until each students have to call them all the time. Wasting freaking more than 10 mins of waiting for them to have a slow walk to the Building P. They are just wasting people's time.

Ada and I finished the Elgar Rd process, believe us. We seriously cut lots of craps in there. It's too long for some boring shots. Both of us just decided to shorten it and do some thing like a flashback sequence in some parts. Have no idea what's the rest gonna think, but for us it's quite good and not that boring. See what they have to say on Monday. Anyway, we did quite fast around 5pm. We are done for the Elgar Rd, plus I was so freaking hungry. I said I want to go find some thing to eat and we have finished the Elgar Rd as well. So, I came home and find some thing to eat before I faint. Which am still waiting the food to be cook at this moment.

We didn't do the rest cause it's quite hard to understand it as the main Editor is not there. I can't even concentrate as am so hungry like hell. Can't start eating a big bull, which I don't think I want to do that. Just joking, but am so hungry and waiting.

Now, I have nothing to do tonight cause no one wants to go out. I don't think I'll be going for the Pyrotechnic Fireworks as my friends don't want to go. So sad... but then I also lazy to go out, too crowdy over there is what I reckon. Better stay home and do my assignments which I have to hand it in by 1st Nov. I think I better concentrate on it as it's theory, don't want to fail this one. Very hard to concentrate is what I think it'll be for me.

I better chao.. very damn hungry until I can't wait already.

...Friday Night out...

Yeh... went out tonight again. I have not been really going out for this week as I was in uni editing most of the time. Except on Tuesday and today as I was cleaning up the house and garden as well. It's pretty clean at the front part but then I got lots to clean up at the backyard.

Anyway, went to Chadstone tonight to watch Shall We Dance? by Richard Geere and JLo. It's pretty cool but then I still like to watch the You Got Served. I think I like dance movies now a day. I'm getting crazy with dance but I don't really dance. How sad that can be? Well, I was wanting to major in dance but most of the dance students over here have the Ballet experiences. I don't even have it at all and they have to go for dance audition before approving to go for that course. I think I better stay put with what am doing.

We went to the Straits Cafe (Malaysian Cuisine) again for this week. It's my 2nd time in this week and the aunties can remember me pretty fast. Not wearing that cute today cause it's not pinkish. The other time, I wore Julia's pink jacket and one of the Auntie said am cute. I was so unbelievable stress cause it's pink in color only she will say me cute. I wore the blue jacket also no one says me cute. So, unbelievable crazy for me not to listen cute word today.

Oh yah. It's different skirt. If you can see May's with her skirt, it's actually the same. Julia didn't wear the skirt today. Three of us got the same skirt. Hehhee... I have to decorate it into a different type. Better make it more outstanding, so people around us won't say that it's the same skirt that bought in JayJays.

Hrmm.. Tomorrow Knox City will be having a Pyrotechnic Fireworks. I think I'll be mostly go for that as I wonder how it will looks like. Don't know who wants to go with me also. I'll see how things go cause I need to go editing at 1.30pm tomorrow in uni. This is the 2nd weekend am in uni already. Don't want la, so boring doing the same project. I have to do the last theory assignment early before the 1st Nov. Then, I can have more fun after that. Hehehe..

I better go change. Hey, look at the new uploaded pic called Friday Night out. Yah? It's the same as am describing for this blog. Chao

...Weird Connections...

What? What's that? Do you know what you are thinking?

Neh... no idea what's that all about.

I just ended up typing the subject as above. Seriously, I just came back from dinner. Finished the group editing around 9pm. Went to my friend's house as they told me they haven't eaten yet. That's why we all had late dinners. What to do? No time to cook at home plus where got the energy to cook. If I ever start cooking, I guess I'll be on the floor sleeping. It's actually faint on the floor till I know how to come to reality.

Good thing I didn't faint this year. Eventually, it's not going to end soon for this year cause we have another freaking 3 months to go. I seriously, got another month to go which I can finally go back to Malaysia. After so long since I came here until now, I didn't go back to Malaysia. Unlike my other friends, they always go back every year. My cousin sister who studies in Perth, got to go back home after 1 semester. How lucky she can be.... So good....!!!!

Well, my dad said he will bring me back to Sabah and I have to stay in the jungle. So sad.. I have to face my mom, dalmation, tv, the maid, the floor, rooms, furniture, and others which I don't get to go out city for 1 or 2 weeks time. I think I'll seriously get fed-up soon and I'll ask permission to live in town for 1 week with my friend if she's back to Sabah. That's the only place that I always go down to live at. Heheh..

Haven't seen her mother for 2 years also, wonder how is she now... Hrmm!

My naughty son is going to be taken care by many friends of mine over here. See how things go, wish he will be good and not do anything crazy while I'm gone especially lost in some space until I can't find him at all when I come back home. I seriously want to bring him home to Malaysia to let him knows how bad the weather can be in Malaysia. I think he will prefer over here OZ than in Malaysia. I'll be burn like hell in Malaysia. I think I better stop scaring myself about Malaysia. Too much of me talking crappy stuff about that.

Anyway, had my late dinner. Now I can't function at all and not even my brain. How sad that can be? So, I just type whatever it is in my mind. My typing skill also so slow until I do not know what to type for the next sentence. Amazing how things can be for me?

Oh yah, eventually I went in for the last Thursday tutorial. I was the second latest but am on time for him to start the lesson. What the hack? He saw me and asked me: "So, Adriana. How have you been?" I looked at him and in my heart - not again! Well, I told him that I missed the tutorial last Thursday because I forgotten it was Thursday. I was busy with assignments until I don't know when is when, the dates and day and time as well. Of course the whole class have to listen to what I said and they all were laughing cause I can straight tell him this incident without lying at all. Every one enjoys my stupidity and I told him that I eventually told myself today is Thursday and I have to come for the last class. Or else I don't have the chance anymore. His happy with it and good thing it's the last class which he won't ask me - how am I doing? It's fun in his class but it's quite stress for me when he sees me. I'm like if I can fly, I'll seriously fly away from his class. But I do really enjoys his class most of my 4 semesters over here.

I called a friend 2 days in a role at 9am (his time in UK). His so cute like a baby just waking up. Happy listening when I asked him to wake up. Today called too early cause he got class at 3pm. I was like oh oh... wrong timing to wake you up. I asked him to email me his timetable and then I'll wake him up if he got morning classes. Hahah.. The first day was funny cause he got Seminar at 9am which he slept at 5am. Then, he has class at 11am and I called him to wake him up. He realized he overslept and missed the seminar. Can't believe him, his so hardworking until like this. Hope that he eats well and not keep on studying until crazy.

I think I better go shower. It's already so late. I do not know what I said above. Hope that I didn't say something crazy until you all will get mad with me. Or you all can bite me when you see me. If not, then wait for the time when you see me then bite me. Ok..?

...So clean...

Oh my goodness, I woke up and straight changed my bedsheets and pillowcases. Vacuumed my room and the big closet that I have. It's a walk-in closet. Can change my clothing in it. It's huge eventually cause it's the master bedroom. Well, I have all kinds of closet that I have experienced as I have been changing house most of my life.

I got twice that the bedroom is as big as my living room which I'm living in it. I can even play table tennis in it or you can call it ping pong. Can say I have room for 20 people to live in it. Now, I guess my master bedroom can sleep 5 people. Hahaha.. But I have that big rooms for twice in my life. It's nice cause I can even buy TV and the PA systems to make a small TV area for my self. Never done that but if I can, I think I'll do it. Hehehe...

So, I have clean up most of the house today. Vacuumed and the garage, toilet and shower room and the laundry room. Didn't clean the garden yet. Soooo many things to do by myself. You know what... I really feel great cause it's now clean. I didn't use the mop to clean it but I have used the towel tissues to clean the tiles. Imagine that my hand and the towel tissues. Ewww... no one really like to do that as it's a huge cleaning up. Yeh... it's dusty and I have to clean the edges. It's a hard work but then I just dun like it to have any dust right the edges. My dad is very sensitive with dust and dirt. Before he comes, I have to do another major clean-up. So, he can live in nicely and not to complain. Ohh well, this is my dad.. the cleanest guy in the house. My brother is not that bad but he learns to clean his place when it is HIS PLACE. At least, my mom is not that worried now. I myself in another side has been cleaning up my room all my life. I just don't like it to be messy.

Got one time when I was in secondary school, my mom asked me why students study is very messy and how come yours is so CLeannNN... eHHH, she complaint me! I just can't study when it is messy. Even I tried the best to make it messy, when I'm done, I'll clean up again before I go to sleep or go to uni. It's just my life is crazy with tidiness. This is the gene from my dad, heheh...

At last, my son got finally washed up since 2 weeks plus. His not that dirty but then I guess it's high-time for him to shower. Just that his coat is turning yellowish that is what my friends had said all this time when they saw him. Hehhe.. Now, he looks puffier cause I groomed him while blowing. It's easy and nice. I seriously have lots of things to clean up right at the back of the garden. Lots until need people to help me up. Anyway, I guess I'll be the only one doing it.

Lazy to keep on asking and then people will start doing. If people live in the same house, for my goodness' sake, automatically do it and not being asked so many times until you'll get your ass to clean the house. I'm not the mother, the sister or the girlfriend, of course, NOT THE MAID in the house as well. I rather get high pay for doing the cleaning outside for the company. At home, do every thing and got no pay.

Think of it, using the towel tissues to clean the toilet seat and how dirty that thing can be. More germs that any one wouldn't want to clean it. Yupe, 3 people in the house. Since I live here and I have been cleaning up that toilet seat just use the towel tissue clean it inch by inch 3 times. I clean stuff and I know how many times I clean it. Not that ain't a BITCH but then I just like to count things that are unnecessary. That's me.

So, I just seriously feels good even though I did it myself.. but to tell you all the truth. I will not like to live with people that I HAVE to ASK them to clean the house with me. Now, it's my time to clean myself. I'm just such a BITCH some times but it's true, never ever, cause ain't the MAID here.

...This is the T-shirt...

I need chocolate now!

This is the new T-shirt I bought at JayJays. When I say JayJay, it sounds like my son JJ. Hahhaa..

So fun...


This word has not been really in my mind for a long time. It's high time for me to think about it. Now, am in the final semester. I actually have a little bit of heart to think about this word. Not that much actually, it's still 30%. Any one in my mind, yupe! Any one that I want to be, not really! Ouch.. that might be a difficult situation for me. Cause I don't know what I really want.

I do believe in one thing though. When two people are really in love, it is always hard for them to be together. I really believe in this cause I have few situations that always ended up not being with him. Why it stops me from doing that? Or why it stops him from doing that as well?

I asked my brother and he said to me, "It is not wrong, as long as you know what you are doing." At least, my brother is happy as he lastly got a steady girlfriend. Cross my fingers seriously, fed-up with him changing girlfriends so many years. Hrmmm... no idea how long they have been together but I'll be going back to see her end of the year. Oh my goodness, she's one year younger than me. I don't want la... Since I have to call her sister-in-law, I prefer she to be older. Cause I like having a big sister taking care of me. No need to worry so much of housework. Hehehe.. Am just lazy bugger. Since it's my brother's house, why I have to clean his place when his not having holidays.

Hey, ain't I suppose to talk about myself.. How come ended up talking about my brother. This is not about his problem but it's about me. Hehehe.. Next, what I need to talk about? Let me think.

Lazy already. Don't want to talk about it. No use also. If it comes, it will come. If it doesn't come, it just won't come.

Come as it is and I will not know.Come as it is not and I will not know.Might as well just let it come or not to come.


I have two more assignments to go and I'm FREE but I still have worries for end of the year. Hope that my dad's operation will go well and my results. Hope that I can really finish this semester cause I don't want to let my daddy down. Paid so much for me... It's not a good excuse to fail any units. Seriously hope that every thing will be alright.

I'm actually not that busy as I assume. Just that I have things on my mind that I need asnwers. Well, I won't have the answers until end of the year. I just want to have the answers quick and now. I can't wait cause it really panics me until I couldn't concentrate on my studies. It really affects me badly but I'm trying to make myself calm and happy. Fake happiness is what I'm going through.

This year is seriously the worst year that I have live on till today. Eventually, I can commit suicide any time. I won't believe that there are no good things happening to me! I want to create temper every day but what is there a good use of it? I want to do silly stuff but is there a good use again? I want to do things that I haven't go through before but is there a good use? Is there any good use that I won't have to pay, cheat, do, think, and use..? Hello... dun say: "Go and DIE la..." I know that... but is there really one good thing that it really has in this world? Still thinking...? I'm still thinking as well.

What a sad thing when I am trying to isolate myself from lots of things that I have done before. I want to live in peace which I have not been doing years ago. Regrets? Yupe, I do have but did I learn from it? Yes, I did and I really appreciate it now. Cause I understand and I want to learn it to live a better life... I don't want to end up like I was before. Can I trust myself? There are no anwers from any one except myself.

What do you think the answer is going to be?

...Assignment, Assignment, Assignment...

Well, what a nice day outside and I'm in uni doing my assignment which I have to hand in tomorrow at 2pm. Eventually, I didn't even ask for extension since there are so many students didn't finish their work yet. So, I have to finish this and have a nice dinner with friends. Might go to watch Collateral, Yupe! Tom Cruise the bad boy, bad boy, bad boy....

Hope that it's cool or else I will be wasting money for it. Don't like to waste money for lousy freaking show. of course, then I won't recommend you all to watch it.

I was here in uni yesterday editing my assignment. Don't feel like coming today but then I have to do this assignment. I'm suppose to finish it off on Friday and have more fun on weekends. How the hell do I know, I eventually didn't finish until now. Hehehe.. After watching so many trailers, I'm going to change my mind of editing my assignment again. That's why don't waste time watching other people's work and you won't get stress out. I'm now having headache again cause I want to change my idea and it's already SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Just woke up not long ago and had my western lunch - bread with salads, eggs, and curry. I think so.... but it's good some times that I need to be vegetarian.

Hey, I'm wearing the T-Shirt of "I Need Chocolate, Now!" No worries, I got the digital camera with me. Got my friend to take the photo for me later when we are at the editing suite. I think I should take more photos before I go back... Hhehee.. don't know why, so you all can see what's happening around my crazy freaking idiotic days and nights.

Why am not doing assignment now and type some crapppy stuff in here. I'm waiting for the sound effects to transfer into my FireWire drive which is a portable hard disk drive. Freaking cost me a lot of money. AUD$246 fo 120GB. Not many people have this one and it's made of metal with metalic silver surrounding. It's coolllll... I like it so much until I really love to see it more often in my life. How cool is that??!!!

Saw a friend of mine and she is doing her Digital Imaging unit's assignment. It's a Photography major's unit which I didn't take it as I don't have any electives I can take anymore. I can't do double major as well. Cause am an Advanced Standing student. So, darn! Can't do any more units which I want to do. Oh well, life is like that when you want to do and you can't do it. But if you don't want to do it, it will surely be with you all the time 24/7. How extraordinary world and life that combines the ups and downs which kill people all the time and of course some times it happens to be a great fun of happiness.

Anyway, I better chao cause it's already finished. Might as well go to the editing suite and see whether it opens. It takes ages for a security guard to freaking open the door. Oopss.. I didn't book the suite anyway, but there are no people using it. Why not take the chances when we can. Don't waste the space when people need to do their assignments...? Right.......... Bye


Anyway, I have an assignment that I have to hand in tomorrow by 5pm which I have no idea whether I can manage that or not. I also forgotten that today is Thursday, I missed my 9am lecture and 11am tution class. Oh my goodness, what happen to me???

When I woke up around 1045am, I only realized that I have lecture and tution class which I am suppose to go. I ended up thinking that it was Wednesday which is yesterday. As I have Tuesday and Wednesday off except Wednesday at 5pm. So, I wrote an email to my Tutor to say sorry that I have forgotten today is Thursday. Am I crazy or what? I think I am. Since I have a group assignment that is suppose to hand it in way back - 3 weeks ago, but didn't manage to do it as one of the group members got sick until now. So, Tom decided to talk to her if she didn't turn up today in Tution class which I didn't go as well. I wrote to him to ask what will happen to the group assignment cause it's too way long time to hand it in. I told him I have too many assignments to deal with and major assignment which we ended up having problems. I knew it won't be good at all. Not happy as well.

I think on Tuesday it was 32 degrees and I had headache the whole day. Can't believe that I was having it until Wednesday afternoon and I missed the rough cut of the final project. Then, he wrote an email to three of us that were absent, to find a date to talk to him. I think he is damn pissed off with lots of students this semester. He is just that guy who always like that all the time. Don't worry he has kids and he thought he knows how to critise people's work a lot. Sometimes is good but sometimes it's way too MUCH for us as a student. He has so many years of experience but he should consider a little bit nice to us to say good things as well. Even though, we are not that creative in my group but don't say until like we are Hollywood directors, producers, editors, sound engineers, art directors, cinematographers, actors, or others more. Anyway, so shitty to talk about him all the time. I have been learning things from him for 3 semesters. He doesn't like me at all but hey, we pay for the knowledge and not biased like hell for we are asians. I hated when lecturers are like that.

Well, I do have good lecturers that really like me as I have crazy ideas which they know that I like to do things that are way out of extraordinary things. My friends said that I'm nuts as I do have better things to choose. I like the way that I like to explore new things and I don't like doing the same old things but not using sexual appearance in my short films. I don't like that overall even though it's a good piece of art to sell for international. I think I now understand what my creativity is - to explore new things and just do it. As there are no wrongs or rights of the way the short films should be. You should see how people can be crazy to do some short films that they understand and I don't really get it. But if you watch it seriously, you will understand the message easily. I watched a few good ones, it was great especially the one called URSULA.

This short film - URSULA is about a kid that has an abusive mother who corrects her by killing her pets. Once she wore a new skirt and she accidently riped it off from the tree branches as her mother was calling her to come into the house. She went to the house and the crazy mother asked her to bring her bird and killed it right in front of her as things that are ruined cannot be mend. The second time she dirtied her new clothing and the maniac mother killed her new pet - Frog name URSULA. The little girl got crazy and the pet bird was flying on top of her to take the knife and killed her abusive mother. After that, she went wacko to a corner and said that "girl who is naughty should be punish". How this wacko short film can introduce to the world by giving out the message to all abusive parents. I like how they used the colors to make the short film more interesting. Hehhe..

I don't know whether you all will read my crazy journal. It's just things that are crazy happening to me in Melbourne. So boring now! I think I'll go do some thing else. Chao...

...Hi, People...

It has been a long time I didn't catch up with all of you. I was just busy with lotz of things, for example, ASSGIMENTS! again. Well, I have another one to hand in this Friday but haven't done much. Lazy to do but then no worries.. I'll do it. I don't want to have any extension already. Get it done and I only left 2 more to go. Can't believe this is my final semester as it's fast and final.

It's very hot today.. around 30 degrees. Tomorrow is even worst - 32 degrees. After that, it's going to be usual cold. Can't believe that I'm ging for the 3 days Summer season. Anyway, I'm just waiting for my friend to pick me up from my house to go fetch a friend from the airport. This friend of mine went to Sydney to have family gathering cz the sister is there and most of the families arer there actually. Went for 4 days and coming back today cz he has to work. Hahaha..

What else? Life has been ups and downs for most of the people that I know. Either they are having partners or breaking up??!! Can't believe that this time of season is so hard to catch up with love ones. People take my advice: Be happy and go lucky. Don't worry too much. Your goals are more important and if your relationship is one of the goals you want to achieve... Do it! Don't make it a hassle for your life now. No one can help you unless YOU MAKE IT or YOU DO IT.

Just remember your parents are more important still. Anyway, that's what I have been telling people.

Anyway, I have been good. Just busy and isolating myself in another way. Don't want to bother about people at all but myself. I don't appreciate love relationship at this moment. I don't really care whether I have any one to love or any one loves me. I just want to stick to my own life and go thru with it strongly. I want to finish off my Degree and going for my Masters. I'm seriously waiting for that.

I have to go now. Friend is here. Byeeeeeeee

...Fine Day...

Well, I have to wake up early in the morning to do the editing for the final project. Can't believe that I skipped lotz of days to avoid the craziness of it. I was having on and off gastric as usual not eating in proper order and chillis / curry. Hahaha.. Have been to Rich Maha for the pass few days and saw friends there as well. That's the meet up place for most of the Deakin Uni students. Cz we are near to that Indian restaurant. The owner is from Malacca and no worries, they know malay language.

We ended up at 4pm in uni today which is Saturday. Brought my son to park and have a long walk since the last summer. Cz winter too cold, I don't dare to go out. Of course, I didn't go to class most of my time. I wonder how is my attendance. Tomorrow going to uni at1pm but then I now only recall that I have to send Julia's bro to airport with her. Oh gosh! Am now sms'g my group member to make it earlier at 10am. I have to wake up early in the morning AGAIN! It's SUNDAY...

Anyway, my son was having fun jumping, running, walking, sniffing, playing and watering around the park. Long walk for him and I think he really enjoys it a lot. Last Sunday brought him to the Warrigal Beach, he is like a sheep jumping on a fence. Oh yah.. there was a 'Sheep Dog' on the park today and guess what? What? The Sheep Dog thoughts that my son is a sheep and that dog ended up controlling his walk around the park. My son is white and fluffy, you can't blame the Sheep Dog. Hahaha... What a crack-a-doo! I think I should get a sheep dog so that I don't have to chase after my son all around the park. It's so tiring since I didn't have a good long walk like today.

Ok..what else? Me going back end of the year. Going to do more shopping and come back to Melbourne to wear. I think I'll get more shoes and denims. I'll get things for my son when am back home. Will get more lingeries, food, and so on. I'll get more denim short skirt from here and tops. I have a T-shirt that says: "I want chocolate now". Cool eh? I think I should wear it and take a picture to let you all see it. I like that T-shirt though but haven't wear yet. Heheh..

I better go.. Need to pee pee... In need of that. Chao now.

...I won for DUSA post...

For those of the Deakin International Students that have voted for my ticket (group) and me. I seriously would like to say THANK YOU ALL for it. We have won for the DUSA Elections 2005.

Good news to tell you all. Old committees are not really that great this time as some of them have lost. New one are getting ready to work for you all. Believe me, if anything goes right. We have at least more than 10 International Students working in Student Council and Melbourne Campus. I'm based in Melbourne Campus, of course I'll be saying Melbourne Campus.

I don't think we have bad news at the moment in the DUSA Elections 2005. Just that you won't believe that people can backstab you in this election. Really becareful people who are against you! CONFIRMED.

Okie... seriously. If you have any queries, please drop me a line or more at THANK YOU once again.

...Vanity Fair...

First of all, I don't know that it's a true story and second of all, I don't know there's a book about Vanity Fair (If am not mistaken).

But it was a superb cool movie. Compare to Moulin Rouge - I like this one a lil' bit more. Hehehe.. I guess the way of the filming angle of it that really attracts me alot. Especially the eye of Reese Witherspoon that really fires the whole audience.

Not only that I can praise but the perfectness of sentences that written in this movie that got every one to appreciate it if you understand the conversation. The exciting love, flirt / court, argument and so on sentences that really moves the audience's heart with it. The encouragement and friendship that makes every one notice how important it can be. The enemy that ruins every life that comes in their way of getting in to the life of higher class. The most important about MONEY that can destroy people's life and gather them as well in peace. Made a good piece of movie actually.

Ok.. I don't want to say all the things now. Cz that's lots of things that I can really appreciate this piece of art work.

Hey, it's recommended from me. You will surely enjoy it lotz.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

...Sad / Happy Day?...

You know? Life can be sad and life can be happy..

What's mine? Both in the same day, I guess..

Today is the Mooncake festival and of course we have dinner in my friend's house. Which we kind of call his (James) house as the "Gathering House". It is cool as we have gethering on and off each semester. This is a convenient place to hang out. James and his wife bought the house not long and it's kind of cosy. We are suppose to have BBQ outside of his house, guess what? It rains and we have to eat in which we have a Tawainese student to cook for us. Hehhe.. James has a pool but then I'm going back end of the year. Can't go for a swim in his house at all. Well, it's spring.. I might find a day to see whether the water is clean to swim or not. Don't want to swim with the ducks. Ok.. That's a happy half day!

Before the dinner, I got a call from my landlady saying that his husband (Landlord of mine) passed away recently. The course of the death, no idea which she is waiting for the report to come out. Of course, she is going to be alone with her last daughter that lives with her. My house has to sell it off and I have to find another damn house in 4th time of 2 years in a role. Can't believe I can be so crazy moving house before I go home this year. Can't settle properly... Oh! My hope is to get my Permanent Residence confirmed and I'll buy a house over here. You know? I don't feel like going home at all but for my family over there in Malaysia. I actually want to stay put here another year and go back next year but I have an emergency call. Just have to go back soon when I'm done with my studies here. Hope that I won't fail which is my final semester. Don't want to study this anymore, I want to start my Postgraduate (Masters) to study Public Relations. This is for my parents' sake as they want me to study some thing that is more professional. I think I have to go back Malaysia and to get some books to study before I actually start. I don't like theory but for my parents' sake... Why Not? Ok.. that is a bad thing.

Overall, what do you think? Am I having a sad or happy day?

...Filmming in Process...

This is the first day of filmming in process for the ACC313 Film & Video Collaboration for the final year students. Of course, I'm in my final semester, so I have to do more pratical assignment than theory assignment. You know what? I can't believe that I have to do my theory assignment for my last semester. I'm so really stress out for this last semester.

But then, I seriously I like this last semester as I have to do more things to do. Anyway, people said that I have already won for the position in the DUSA Elections 2005 as the Campus International Representative. The campaign goes on for two weeks. I can't believe that this year is so long. Hopefully for next year that is going only back to one week. At least, people can have the chance to concentrate on the assignments and study. My goodness, two weeks are killing people. I can't believe that they are keeping people doing that.

Ok.. I'm suppose to talk about the filmming tonight which is the first night. We kind of not on schedule as this is the first night. We just have the Dominoes... I MISS my Big Daddy's pizza. They sold the business to Dominoes.. I don't like the pizza. It's not as crispy and hot and absolutely gooodddddddddd.... Okok.. Sorry!

Filmming... We are in the second scene now. Doing the typing sound and us being the extras. We are having fun now as it's not so confusing as it is when we are in the library. Can't believe that the director wants to do every one's job. When we are not doing the things, he ordered people to do without saying: PLEASE! I can't believe that it is so hard for some people to say PLEASEEEEEEE!

Ok... if you want to be a director. Please say PLEASE and THANK YOU which is CUT. It's rude to say cut when you are in real media business or what so ever. When you are in uni stage, you have to say thank you as CUT because the casts are unpaid. People can get offended fast espcially ME... I'm sorry that I am like that but my father thought me manners and manners stay in the good world. Bad world sucks like hell and speak craziness.

Be happy and get going. We are going for wide shot in the computer lab. Can't believe that we are doing everything for the next few nights. We have to come in on saturday to do filmming again. I can't believe it but then we are doing editing next week for four days.

I can't have time for my little son. Hope that he is doing fine at home with my housemates - hopefully. But he tends to be alone and sad. He is seriously not going to be like that when I am not with him at home. He has to learn that he can't always go out with me. Anyway, I have to go back Malaysia next year end as I need to renew my passport. I don't feel like putting him here alone with my friends. Maybe I'll go back for two months and come back home as soon as possible to see him. He is going to be angry with me and starting to bite and scratch me all over the face, hands and abusing me. This is how he tends to get out of his temper to me. Well, I let him do that because it's his right to do that when I can't bring him out. I always wanted to bring him out but he can't go to class with me.

We are done for tonight. See ya tomorrow if we are in the computer lab. Chao first..

...Day Light?...

Is it day or night at this time of mine?

I am here sitting down on my comfortable chair with a huge Ikea study table. Cannot say that I'm not comfy but I am satisfied with the whole lotz of things that I have right here.

Doing my research for my assignment while playing games at the same time. A huge window just right beside me, I felt that it is day light, some time near sun rise moment. I can feel and see that the sun is coming out. I can also see the shape of the leaves clearer and clearer each seconds when the clock ticks. I can feel the air is cold and fresh in the early morning.

Is it just a feeling that I have or is it real?

...Yo, people...

Anyway, it has been weeks I didn't blog here. Miss me or not?

I didn't go to uni and do my campaign. Personally, I don't think I have any votes today unless I have friends that voted me online in uni. For those of you haven't yet, please go to and vote. Yah.. my team members called me and I didn't pick up the mobile at all. It's so irritating until I can throw the mobile in the bin. I just want to have a day off and not do any thing at all. Well, I need to do my assignment which I have to hand it in on Monday by 5pm. I have another assignment which is group on the coming next Friday. I have to do major filming for the major project (ACC313) next week. I have to do more campaign as well. What a darn life I have here now. Every thing is due next week. I can't believe it at all. So, I have to deal with it after all since it's already settled.

Life is a bunch of torns and horns. Hehehe.. WHat's that? Have no idea just thought of it when I just blog here. Moon Cake festival is here and I'm going to have a BBQ party at my friend's house. Yehh... Of course, it's our own expenses. So many people going to have dinner there. Hopeufully it's not that cold at night. Or else I'll stay at home most of my time.

I started my essay a little bit for the intro and going to my friend's house to celebrate her bro's birthday. I don't think I'm going to bring the camera as I'm going there for awhile. Have to come back home early to do my assignment. Then, going to uni tomorrow by 1pm to get more reference books. Hope that I have the time to do and then I can hand in my assignment on Monday b4 5pm. Cz we have to do ACC313 filming at night.

Oh my goodness, what a freaking day and night. I don't think I have the chance to eat any thing at all. Maybe I'll ask some one to get food for me. Hahaha.. For the past 4 days, I didn't have proper lunch at all. Can say that I didn't eat on Tuedays until 12.30am. Believe me that I don't have the time to eat or buy any thing to eat. Every day have to do campaigning. What a life...?

Good thing I went to watch the Princess Diary 2: Royal Engagement and it was the first day of screening. My friends can't wait for it to come out and then they asked me to go as well. Since I need the darn break, why not go for it as I want to watch as well. I don't have to drive, so I can have a break or rest from the day stress that I have.

I saw my ex-classmate (he) and I asked him what movie you watched. Believe me: he told me that he watched Princess Diary 2. I was so shocked and I said alone, you wathing that? He then told me that he was with the girlfriend. Then, I was having a pitiness in my heart for him. I can't believe that he has to watch that movie with the girlfriend whom I know he is not that type of guy will watch girls movie. Anyway, I think guy shouldn't go with the girlfriend and watch girls movie. Girls should have girls night out. I went with a bunch of girls, so.. it's ok for me. Well guys, please if you don't want to watch. Don't force yourself even though it's your girlfriend. I wouldn't let my boyfriend do that if he doens't want to - unwillingly. If I have a boyfriend, ok.. No time for that. I have a son to take care and his a real trouble maker for me already.

Having headache with him every day as his not happy with his fur. Look at the pics that is in the photos album. How skinny is he? That's why his not happy with his masculine shape. Hahha.. I really LOVE him a lot. So cute and naughty. You just can't believe him. His very attach to people especially me and very friendly bastard. VeRy friendly some times....

I better chao to my friend's house. See what are they up to. Byee...

...I wonder...

I wonder whether I wrote any thing yesterday. I think I have but I can't remember any thing at all. Funny how my mind did not work for the last two days and I ended being a blur case person. Anyway, waiting for class to come and hope that I will have fun in it.

Have a theory assignment 2 that I need to worry about as I havev't got a group yet as it's going to be due on 24th Sept 2004. Yupe, three more weeks to go or two weeks to go. I don't even know what week am I in at the moment. I know I have to come to uni until early Nov. Then we have a major screening to do on the 14th Sept 2004 for our final year major project in the Astor Theatre which is one of the Melbourne's old theatre/cinema. Of course, it's not a free entrance and I have no idea whether we need to pay for that or not since it's our project. We will be having after party and I have no idea whether am going for that or not. So boring and lazy to go and chit chat with people since it's going to be the end of the uni life with them.

Am going to study Masters that's for sure but then I'm majoring PR next year. Hope that I can survive myself in the exams. Can't believe that I'll ended up with the theory again....! Major headache for me.

It's funny today as I came in to the DUSA office to ask for something. Every staff was there at the counter and one of the guy asked whether am I Miss Tan? I was shocked as how does he knows me.. Anyway, he told me that he read the policy statements of the students going for elections. Then, I got happy with it at least there are people coming to DUSA and read the policy statements of every students. Good on them.. which is a good way to promote every one as well. hahaa..

Vote for me ya.. I'm going in for the Campus International Rep (Burwood Campus)....---- Tell your friends who is Deakin International Students. I better chao and ready for class. I'm in the DUSA office using the computer as there is no one here. Peacefullllllllllllll

...what a good day...

I can't believe that I have a good rest last 2 nights after the Multicultural Day & Night event. It was so damn tiring until I don't feel like going to uni at all last 2 days. Which I don't have class until today at 5pm. Hrmm.. thinking of not going again but just sign my name. Basically, I have to get the name sign as I have been skipping class for so many times and I seriously need that 5% out of 100. Well, me not good in theory. That's why I have to been serious with it. Bad timing for the last semester here to study theory. Most of the friends that I know.. they are doing 2 theories in one semester. That's crazy.. how they survive. I can't do it. I'll get crazy and stress soon right at the end of the semester. I have already got crazy as it's my last semester. Hope that I'll manage to pass it and finish my undergrad and go for my postgrad. How time consuming that I'm going to deal with this thing.

Anyway, what happen at the Multicultural Day..? I was not there. I have no idea what happen. But I have the tapes with me.. I'll know what happen when I edit it. Why wasn't I there...? Last minute have to go to Geelong campus to get the flags to our campus. Yeh yeh.. 3 hours drive which took me 4 hours as I was playing with the cruise. Hahaha.. Cruise means that I don't have to step on gas pedal which will drive itself. Of course I have to take care of the wheel still. But then I can have my 2 legs rest all the way. If there's car around before me, I have to switch it off. It was the uni car, that's why I got to play around it. Eventually, it came out that we used until 253 km (I think so). So, happy as this is the first time that most of it I drove until so much all by myself. Of course my friend used it for there and here around our campus area. But I was the one who used it all the time. Hahaha.. Long distance is fun but then it was quite warm that day. Made me want to sleep all the way as I was ALONE in the car. Hahaha. Crazy..

Not any one can use the Deakin Car as it must be a registered driver list in Deakin. I was one of them as I was working for them in one week to do accommodation hunting. So, my name is in the list. Good yah.. It was very weird that every one was looking at you. I feel so - I don't know what is happening. I told my friend and he said that I am one of the VIP. As I got to use the Deakin Car and not many people can use the car. Now, I only understand why. Basically, you can say that not many chinese female got to use the Deakin Uni but you can see the chinese males did use the car. But most of them are ABCs. If you say international students, it will be damn cool to use the car. In a way, they are jealous is what I perceived. Anyway, I'm glad that I have the opportunity to use it as I can save my petrol. hahaha..

The Multicultural Night was not on time as we lack of audience, but when the time was getting late, you can see lotz of people coming in one by one. Obviously, we still have more indians and sri lankans people supporting us all these times. We have lotz of different countries representing. I was one of them as there are not Malaysians want to join in. I was the back-up all the time as I like being the back-up person. I'm happy with it as I got to do what I know what I can do. Hahaha.. No need to have so much pressure to be a leader. What I did? I was just singing - Aku Tak Biasa (Indonedian Song). Wonder why... my friend's bro asked me to sing that song as our malaysian song is not so nice. He recommended me that one.. It did not went well at first as I screwed up the beginning part but I was good at the chorus. I guessed I'm just happening with the chorus part. As it still rings in my mind until now. We have belly dancer coming in as the last performance, you can just image how the people reacts in it. As you can nearly see every thing from the girl. She's pretty with hot body and the guy who was playing the drum was fantastice and he hot as well. What a good combination and partner to be with. Hahaha..

I guess that's it.. at the moment. Just lazy want to write so long. I'll have to get back to the chinese story book. Have to give it back soon. Or else I'll have to pay more. Of course, I need to do my assignment today as well for tomorrow. Hahaha.. Good on me.. Anyway, happy assignmenting and examining.. Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

...MCC day.. (Blur Day)

What the hack... I'm fine over here. Haven't die yet. Sorry for not writting any crapz here for freaking few days. Me busy with the Multicultural Day & Night event and the DUSA Elections 2005. Hopefully me will win for my position. I'm getting lotz of fun over here. Pissing a particular person off every now and then. My friends said that I'm quite naugghty to her.. but then what to do. She is just a person that every one is hating her. I know I'm a bit off these days, sorry for her anyway.

Well, just came back from dinner and movie and friend's house. We are celebrating his birthday. Got to know 'Daddy' last 2/3 weeks and this is the 2nd day that I saw him. His a nice friend and we can get along very well. Excuse me, not that kind of love relationship.. as a friend or brother. It's nice to be single sometimes.. No worries at all. Have to much to deal in my life when I'm doing so many things in every semester. Won't be going back to M'sia soon. Since I'll be damn busy with so many things and will continue my Masters here.

Seems that LimKokWing University of Creative Technology has funny subjects that doesn't concern what I'm suppose to focus on. Now, I only understand that what I studied in LICT/LUCT was a waste of time in 2 years. I should come here straight and can do double major - taking photography and film making. Anyway, me happy here as I got to study what I wanted. Good for me... I'm sorry that I what said about LICT/LUCT. But it's the truth from my heart... people.. Don't get angry at me. Be happy what you want to study... Media Law is good some how or rather. But then I think that should be in the Honours or Masters stage. It's seriously a big deal of subject to study in Degree stage. At least, you learn it rather than not learning it at all.

Got a new 3rd generation mobile - LG U8120. Hopefully I will stop changing mobile next year. Hahaha... I'm crazy about mobile now. Since I have people that I know can intro me new mobiles. Why not... Just I have to pay the bills. Have no idea about my 3G no. yet but I asked my friend to get me a good no. that's easy for me to remember which I don't cal myself all the time - 24/7.

Have to go.. Can't believe the time. Lotz of things to do when I wake up. So eerrrriiiieeeee... I need a damn long break.. Should go to Geelong.. Any one want to come with my son and I in the summer break?

...Fetching day...

Know what..??

I have an idea of not going for the lecture on Thursday at 9am. Before it ends at 10am, I will go in and sign my name and go off. Which I won't learn much if I don't go at all. At least I have my name there every time when have the lecture. Funny thing is that, I was lining up to sign my name and my tutor - Tom Considine saw me and say hi. I was so astonished as I didn't see him at all. Shocked and greeted him but he didn't know that I didn't attend the lecture at all.

Anyway, got to go... me going to die soon. Chao... Write to you all soon...

...Joking Day...

In uni, waiting for the time to pass till 6pm. I think I'm just sitting next to 2 Malaysians Male. Guess what... for 1 and half years I didn't go back to Malaysia. I have no idea what the hell is going on in Malaysia at all.

Can I say something funny... I feel very panic just hear their conversation. So malaysian or singaporean english language. I'm panic'g. Am not joking. Just that I'm not use to it. I do hang out with Malaysians but not as pure as the guys that are sitting beside me. Oh my goodness.... I think I better stop here. Or else you all will scold me that I'm biased... am not biased, am just not use to the home english language. I wonder how am I going to survive in Malaysia.

If you damn have idea, motivate my mind.... I BEG YOU to HELP me..

...Happy or Sad...

I met up with a classmate of mine from last semester in the Dance Video subject. She's funny with the mind of a kiddo ballerina. I wonder is it all ballerinas are like that when they grow up? Anyway, she chat with me and she thought that I forgotten about her as I was trying to pull my brain together to tell her something important. I ended up telling her bits and pieces from my crazy english language but she understands what I wanted to say. At least, this kiddo ballerina mind is not so bad to hang out with.

Before the conversation starts, she asked me whether I know about her happy news. I was blur blur cz I didn't see her for a long time after the Dance Video subject. Then, she told me that she's ENGAGED in the mid-year holiday. Guess what! I saw the small diamond ring which is a proposal ring. I just looked at the ring, didn't touch her hand at all. I guess she will be quite sad as I was so stuined without words.

Not that am not happy to hear the news but I just lost one the co-worker over the weekend. Michelle's case is still in mind until now. Am alright but then loosing a person is a deep depression for me. Even though, I don't really know her but it's a life that God has given. I don't know what to say and I asked my classmate how did it happen to continue my little stuined look. Don't want to disappoint her at all.

Now, I wonder why people can get so sad when loosing a soul. Why people can get so happy when they get marry. I wonder why am I thinking of these questions... Just know that I can't be happy to hear happier news these days as Michelle's case is still in my mind. Better don't think of anything negatives which I don't want any thing to effect my study or volunteering work. Got ta go...

...boring time...

Just finished up the OSHC forum. Guess what, I have been with them until 2.30pm as I brought them to the Multicultural Day & Night meeting with me to talk to the International Representatives. Not bad, ay? Introduce them some important people in Deakin University.
I have to help them up with the Adelaide base. Which I have less friends over there but then I have relatives who are working and deals with International Students. Why now? I have the access to it. Hahaa.

So, 10 mins away from Lecture. I just have to walk for less than 3 mins to the building right next to this building B where am now sitting here typing this crap. So boring, didn't get to for city today as it was damn late for me to meet up any office people before 5pm. My car broke down and have to catch a tram. Which takes me 45 mins to be in city and few mins away to the actual place I need to go. By the time, I arrive there. People will be leaving the office and head home.

Have to really get this done by tomorrow or else I'll die die not marks for my this assignment. Ok.. I'm getting bored to write this journal too. Don't think I'll write anything tonight since it's going to be another boring lecture. Hai... Why I have to take theory for my last semester. Can't enjoy it at all. I should drink milk, didn't drink it today. Feel dizzzy....

Can't understand what people talking as well. Tried to concentrate lotz. At least, I also don't know what I was talking but then I know I kept on repeating the same old things. Get to argue as well but have no idea what I was saying. Know what I have to do as I keep on straining my brain to understand what I have to do.

Ok... Better go now. Can't sign my attendance earlier. Then can chao home already. Byeeeeeeeee.....

...My Japanese Name...

Eventually, I didn't thought of using the Adriana Tan (in order) now especially in Japanese.

I guess I just have to skip the Adriana Tan in Jap Name and use the Tan Sia Lynn. As it sounds better than what you and I think.

Monkey crossing the bridge for three generations. This description must be kidding me!

I rather use the one with the beauty cause it will not spoil my chinese name. Guess I'll choose the same description as my chinese name.

...Jap Name in order: Adriana Tan...

My japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

...Jap Name in order: Tan Sia Lynn...

My japanese name is 秋本 Akimoto (autumn book) 恵美 Emi (blessed with beauty).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

...??? Olympiad game...

I was sitting on the sofa watching the Olympiad competition. It's random games on Channel 7, have to watch whatever to screen and the timing is always out. I wonder why they have the TV guidelines but at least they show the competitions according to what they wrote in the newspaper. Can't complaint about that too much.

Ok.. I was this game and it's 2nd half. Eventually, I have never watch this competition before. I was wondering what the hell is that game. Nothing came across my mind except volleyball, touch footy, or basketball. It's totally unlike 3 games that I have described.

This competition is Korean against Hungarians. It was cool at least I got to watch other competitors playing except Aussies all the time. Which Aussies now are in rank 4, not bad but then I can't believe that Japan & Korea are ahead of Aussie. I wonder why.. Maybe we didn't have enough Aussies to play in it.

So, it was a fun and exciting competition. It was darn cool to see the coaches from 2 teams are calm as an ice. Can't believe what sort of coaches are they but it really have a good image of being a coach role. Fascinated with the coaches and the game the players played.

It's just that it's like a indoor soccer goal and has a big half moon ring outside of the goal. The opponents will run to the other side of the competitor to throw the ball to the goali, of course you have the home players to guide their goal in a line according to the half moon ring. It was darn cool and I was there sitting wondering 'what the hell is that game?' Question marks keep on randomizing my mind with all sorts of colours. What I have to do is finish up this game and I'll know what it is call.

Tell you the truth, I sat until I know that the Hungarians won but then I missed out the commentator said what game is was. Well, which I have to search from the newspaper and guess what.

It's call ' HANDBALL '. Hrmm... it's men' handball. Now, I know but then I don't think many people play that game. It's fun watching that then the basketball. Maybe I'm bored with basketball as I watched NBA when I was in secondary school. You can said that after Michael Jordan went off, I don't watch it anymore. Even Michael Jackson was not popular at that time but child abuse or rape cases all over his ET face. Sorry for that, but it damn resembles him.

The commentator said that it was the darn first time they the Olympiad Judges asked the Hungarian coach to cool down the Hungarian fans or audience (what to call them). Cz it was so noisy until no one can stand the loudness of them. You can say it is a noise pollution in the gym. That reminds of me all the time. That's all I want to say, actually I want to type some thing like the commentator style but then I got too lazy after talking to my parents. Want to go sleep as I'm going for the Overseas Health Cover Forum. I was invited for the counselling forum which I don't use at all in Deakin University. Eventually, the counseller himself was excited to see me when I first introduced myself. Darn! No idea why am I so popular in this forum thing until people keep on finding me. Not like they will give me a certificate for attending at all but I guess they will provide lunch tomorrow. I know I have free lunch in the Couselling Forum. I can take the whole freaking plate if I have the ability to do it. I was told not to by my friend. Darn! Made me hungry after that as well.

Okok... Better go to sleep or else I can't concentrate what they are asking. I don't give much opinion though but then I know how to recommend other things. Hahaha... Recommendation is the popular word for me in Deakin University since I'm here for so long and have been working in and out of Deakin University. Why not.. Chaoo.....!

...Good weather...

I have not been writting any crap for the last 3 days. Just getting lazy each day. Haven't do my assignment which I have to hand it in by this Friday. Well, the tutor is alright with the 1st assessment as most of the students can't find the interviewees. So, he gave us reasonable dates to hand in. Oh gosh... I need to go down city and do my assignment or else my tutor might call the interviewee if I just crap it out. Not gonna do that as it's not very good since my tutor looking forward to see my assessment. I'm in a doom day soon.

Well, I have a nice sunny walk for the last 2 days and today as well. My son got to do major exercise running and walking around the park and streets as well. Now his sleeping since I didn't play with him as I'm writting the journal now. Trying to make him tired these days as he won't be so active at home. You know what.. that bugger can't get any rest at all. I think I will keep him awake and he'll leave me alone early in the morning for a good morning sleep. Hahaha... Just lazy to get up early in the morning. Since it's going to be spring and summer. I don't think I can sleep more than usual in winter. So long and farewell, dear winter. I'm looking forward to meet you next year.

So, how have you guys and gals been doing? Either you get to play all night long or you are busy with assignments or you might be busy working until you need to bang your head to the wall next to you now. For me, election is coming up and I have prepare most of my stuff. Done the poster design which is easy to identify. Since DUSA is going to give free 100 copies of B&W A4 size for me. Why not use this thing and I didn't use it last year as I was just plain lazy to design and no good photo as well.

Nothing much happening these days since the funeral. All is going as plain as grass. No flowering and birds chirping in Deakin university or in my life at the moment. Hrmm... might as well find some place to go especially to Dandenong. Need to go there soon or else some of my friends are going off or to continur their postgraduate in another university. Sad..... me miss them.

Havent' touch any books to do some readings. Just lazy to read. I remember last semester, I didn't do much readings. How did I survive and pass all the 4 units. No idea is what I know. Try to get higher marks for my practical and get pass for the theories. I dislike doing theories. I don't understand how to enjoy theories. I don't even do readings for studies.. And yet I still survive. Incrediblemo..!

Oh well, Olympiad is doing well each other. After the swimming contests, I don't really watch much of it. Nothing is interesting actually, most of the competitions that I like are when I'm asleep. Then, I don't wake up early in the morning to watch the highlight since I have things to do in the afternoon. I sleep most of the nights till late morning. Hey.. I get to sleep early last night at 2am. Hahaha. Better than I don't get a good sleep at all for the past few nights.

I remembered one of my friend, Julia invited me to go to her house and watch movie since I can't sleep. But then I seriously lazy to go even though she drive me to her house which is only 2 streets away from my home. HHhaaaa.. This is seriously call LAZY AD. Really 'THANK YOU' very much, Julia. Next time..

Oh yah, I went to your home just now. No one is in as I knocked the door once. Your car is not there and I just went back home after a long walk with my son. Auntie, you are sick, ok? Don't keep on going out especially at night. It's cold at night, wear warmer at night. Always so sexy and fashion, see also can't stand it. Hhahaa... Just joking! Anyway, will see ya when I have time. Just that save money don't want to call you. Ask you change to Optus you don't want, Ching Ching also can't talk to you long since yours are Orange. So expensive to call you...

Ok, better chao. Me hungry. Hrmm.. I think I should go shower, since I have a long walk. I didn't sweat but then feel so pathetic dry in me. Hehehe... Maybe cz of the dry air today. Have fun with your work and assignments, MATE!

...Crazy after Midnight...

You can surely online after 12 midnight alone. Even the huge rectangular size of window is beside you accompanied by your beloved shadow. The lights that focus you from top view just like heaven's light attending to you. Housemates are asleep and the house is full of silence around you. Outside is dark and you can't see any creature moving around. You can just rely on your ears to listen every sound that comes across.


Never ever watch any ghost movie by your self after 2am as your bedroom is far away from the living room. You have to pull your legs and crawl into the dark pathway that leads to your bedroom which is dark and silence. You will not know what is going to be right in front of you in the midst of darkness. You will not notice any thing that moves. When it squels, you are afraid as you can't see the thing. What can you do?

Call your friends if there are not asleep. Talk to them and forget what you have seen which most of the friends will want to know what movie you have watch. Do describe to them as it makes you feel even better. Friends will sometimes tend to talk ghostly stories to you as you are afraid.... (*I wonder what kind of friend is that?*)

If you don't want to talk to the person you have first called, talk to another one that you know will lead you into happiness instead of scaring you. That's call a FRIEND! Really appreciate that Penang Turtle..!

Wait until you can see a lil' light shining through your windows. High time to sleep, fellows. As it's already day time and your night mares are gone by then...

...A tribute to our Michelle - Peer Support Leader...

Our new Peer Support Leader, Michelle (Lai Na MO) was a really outstanding and hard-working volunteer to the Orientation Peer Support Program in Semester 2, 2004.

Michelle passed away on the weekend which was a stormy day with rain and wind. She collapsed on the way home near Mt Waverley which is the area that she lives.

She lightened all of the Peer Support Leaders' heart with her great smile and her jokes. Even though, some of us didn't really know her well but she is a great person to be with all the time.

She was born in Shanghai, China on 24th January, 1983. Later on, she and her family moved and lived in Hong Kong since September, 1984. Well, she really speaks very well of cantonese dialect. She can also speak mandarin dialect. Her English language also not bad.

She joined Deakin University in 2002 for her tertiary studies in the Faculty of Business and Law. She joined the Orientation Peer Support Program to help the new International Students just like herself. Michelle has beey a very diligent, responsible and generous to help people and her co-workers. She is a sun in our team and this is whom we will remember her always in our hearts and the house of Deakin International.

* Michelle, we will remember you always and you will surely live in our hearts. Nice knowing you and may you rest in peace.*


The above title is Deakin University English Language Institute for International/Exchange students that can't get into the Undergraduate / Postgraduate courses. So, they are stuck there for at least 5 weeks to get into IELTS.

I was there with 2 more friends to promote the Multicultural Night 2004 (DUSA). As we need performers, they can help us up with the Fashion show in day time if they don't want to dance / sing. It's a good thing to see different traditional clothings from different countries.

Basically, I have lecture at 9am. Guess what? I manages to go in and sign my attendance sheet. Hahaha.. I thought at least I have 5 more mins to listen what the guest speaker talk about. Eventually, I was late but happy that I signed my name. I have been missing lectures for 3 classes now. Hrm.. not a good deal.

Missed the tuturial last week. Did go for the tut today. Interesting though, as I still can have more time to deal with my 1st assignment that's due next Friday. Of course, I still have to do it and have to do it fast. Eventually, I was just blaring the people that I want to interview and it was not successful. I asked my tutor (Tom Considine) whether I can do the one with the new building at the Queen Victoria area. He said go ahead, can't wait to know about that building's story. Now, am in deap shit for doing a good assignment.

Can't believe that I asked to do the QV new buildings. Well, whatever that can let me pass this crazy theory subject. I don't want to fail my last semester and that's the main point. HAhaa.

Nothing much.. Just tired.. Can't sleep until 3.30am. Now, we have a new plan for the DUSA Elections 2005. We have another friend coming in. Hahaha.. Me so happy.. As long as I can work with her, I'm happy with it. Whoever I know I can work with, I don't mind my friends are on top of me. At least, I can rely on them most of the them. They are now my best buds in DUSA. I love it now..! I chao first. Really tired.

...DUSA Election 2005...

Let's talk about Election stuff this time. My day story is just boring... OK... Deakin University is under going a major deal of nominations opening for the Deakin University Student Association election 2005 (

Guess what. I ended up have to nominate myself in two positions. There are: (1) Student Council - International Rep and (2) Burwood Campus - Campus International Rep. Which one of my friend asked me to join as well. Just in case either he or I can't get in to the Student Council position.

Here goes, I must get my policy statement done for both or just one. Since I'll be going for different positions, I'll have different goals. Anyway, Deakin University International Students, Are you interested of having a 'International Room'?

Do you know that Waurnponds campus has 'International Room'? and it's going very well. So colouful is what I can say.

Want to get the IT Lab into 24 hours for those of you studying MIT or BIT?

You want it, you got it, if I win any of the positions for 2005.

So yah.. Don't worry. I have been volunteering for Deakin International for 3 semesters in First Link Leader & Peer Support Leader. I ended up having 4 certificates in 3 semesters. Basically, if I'm in 3 semesters, how come I got 4 certificates. Think of it, I got offer two positions to work for in Deakin International in one semester time. No one has done that amazing and tiring two different job in one semester. But I did it.. and I'm the only one in, let say, Deakin International history.

Volunteered myself for Multicultural night in decoration area in semester 2, 2003. Which was fun and I sang there as well. Hey.. I did sing ok... People wanted more performances. So, I volunteered myself.

For this Multicultural night, semester 2, 2004, my friend - Thao ( and I are in charge of the Performance area. If you can perform or willing to perform for the Deakin University - Multicultural night semester 2, 2004, please email me - or call me if it's emergency last minute - 0411324966. This event is going to be on the (Burwood Campus) 6th September 2004 (Monday) , 5pm - 8pm in Building H4, Lower Level (Cafetaria). No car to help in Performance area, I can get some one to pick you up. Who says I can't use the Deakin Uni car.

Ok.. next. I did helped up in the Student Support Housing for DUSA a week (Semester 2, 2004) as a driver. Driving new International/Exchange students to find accommodation. It's kind of cool, I really like the darn job for 20 hours a week. Damn that they just want only a week. I miss meeting up with new people that time.

A founder and was a President (2003 - 2004) for Deakin International Students' Network (DUSA). Am the Vice-President and am happy with my positions, still I have to take care of the club on and off. Now, I stepped down due to the DUSA Election 2005 which I have to concentrate more. We are getting lotz of International/Exchange students to join us. If you want more info, email me -

What else - Heard of the Southern University Games 2004. Guess what, I volunteered myself in the media department and I got to chat with Ballarat University students. They are cool people, did got them to persuade me to live in Geelong for one night and go party. Can't believe that I was there and met a few Ballarat University volunteers and soccer players. Most of the people that I know are in Soccer area. Hahaha.. Yupe, ended up with the soccer gang.

Join the Malaysian Association Student Council of Australia (Victoria), am the accommodation officer waiting for the other states coming down for the national games. Can't wait to know new people especially from Malaysia. Anyway, sorry that I can't attend the Malaysian Ball this coming Friday (20th August 2004), I'm so stuck with so many things. So sorry Jack (the president of MASCA), at least, aaron is there to back me up. I have full support for you in the National Games. OK? You can count on me to work at that time. No worries - 24 hours on call.

Still got lotz more of volunteer events that I'll join. Heard of AFS? HhaaThat's for the Victoria major volunteer association. I'll type the URL next time, I don't know where I put it at the moment.

Ok.. I need to go shower. Got 9am class tomorrow and have to go stress myself with friends to search for performances. Till then... Deakin University International students, vote for me yah.. Don't forget you know. I need you to build a better International Students' lifestyle in Deakin University. It's you that you are to be comfortable in your stay here. Chao.. don't get stress studying all the time. Do some volunteer stuff as long as you pass all. Tell you one thing, I have never fail in my units for last 3 semesters even though I have done many volunteer work. I love it and my goal is to score all units to get me through a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts certificate end of this year, 2004. Yah... Anything you want me to help, don't hesitate to email me and call me.. I'll do my best to get you things that you are not satisfied with Deakin University if I didn't get both of the positions. I know people around Deakin University. That's the main point. K?

In the picture is me (ADrianaTan), Thao & Ai-Li (DISNet secretary). We are the loyal 3 semesters' Peer support leaders for Deakin International.

...crappy day...

I am so damn tired until I didn't write anything for the last few days. Today is the worst day as I'm seriously tired le. No kidding.. good thing I don't have boyfriend here, or else I'll die. Have to take care of him, my son, my house, uni election, club, assignments, people, life, food, job (if I have), car, and other crazy stuff that you can thing of.

Anyway, can't believe that one of our group member didn't turn up for the meeting. He was the person who asked me when I have time to do group meeting. I said today I can do group meeting. What happen? Every one is not happy with him. One of the Aussie guy that was working with him last semester said that he is the best person that he has never work with. Now, ended up that every one is screwing him especially me. What can you say? You know, I'll damn screw you hard if you do stupid stuff to me.. Don't play play... Singapore is the best to eat people up now. Hahaha.. OKok.. Singapore is really good place to hang out cz got PCK. Eh.. they said got new version le. I MISSED PCK show.

So, let me bla bla bla my thing first. Then I talk more rubbish.. Don't I always talk rubbish and ended up I have no idea what the hack am I talking. Nevermind, as long as no one understand it.. Hahahhaa..

Ok. we have the meeting with the remaining member and we have no idea what to do as well. We got so many darn Qs to ask the lecturer. None of them are in the office. Weird when all are gone which is after lunch time. See how much they got paid and how long they stay in uni. That's so amazing..

Well, got a phone call from my parents who are at the new house in KL. Where's that.. near the Kelana Putera & Puteri area. What's the house add? No Idea.. ahaha.. Anyway, am not going back for summer. What to do? Find a job lo. What can I say? Earn summer money and don't know what can I spend in it. Hahaha..

Where was I? OH yah.... Skipped my lecture at 5pm as I was doing my editing for the Personal Statement (Digital Filmmaking) which I have to hand it up tomorrow. Hahaha.. Good thing at least I finished day earlier. Have never done that before in my life since I start studying. This is the first time I can finish it so early.

Until 8pm, went to the Gym as my have booked a gym for my club to play soccer or basket. I was there for half an hour to play basketball. Turn my head around a bit. Or else I'll go crazy soon. Since every one has been yanking at me for so many things. I'll die soon.

Went home after that quickly have my dinner.. So hungry. Ate the leftover fried rice this afternoon and asked my housemate to help me cook one packet of instant noodles. Ehh.. It's winter and I walked home with the huge metal suitcase of camera inside leh.. Have to let me eat more mar.. Since I don't gain so much, right?

Then, got mobile calls all the way until just now. My parents called me. Then, I can rest and talked to them as well. Didn't watch the Olympiad Games these days as there are nothing going on much. Nothing that really interest me..

That's all for these few days. Till the next time I bla bla bla about the updated crazy stuff of my dear life here. Bbbyeeee..

...PrinceJTan's 1 year old B'day...

Since he was sick for the last 3 days, I gave him a small b'day party with my housemates. Bought the small cakes from Safeway. Hahaa.. Well, he ended up eating the cream that is inside. He seems to like it but I seriously dislike. I have no idea what is it. I still don't like it.

He has a nice day, hanging around the house taking pictures. At least, there are people to be with him and he is not quite alone at home. Tomorrow I have to go out the whole afternoon. He is going to be the same as it is. Going to be alone with the music on to be with him. Waiting for me at the window, looking out for my body slowing walking towards the house.

He's happy today, as there are people to play with him. I have no idea that I am suppose to be happy because he has to play with me or he is happy as he got people to play with him. I wonder how it goes for his thoughts. Anyway, he likes what he likes. Can't get him to change much things in this house.

Have a look at his B'day Pic. That's the whole day of his 1 year old B'day. Chao!

...Olympiad Female Shooting...

Oh my goodness, I didn't believe that Aussie has won another gold medal for the Female shooting. She is damn good right at the back but then it's a big risk for her if she keeps on missing the disc.

You should have a view at the Korean - Lee. She is good at first, shooting all the way through until right at the end. At least, she got into bronze.

Spain at least got the Silver for their country. This is an amazing game. Shoot.. I should this from the start.

...PrinceJTan is well...

Well, I'm happier today as my son is very well. He's so naughty right early in the morning. But then I thought it was early in the morning, I didn't really keep my eyes on him much. I was so sleepy as I didn't sleep well for the past few days. Haven't finish my assigments for next week yet. I have to do it tonight for the Monday which is tomorrow.

Anyway, he is alright now and he can jump, run, play around with people now. It's just that he is going to be alone for a few hours without me. I might ask my housemate to be with him more while I'm away. I have to do more things by this week. Which I have assignment I have to hand in next thursday.

Aussies are doing great in the Athens Olympiad these 2 days. Will are now better than the USA. I wonder what happen to the US. They have been lacking for this time. I have no idea what happen in the Sydney 2000. As I was not so enthusiastic about it when it was in Sydney. Anyway, Athens is a good place to win more gold medals for the Aussies.

...Olympiad 8 Rowing - 1500m...

Well, we won again for the Rowing - 8 people in the rowing boat. That's such a good competition today for Day 2. They are not going to row tomorrow due to the wind in Athens. At least, the rowers have the time to rest for a day. Good for the rowers.. Go Aussie rowers.

...Swimming - 200m Freestyle Men...

In Heat 7 - Hackett got the 2nd place after USA - Keller. At least, he is holding a 2nd place for the Aussies..

In Heat 8 - Ian Thorpe got the 4th place right the start in 100m. When he got into 150m, he's in 3rd place. Well, what can I say, he got 1st place for the last round. You can see the Thorpe is so tall and long in the pool. Anyway, he won again. Aussies got a good image for the Men swimming competition in Athens..

Yeh..! Go Aussiessssss......

...Olympiad Rowing Competition...

* Female Rowing

Well, we have the 4 people in a rowing boat that won us a best time for the Olympiad. We can go straight for the Semi-final without any problem at all. Just imagine we have good rowers. Hrmm.. I might get myself to go for rowing one day in Melbourne. It's gonna be expensive but it's fun. I have done the Kayak before. It's extremely exciting. My dad taught me that when I was only 6 - 10 years old. Can't remember how old I was. It was damn fun. When I moved to Sabah, I didn't get to do the things that I used to do with my dad. What can I say.. I missed the chance from that on.

*Male Rowing

Don't worry, we got into 3rd place for the 4 people in rowing competition. We can go for the semi-final and we can win. Just hope that we can go for the 1st till 3rd place in the semi-finals. Hrmm.. Guys are doing great for the swimming. Galz are doing incredible good for the boats. I wonder why.

... 2 goals 4 Aussies...

We have eventually got 2 goals from Ian Thorpe and another female swimmer. Well, we are the champions in the Aussie Land. Ermm.. Not that I don't support Malaysia but what can Olympiad Malaysians do?

I have been asking myself that Q. At least, I know our famous badminton player for such a long time didn't get his Olympic award. None of the Malaysians can win in the Olympics. Until we have another miracle coming up. Then, I'll get more support for them. This year, nah... I better lay down and support Aussies..

...My Son, PrinceJTan is sick...

He is doing quite well today but then I have to take him see doctor. I think he is not feeling well inside. Hrmm.. I wonder why..??

Will wait and see what happens. At least, am home and he is happy when he can see me 24/2. He got me to love him and be with him. Hope that he is alright..

Till then.. CHao!

...Olympiad Volleyball Female...

You just couldn't believe that the two great teams - Cuba & Germany are against each other in the volleyball.

I didn't get to see the start but right at the end of the last game. It was so heart pumping with full excitement that these two teams kept on having the match points which they are trying to win each other rather than getting the same points. Cubans have good players but Germans always keep on changing their substitutes until the referee (whatsoever) doesn't give them change any more as it's the last game. Well, what's the use to change all the time for the last game. Funny germans..

I thought Cubans will win.. sad to tell you.. they lost to Germans. Cubans.. try harder... I support CUBA! Represent - represent - CUBA..