Tuesday, January 03, 2006

~Tow Away Car Story~

First of all, I got parking fine AUD$55 in the city to look for my laywer. This time is even worst than you can think of, I'm the only friend among the circles to get my car towed away last frriday because of seeing my lawyer in the same street - Albert Street. Guess what's the total costs?

What will you think of when you first notice that your car is not at the parking lot? For me, I was like - "Oh shit, my car got tow away!" Yupe, I didn't thought of - my car got stolen, I need to call the police to report. I didn't go blank in my head, I was clear and I was looking for the road sign saying that 4pm - 6.30pm (Clearance way). Hrmmm.... bad luck. Have to call my friend to pick me up from the laywer's place. Turn out that it was traffic period when I have this stupid incident, I just have to take train to go find my friends to ask them - PLEASE SEND ME HOME.

Having a car can spoil your knowledge of taking public transportation, my friend have to navigate me to go Parliament Station to get a train and go BoxHill station. On the way to the Parliament Station, I notice there was a staircase to go down underground but I don't know whether it is the station that my friend was talking about. So, I ask a couple that was just next to me (they are not couple, they are just friends) whether it is the right station that I was going after. They were very nice enough to help me out the stupidity of mine all the way to BoxHill. Luckily enough they were on their way to the same destination where I was going to stop by as well. Guess what, they were at the hospital, NO WONDER they were so nice. Weird but I really thank them for helping out.

I was in the train, underground train, makes me a little bit scared cause of the London Bombing. Well, I was just standing there all the way to BoxHill not wanting toget a sit even though there was available seats. I was still standing and thought of - since I have a car of my own, I have stop taking public transportation cause places that I was living need to have a car more convenient than taking a public transportation.

Then when I was in the car, I thank God for giving me a car cause I don't have to go through all the hassle of taking public transportation and ended up having blood around my body just like the London Bombing accident. I'm just too emtional when I do, see, sense and touch something in my life all the time. Not too good for my attitude I guess.

Eventually,it was a once in a lifetime mistake and not bad being the first person in my circle to have this mistake. Good lesson to learn from and I'll be the popular friend to search for the car if it gets tow away. I learned a lot of interesting things in Melbourne which I have no guts to do that in K.L. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). If you know Malaysia well, it is a bit too dangerous for girls to get crazy unlike here. I dare to do things more and it is always safe over here even mom said better don't do this and that.

You might as well says that I don't even want to go back to Malaysia if I can, I feel like staying put here forever and not going back home. Here is HOME for me, plus there are nothing that can make me stay back in Malaysia. Previously there was, now - NONE. Bad news and a little depress but i have to forget and go over it. Yupe, Adriana Tan is going to walk away from the one thing she hope for badly.

Anyway, forget about my depression cause it's not that important as well. So, remember the costs that am suppoer to tell you? Yupe, it is AUD$275 for the tow away, parking and stupid hassle plus a parking fine whichi is AUD$105. All together added up is AUD$380. Another AUD$100, I can pay for my next month's rental. Bloody useless sign which was a few steps away from the other road sign that I shouldn't be noticing at all.


Cynthia said...

eh.. ini saya baca in xanga.. =)

adrianalynn_al said...

Hehhe... cause all this is the old stories.

Plus no one ever reads mine, I guess... just the thing I don't care also.

As I can write whatever things I want to write..

Cool, isn't it?

Cynthia said...


Cynthia said...

Ade! Guess what? In 2 more days time.. I am offcially 25 !


Anonymous said...

I feel better then I have in Years.