Tuesday, January 03, 2006

~Blogging, blogging, blogging ALL THE TIME~

Why do we have to write bullshit stuffs here and nobody really read it the whole passage? Do you? I don't, not all the time. Try to read my first and last sentence, guess what am I talking about!

When I read my friend's blog, I really don't read all of it. Just some of the interesting parts. Still I understand what was the missing parts talking about. Somehow or rather, the first and the last still links together which the middle will come out the whole conclusion of EXPLAINING things. Explaining, explaining, how weird it can be to do the whole trouble for the exam essays.

Do you really count how many words you have written for the onlyone essays, doesn't it take up your extra time of counting IT, when your maths are the worst in your head? Believe me, I did that and I gave up counting half way cause I just simply use up the time for stupid things. Damn hell with the techers, I don't care whether it's less or more, I just finish what I have to finish. It doesn't mean that I didn't follow the instructions, I will get ZERO MARKS for the section, right?

So, I've graduated last year end. Didn't seems that hard in university life as I was doing more practical assignments then theory. Let say that I didn't finish a book for the 2 years course over here in Melbourne, Australia. Fantastic, HATE me, just go ahead. I have friends that are majoring in Economics, Law, Marketing, Finance, Medicine, Pharmacy and lots always said that to me - "Good luck with your exams". At first, I was so scared to tell them that I don't have exams and I don't need to sit one like you do. Semesters and semesters gone by, I just have the guts telling them this answer - "Yah, like as if I have one. I'm a Contemporary Arts student, I DON'T HAVE EXAMS. So, keep you lucky charm for your ownself". Then, they will ask me lots of questions about why I don't have exams, what am I studying, why only have practical assignments, why this and why that. I'm like - "WHY DO YOU ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS, nothing that I can help you".

Friends, trust me, if you HATE to study or touch a book for even less than a seconds. I recommend you to major in Film Studies, Drama, Dance, Art and Photographic.These are the few majors that rarely have books right up to your nose. Not that I'm saying that my major is great or what. But it's just helps you alot to win a degree back to our parents, after that, you can just go for another degree in another major as you like. It doesn't hurt to have two degrees in your life. Think of it though, it's just AWESOME when you introduce friends, uncles or aunties, family or whatsoever people that you're a BACHELOR OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS - MAJORING IN FILM STUDIES, is seriously AWEEEESSSSOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE! How many people you know that studies that exclude me, of course.

I'm proud of it and I rely that degree a lot to find my dream. If it really happens before I age till wrinkles coming out day by day or maybe seconds. Oh my Lord, please make me stay young forever till my death day! Yeh, doesn't mean that my outer look must be young, I meant my mind and heart have to stay young, so I won't get cheated by my children - if am planning to have a few or one or maybe not. Talk about having children, I guess the best thing is to have one by your ownself and the rests, just adopt, see how many children in this world without parents to pamper. Thanks to our great 1st sexiest woman in this world - Angelina Jolie for her great contribution of adopting her 2 children. Now what, the rest of the celebrities are doing the same old thing like Angelina Jolie. Then, what will happen next, think about it, the cycle will come back getting pregnant and not adopting any children. This will be recycling quite a lot of things and DO NOT DISPOSE THINGS TO THE MARS cause we're going to live there one day, if am still alive by that time.

Anyway, my life has been usual as am working part-time here and there. Bringing my pet dog to visit his friends or brothers. Visited his daughter not long ago and guess what, he wants to HUMP his own daughter. Oh please, don't get angry with him. How does he knows its his daughter when he didn't know he is a dad also. Doesn't mean that the daughter is living with him means he knows that ia his daughter. They are animals and they don't know what is call their own species of family. They only know who are US. Get it, that's why dogs are man's best friend. But what happen to the word of "WOMEN"? As usual, because woman are from MAN and MAN is from WHERE?

Well, guess it, what am I talking about?

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