Tuesday, January 03, 2006

~ The Longest Yard Movie ~

Was wanting to watch the 'Kingdom of Heaven' but didn't go for it till now. Wonder I should go still? Anyone want to take the boring challenge with me? Every one said that it was not that NICE in their reference but it still depends on each's point of view.

Hrmmm.... maybe I should go just for the sake of watching it. Hehe...

Anyway, I got to go for 'The Longest Yard' instead cause one of my regular customer said it was worth the money. Since, I like Adam Sadler's movies and I don't have to work on that friday night. Which I can have a Time Out - Have a break and Have a movie. Not Kit Kat and it has been months since I ate Kit Kat. Hrmm... so bored of it.

For some reason, Adam must have said that he needs to act in a serious movie and not always comedy type. But it was not totally what I was thinking at all again. Well, he did act serious BUT it still funny though. I don't think he can live a life not being a comedian at all.

Courtney Cox was there just right at the begining of the movie wearing a "I DUNNO WHO" the designer dress and it was like that which she went upstairs to find Adam still wearing usual clothing drinking beers on the bed. She then screamed at Adam for not being ready by wearing the SAILOR package clothing for the grant party at their home. Adam stolen her beloved CAR and drunk and caught by the police at the telecast LIVE TV news on that minute reported by Courtney to have her car back. Isn't it GUYS are the CAR Lovers whom tidy it very nicely and called it their BABY? Courtney was a guy instead of a girl and bad luck, her - in movie fav car - was so crashed that how much does the car costs and how many hungry children can have their food when they don't get a penny at all? Look at the darn police cars was crashed as well. That's the end of Courtney appearance in the movie so far. Isn't it weird of how much they pay her to act in that movie?

Continue with the movie which was fun in the middle part as the cons get to kick the guards' asses. How many cons would like to do that when they are in the prison? I bet that they will eventually like to kill them when they have the chance for not cooperating with the cons. If I were them, I think I like to just fool them around like 'Home Alone' movie and of course, I don't get to go out soon. Hehehe.... what a fun thought. But it should be worth it, I guess. Never try, never know.

Oh yah, and the girls in the movie. My gosh, they really looks like Beyonce if you really live in there long enough cause they danced whalapp enough till you can drop your mouth off. My oh my, they are the chunniest babe in the movie better off than the guards cheerleaders. Look at them, they ruled in the movie and look at their body, not that bad for being a girl. Not to say that there was this "girl" was having a appearing tummy who was the main "girl". That was the only scence I don't really want to see.

The rest was good competition breaking the body and hurting as the cons wanted the guards to go DOWN... at least they won and I think the guards will treat them better next time cause the guards are LOSERS. Cons are human being as well spoken by the Red Indian uncle who just said two words - Mean Machine. It works all the way and whoopp (high pitch voice) and it works the time.

Worth to try out and you'll get the butt seat cooling speed faster than you thought in the cinema.

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