Monday, January 02, 2006


It all started again when one of the girls I met said that she was ‘HOT’ in a classroom with no freaking fans at all but an old air-con working quite well for all of us. I was there knowing the temperature today is 34 degrees MAX which I should stay home. And yet I was there watching or you can call it observing her words – thinking that the university should build fans for the old classroom.

Anyway, the girl said she’s ‘HOT’ with the next sentence followed with: I’m damn having a period, ok!

Yo, this is cute conversation. I always thought that I’m the only one can scream that kind of sentences out publicly, and now I found another match doing the same thing. Well, it’s kind of embarrassment for ladies but who cares… we’re in the 21st Century and not like the olden days anymore whom we, ladies have to be ladylike all the time in front of gentlemen. What? Gentlemen… hopefully outside there still have this kind of bugs.

Suddenly, this male friend of ours twisted our mind and asked us: By wearing a tampon can loose your virginity, isn’t it? Cause it puffs as it grows bigger, won’ it?

This is seriously a good finding for all of us – ladies, which we have to know and teach the males to know about this or our children – if you ever think of having one in the future. Hrmmm…???

The traditional definition of ‘VIRGIN’ means when you have no intercourse with the opposite sex at all. Basically, it’s not true as it only lies as a physical issue. There are many ways you can just damage the hymen by doing extreme stretched like the Ballerinas or tore your hymen while doing extreme exercises like riding bicycles on bumpy roads, horseback riding, or you are born with a tiny or non-existent hymen.

Then, YOU ARE NO LONGER a VIRGIN. Saddest story but it’s true. Don’t believe, go check out this URL: or

How is it now? Feeling better or you REALLY understand the whole concept of ‘V’ now? Well, sometimes it is not your fault to loose your ‘V’ so early because your parents might just want you to do something talented to make you more talented for your future. Then blame them or might as well TALK to them, ok?


If you ever have a boyfriend who asks you: Why you did not bleed? Straight away dump him and find another guy that doesn’t care about ‘V’ but to enjoy you and sex. Remember, it’s your duty to take control of your emotions and not them.


If you pledge to keep your ‘V’, believe me, virginity studies found out those 16 / 17 years old high school girls already saying BIG BYE-BYEs to theirs. Check out this website:

It’s truly the SADDEST thing to loose your ‘V’ pledge before your marriage and your partner – males would always LOVE to be the FIRST LOVER of yours. How can you ever resist the temptations of the Barbarians when negative & positive touches each other and went “KA-BOOM” that night with full of LOVE or should say it’s just SEX. And yes believe me that Dutch babes have sex younger than men for their freaking FIRST TIME by the age of 16. Don’t believe it, go to this website:


But I found a better way to have a young ‘V’ back to you, oh crapz, not the counseling. This is much better; check it out, the VIRGIN CREAM…

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