Tuesday, January 03, 2006

~ Magnetic Pull ~

Magnet therapy is the latest of the ancient healing arts to gain in popularity

According to those in the know, more people are using magnets to heal chronic illnesess. By placing a tiny magnet at a strategic point on their body, many have found that the condition rights itself or is greatly relieved.

Magnet therapy is the latest of the ancient healing arts to gain in popularity, and is being hailed as a completely natural healing tool which is highly effective and which has no adverse side-effects.

Scientists around the world are now intensively researching the therapy, and magnets are being used to treat complaints as diverse as head colds and rheumatism.

Magnets are also being used to relieve pain, increase metabolic activity and reduce stress and even nervous problems.

More recently, doctors at Imperial College, London have found that magnet therapy may help people with spinal cord injuries.

An electromagnet was placed on the scalp of people with partial damage to their spinal cord. It generated brief magnetic pulses that stimulated the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex. This, in turn, led to improved muscles and limb movement, and increased ability to feel sensations.

mysterious leanings

Kenya-born Bhati Vyas – the celebrated alternative therapist who helped pioneer the magnetic approach, and whose clients at her clinic in Mayfair, London include Cherie Blair, Mariah Carey, Ralph Fiennes, Belinda Carlisle and Sophie Dahl – says: “It started in India and dates back at least 3,000 years.

“The red dot that some Indian women wear on their foreheads was originally made with a small amount of magnetic powder. The idea was that you placed the dot on an important nerve point between the eyes, and it worked to calm down the brain – and keep you beautiful because it reduced stress and tension.”

Magnet therapy, she says, works mainly at the prevention level because anything magnetic is immediately attracted to iron – a major constituent of red blood corpuscles.

“The first things magnets do is to start working on the circulatory system. They have the effect of refining the blood and, when you do this, the whole system can start speeding up, and disposing of waste and toxic matter.

“Very many chronic health problems are due to a sluggish circulation. Magnets act to remove sluggishness so that you soon start to feel better. Some diabetics using magnet therapy have found they could halve their insulin intake.”

Researchers have found that you can give ordinary water therapeutic qualities by magnetizing it.

Says Bhati, “For this, you just put a small magnet each side of a bottle of water, leave it for about 15 hours, then drink it. Drinking magnetized water helps with constipation and cellulite – both indications of a sluggish circulation.”

Scientists at the University of Tubigen, Germany, are helping tinnitus sufferers by jamming the brain’s electrical activity with high-frequency magnetic therapy.

Of 14 patients who had suffered with chronic tinnitus for a t least a year, eight had measurable tinnitus relief, ranging from slight to complete suppression of the constant “ringing” sound in the ears.

As magnets have both a North and a South pole, they can be used either for revitalizing or relaxation. Some doctors prefer only North pole, whereas others prefer South pole for treatment.

In his book The Anatomy of Bio-Magnetism, the late American Dr. Albert Roy Davis (often called the grandfather of healing magnetism) revealed that North and South poles of magnets emit different energies.

The North, he said, was most helpful in, among other things, arthritis, broken bones, burns, some cancers, kidney infection, teeth and gums, and toothache. The South, on the other hand, seemed to work best on all kinds of pains, prostate enlargement, poor digestion and weak muscles.

But he pointed out that combinations of both North and South pole magnets give good results as well, although for local applications a single pole magnet is sufficient. In general applications, it is better to use both.

Among the well-known magnet therapy devoted are Bill Clinton, Anthony Hopkins and up-and-coming actress Naomi Harris, who is appearing alongside Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek and Woody Harrelson in After the Sunset.

The 27-year-old actress suffers from more acute period pain than most women because she has a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

“I knew that unless I found a way of dealing with my periods, I couldn’t meet the growing number of grueling film schedules that were being offered,” she says.

“It was suggested I try a magnet, s I did. It’s about the size of a small coin and it clips on to my underwear to sit over the uterus. I was very doubtful because there was no way I could see how lumps of metal could possibly cure such a medical condition.

pain, pain go away

“I started using it during the middle of a particularly painful period and found that within a few days the pain simple disappeared.

“It was like a miracle. Now I don’t have to turn down marvelous roles that are being offered.”

Doctors are quick to point out that magnets themselves don’t heal anything – they simply stimulate the body to heal itself.

As one doctor put it, “Magnetism is a natural event. It is neither magic nor medicine. It merely allows body cells to exist at their best level.

“In recent years, developments in healing through magnetic therapies have increased dramatically. They have become an overnight attraction in the medical world. Their powerful effect in banishing plain from thousands of patients is being hailed as a major breakthrough. Their use is no longer being sneered at by medical experts.”

Magnets have long been recognized therapeutic tools in the equine industry and now there are many magnetic therapy products for people – everything from magnetic sleep pads (to help cure insomnia), to individual magnets (clip-on or to be worn with straps) for placement on injuries and conditions of all sorts.

The human body is endowed with natural healing powers. As Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Nature cures; not the physician.”

And now, as more and more are discovering, magnifying that healing energy with magnets applied to the injured area, can greatly boost the body’s natural healing powers.

Copyright © Joan Krzys at 20/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

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