Saturday, February 25, 2006

~Beauty Therapy College School Excursion~

Heya, it's been long since the laso post. Just been busy working while resting before I head for the study again. Now, I'm doing the beauty therapy course in Melbourne for a year. Then, graduate as a Beauty Therapist, save some moeny and study some other sucjects as well to update my knowledge in others. More requirements are better for me to work in any salons easier, I think so. But I just definitely love to do massage, facial and make-up. Others, still ALRIGHT with it as long as I catch up all the time in class and practice on friends.

I better start talking about the 2 nights and 3 days trip at Lady Northcote. This campsite is actually owned by the YMCA, which the property is very big for lots of activities. I didn't have the activities pictures cause every one has to do the activities and I just ended up leavning the camera in the room. Thank goodness no one steal it. Or else I'll go nuts.
(Principal - Alex, and half of my classmates) (Elly Lukas Beauty Therapy College's Tutors)

Anyway, we have around 200 ladies went there for the sake of the school requirements to know each other, understand the toughness in life especially working area and of course, have fun.

We left from college at Collins st. around 9:30am, reached the campsite around noon. Found our lovely room with shared bathroom with the unknown neighbours. All went very well until the group meeting after that. We have to be in groups for activities and my class is called GREY. Eeewwwww, that's the colour that I rarely have in the closet. Anyway, better than getting red which was another group. So, we had lunch and do nothing for awhile then met up at the big hall for a talking session. Hate that session cause it's so annoying which is about something like horoscope, eg. who can you work with, who you cannot hire if you have your own salon, who is hard-working, balalbalaalbalba... all that shits. So bring and tiring already still have to listen that kind of untrue things.

(Preparing to go in for GALA DINNER night) (More ladies outside of the hall having champagne and starters)

Friday night, a GALA DINNER, with nice setting up, candles around the tables and the hall, champagnes, wines are served. I'm not satisfies with food cause it's so little and it's out of my range of appetite. Kidding me, I was looking around the ladies eating, guess what. They said this is too much, in my mind was, bloody hell, I'm not even full. What are you all talking about.. I'm a lady too, but I eat alot. Can't survive at all for me which I have to be here for 2 nights and 3 days. Disgusting time without enough FOOODODODODODODODOD.....

(Manola, Me and Tamara) (Another half of the classmates)

So, party was on after that, can't believe that is all girls and no guys except the principal. So boring but then my classmate, Manola from Italy asked me to dance as well. I was like don't want can't dance cause it's not techno or trance. I forced myself to dance, and said to her, I need a smoke and went out to join Tamara and Ellen (australians) outside of the hall and there were more classmates of mine who are teenagers got drunk at the bench. It was so funny to look at them cause I have never really got that drunk before.

(Ellen, Tamara and me keep on smoking at excursion non-stop) (Courtney, Lynnica and Shiva are drunk teenagers)
(Nicole, hiding away from the camera, but still got ya) (Manola happily dancing)
On the saturday, we were all having the activities and not having enough sleep but gone through the wind just like lazy bugs, trying our bests to score it as well. I was not in the mood cause I don't have enough food. Plus, it's all girls,so boring and not much challanges. So freak up the whole story without anything to story about.
80's night was nothing great but for the tutors it is as it's more to their night then ours. But I have personally have any interest in it. Just have a freak drinks and took som photos.
(These are the neighbours staying beside my room) (Tutors = Part-Time Bartender)
(Old time memories for the Tutors)
Yupe, that's it for the school excursion. Nothing much happening except just all ladies' night out.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

~Tow Away Car Story~

First of all, I got parking fine AUD$55 in the city to look for my laywer. This time is even worst than you can think of, I'm the only friend among the circles to get my car towed away last frriday because of seeing my lawyer in the same street - Albert Street. Guess what's the total costs?

What will you think of when you first notice that your car is not at the parking lot? For me, I was like - "Oh shit, my car got tow away!" Yupe, I didn't thought of - my car got stolen, I need to call the police to report. I didn't go blank in my head, I was clear and I was looking for the road sign saying that 4pm - 6.30pm (Clearance way). Hrmmm.... bad luck. Have to call my friend to pick me up from the laywer's place. Turn out that it was traffic period when I have this stupid incident, I just have to take train to go find my friends to ask them - PLEASE SEND ME HOME.

Having a car can spoil your knowledge of taking public transportation, my friend have to navigate me to go Parliament Station to get a train and go BoxHill station. On the way to the Parliament Station, I notice there was a staircase to go down underground but I don't know whether it is the station that my friend was talking about. So, I ask a couple that was just next to me (they are not couple, they are just friends) whether it is the right station that I was going after. They were very nice enough to help me out the stupidity of mine all the way to BoxHill. Luckily enough they were on their way to the same destination where I was going to stop by as well. Guess what, they were at the hospital, NO WONDER they were so nice. Weird but I really thank them for helping out.

I was in the train, underground train, makes me a little bit scared cause of the London Bombing. Well, I was just standing there all the way to BoxHill not wanting toget a sit even though there was available seats. I was still standing and thought of - since I have a car of my own, I have stop taking public transportation cause places that I was living need to have a car more convenient than taking a public transportation.

Then when I was in the car, I thank God for giving me a car cause I don't have to go through all the hassle of taking public transportation and ended up having blood around my body just like the London Bombing accident. I'm just too emtional when I do, see, sense and touch something in my life all the time. Not too good for my attitude I guess.

Eventually,it was a once in a lifetime mistake and not bad being the first person in my circle to have this mistake. Good lesson to learn from and I'll be the popular friend to search for the car if it gets tow away. I learned a lot of interesting things in Melbourne which I have no guts to do that in K.L. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). If you know Malaysia well, it is a bit too dangerous for girls to get crazy unlike here. I dare to do things more and it is always safe over here even mom said better don't do this and that.

You might as well says that I don't even want to go back to Malaysia if I can, I feel like staying put here forever and not going back home. Here is HOME for me, plus there are nothing that can make me stay back in Malaysia. Previously there was, now - NONE. Bad news and a little depress but i have to forget and go over it. Yupe, Adriana Tan is going to walk away from the one thing she hope for badly.

Anyway, forget about my depression cause it's not that important as well. So, remember the costs that am suppoer to tell you? Yupe, it is AUD$275 for the tow away, parking and stupid hassle plus a parking fine whichi is AUD$105. All together added up is AUD$380. Another AUD$100, I can pay for my next month's rental. Bloody useless sign which was a few steps away from the other road sign that I shouldn't be noticing at all.

~Blogging, blogging, blogging ALL THE TIME~

Why do we have to write bullshit stuffs here and nobody really read it the whole passage? Do you? I don't, not all the time. Try to read my first and last sentence, guess what am I talking about!

When I read my friend's blog, I really don't read all of it. Just some of the interesting parts. Still I understand what was the missing parts talking about. Somehow or rather, the first and the last still links together which the middle will come out the whole conclusion of EXPLAINING things. Explaining, explaining, how weird it can be to do the whole trouble for the exam essays.

Do you really count how many words you have written for the onlyone essays, doesn't it take up your extra time of counting IT, when your maths are the worst in your head? Believe me, I did that and I gave up counting half way cause I just simply use up the time for stupid things. Damn hell with the techers, I don't care whether it's less or more, I just finish what I have to finish. It doesn't mean that I didn't follow the instructions, I will get ZERO MARKS for the section, right?

So, I've graduated last year end. Didn't seems that hard in university life as I was doing more practical assignments then theory. Let say that I didn't finish a book for the 2 years course over here in Melbourne, Australia. Fantastic, HATE me, just go ahead. I have friends that are majoring in Economics, Law, Marketing, Finance, Medicine, Pharmacy and lots always said that to me - "Good luck with your exams". At first, I was so scared to tell them that I don't have exams and I don't need to sit one like you do. Semesters and semesters gone by, I just have the guts telling them this answer - "Yah, like as if I have one. I'm a Contemporary Arts student, I DON'T HAVE EXAMS. So, keep you lucky charm for your ownself". Then, they will ask me lots of questions about why I don't have exams, what am I studying, why only have practical assignments, why this and why that. I'm like - "WHY DO YOU ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS, nothing that I can help you".

Friends, trust me, if you HATE to study or touch a book for even less than a seconds. I recommend you to major in Film Studies, Drama, Dance, Art and Photographic.These are the few majors that rarely have books right up to your nose. Not that I'm saying that my major is great or what. But it's just helps you alot to win a degree back to our parents, after that, you can just go for another degree in another major as you like. It doesn't hurt to have two degrees in your life. Think of it though, it's just AWESOME when you introduce friends, uncles or aunties, family or whatsoever people that you're a BACHELOR OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS - MAJORING IN FILM STUDIES, is seriously AWEEEESSSSOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE! How many people you know that studies that exclude me, of course.

I'm proud of it and I rely that degree a lot to find my dream. If it really happens before I age till wrinkles coming out day by day or maybe seconds. Oh my Lord, please make me stay young forever till my death day! Yeh, doesn't mean that my outer look must be young, I meant my mind and heart have to stay young, so I won't get cheated by my children - if am planning to have a few or one or maybe not. Talk about having children, I guess the best thing is to have one by your ownself and the rests, just adopt, see how many children in this world without parents to pamper. Thanks to our great 1st sexiest woman in this world - Angelina Jolie for her great contribution of adopting her 2 children. Now what, the rest of the celebrities are doing the same old thing like Angelina Jolie. Then, what will happen next, think about it, the cycle will come back getting pregnant and not adopting any children. This will be recycling quite a lot of things and DO NOT DISPOSE THINGS TO THE MARS cause we're going to live there one day, if am still alive by that time.

Anyway, my life has been usual as am working part-time here and there. Bringing my pet dog to visit his friends or brothers. Visited his daughter not long ago and guess what, he wants to HUMP his own daughter. Oh please, don't get angry with him. How does he knows its his daughter when he didn't know he is a dad also. Doesn't mean that the daughter is living with him means he knows that ia his daughter. They are animals and they don't know what is call their own species of family. They only know who are US. Get it, that's why dogs are man's best friend. But what happen to the word of "WOMEN"? As usual, because woman are from MAN and MAN is from WHERE?

Well, guess it, what am I talking about?

~Movie Series / TV Series.. or whatsoever Series~

Born without understanding any words what human beings are saying, developing day by day to understand the words. How awful to understand human speaking language when you just come out from the womb. Most of the LUCKY BABIES got to welcome by their parents, I don't think the babies will understand what is call - "Hey, welcome to the world, baby" by their parents or parent.

In my case, I think I just understand what is - HUNGRY and I NEED FOOD ASAP! Yeh, extraordinary case but it's worth a single minute just to wait for my milk in the hospital. Then, year by year, I grew up and am growing up still until my DEATH DAY. I understand words by words and learning every single words which I still don't understand it. How amazing that the Dictionary actually add the modern words in it which don't think really need it to be, I guess...

But movies are just one of my favourite time to spend with. Non stop watching TV all the time even when I'm eating, studying, visiting and what can I think of. It might be good to have TV in the toilet and shower room but just didn't buy the portable TV for emergency use. To think of it, dad always tell me one sentence - You can leave without a year to watch the TV shows as they will still show it after a year or two, so you still won't miss it. That was when I was in Form Three taking the PMR time, believe it, I DID NOT watch or touch the TV for that year. Not even stepping into the cinema at all with friends even though am invited for it.

How amazing when am addicted with TV and just stop not watching or touching it. This might be painful for me but I did survive for that year and concentrate on my studies. After that, don't rely on my dad's saying anymore, went back to the addiction. Dad always joke with me that I will become a broadcaster one day in one of the Malaysia Channel News or overseas. Dad and mom never agree me doing or becoming one. Eventually, I rely in my belief of mind and heart which I ended up taking a Degree for Contemporary Arts - Film Studies major. Yupe, I WANT TO BE ONE... Like the Asian lady in CNN news and she was GOOD. I was not keen of news but she influence me of wanting to be like her. I think that she is still there, ask my dad, he knows who is she. Anchor-women for the news channels that knows several languages back in Malaysia. How amazing these people can work for different language in one news channel and became praised by oversea visitors that know Malaysia well whilst their work/stay there.

Well, I might be happy to have a degree that is different from many people for Asia country cause many people in this world know and understand that Asians ain't that keen of wanting to take up that major which I DID. I just told them - Maybe I'm just one of the extraordinary Asian that just don't do the same thing like the most Asians. They agreed in it but they were glad to see Asians keen of taking jobs like that.If the one day came, unemployment issue mostly attack at US (the Media people). In my mind, no one will live without US as we are the greatest source that they can be connected in this WHOLE EARTH or even other balls flowing next to the earth.

Next, Tom Cruis is with David Letterman. Got to watch that, seriously crazy loyal Scientology follower that is not getting a marriage date by Katie Holmes. Yupe, I DO FOLLOW THAT bullshits from the MEDIA people. Anyway, happy connecting by US, and don't get grumpy when it's ewwwwwwww movies.

~Wilson's Prom Day Trip~

Well, it's been a while since I really go to anywhere away from Melbourne hectic city noise. This time it's the country side which is near to the sea of Victoria. A place where more accidents happened every year in Victoria then any towns that occur. True enough that the place is nice to visit and overnight but it just darn bored. At least, not as noisy like the city and getting fresh air from the sea blowing from. Nothing to complain but to run away from the city life.
Went there as I wanted to visit one of my regular customers whom the husband and wife always have dinner at Galangal Restaurant every Wednesdays. It's just a knowing people in one of the town and advantage of getting to know the place easily rather than going alone without any knowledge but from the Melway (Melbourne's map).

(Graeme's holiday house)

(Graeme Anthony and I)

Graeme and Sheryl Anthony's Holiday Inn is a nice warm welcoming Inn to stay put for a night with the 3 hours drive from Melbourne. In between there are lots of smaller towns, food is cheap, big, fresh and the feel of "WOW" feeling rather than having the same old cuisines or fast-foods that kill people more every year because it doesn't provide healthiness to human body.

Tong, my ex's classmate back in Kuala Lumpur was with me and his new here, took a chance with him to travel around. Had a nice time meeting up with Anthony's customers whom always there every weekends. Chit-chat with them and every one likes TONG.... Tong, what medic you gave them? Send me some when I next see you to get the Naruto remaining lost episodes. We all went to Agnes Fall which is a fall we can't get near it in wet but it's good to have something fresh home feeling to look at. Wind Farm, yupe, Far far away and too way big to stand underneath the 33m long blade which might chop our heads off. MAYBE only! Want to check out the pictures, go to this website: under Wilsons Promotory picture folder.

Every thing is good and next stop, overnight at one of the small town near the Torra National Park which leads to the Lighthouse. Never seen one in my life, will have the opportunity soon. Tong, when are you free... to go lighthouse?

~Mr & Mrs Smith Day Out~

I was onced invited by my lady boss, Irene to watch movie with her again. Yeh, the Mr & Mrs. Smith movie - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (izzit correct?). Conclusion, her whole family and her friend's whole family and her friend's daughter's friend plus me. So, we have 9 people together to have lunch at Pavillion Doncaster as it was Queen's birthday (holiday for some people but not all), and some of the restaurants are not open at that day and time. Yupe, I was the funniest person to join in but well every thing was FINE. After all, I just want to watch movie which is the movie title is ABOVE as Irene knows about it.

I realized that she'll ask me to come along to watch movie with her and I think I never so NO to people when coming to food and movie or play for a day. Previously, I went to watch Star Wars with her and her two children. Pancake for breakfast and Vietnamese beef noodle for lunch, all in her account except I paid for her movie ticket. Not good for her to keep on paying for me even though she wants to but it's not GOOD... I don't think my dad would like it since she's my lady boss and I'm just working for her. Anyway, she insisted of paying me back but I just said NOPE, it's alright. I can still afford movie tickets.

I guess this is call IN RETURN you just have to give back a little, it was right when boss said "Not all the time also have to put it in and never let it out". Well, it was suppose to be a dirty joke in the kitchen while working but think of another sense, it's right that sometimes you just have to give out since they have given me so much while working for them and they treated me very well and like their own kid. Not all bosses can do that, it's a GOOD thing I have bosses like that. Or else, I'll be fired soon enough before winter arrives and now it's beginning of winter. I'm still OK and alive there. Hehe..

Anyway, back to the movie topic. OH MY GOSH, I nearly slept in the middle of the movie. It got so BORING until I didn't get Angelina to turn my mood on to watch her movie. Well, it's my FIRST TIME watching her movie. No biggie deal, it's just crapzzzzz movie.I agreed on guys when they said it's a shitty or crap movie, it is really what they said. I overheard the loud conversation a few rows away from my line which we have to que for the movie. His friend watch the movie before us and his friend just said, "No way, you're watching it. It's a CRAP movie. It's SHIT." Well, well, well, I though Angelina is the No. 1 sexiest girl in the Hollywood 2005 and that's what the guy said about her movie. I ended up not going to have 'the' mood as I don't really want to watch her movie but Brad Pitt. Anyway, Contemporary Students majoring Film Studies just have to watch movie and continue to see what is new in the industry. That's why I ended up watching most of the latest movie with people whenever I can.

So, it was time for the movie and incredibly - it was FULL... or most of the seats are full. 9 of us have to sit separately as there are people more before us, we eventually have to split up. I was nearly sitting quite not in the seat that I wanted and I went all the way down to have the eye to eye screen seat as I don't have to strain my neck watching movie for nearly 2 hours. Irene's son was sitting beside me in the front role near the walkway, and the rest is way to behind us. No worries, I have total control on the kid who is only 10 years old. Hehehe.... his a good kid but too quite for his age. At least this time his not that shy with me since I got to play his portable nintendo.

Remember that is the not too X-rated scene, he was eventually watching them kissing. I was looking at him to see what's his reaction and he knew I was doing so. He didn't even close his eyes which he was trying to peep and I ended up pushing his one side of face facing the other side until it's DONE. It was so cute until I didn't know what was going around with the actors on screen. Another time, both of them stop killing each other and having a wild sex - he eventually used his hand to close his eyes and I looked at him again to see what's going around his mind this time. He was good enough to close his eyes until I have to tell him it's finish. Think of it when I was a kid, between my hands, there are always holes for me to peep on the bad scene. It was cool cause no one knows about it and I didn't understand what I was watching at all at that little 4 years old age time. Hehe...

Anyway, the movie is total shit the hell out of my world this time. None that I can recall excites me at all.

~ The Longest Yard Movie ~

Was wanting to watch the 'Kingdom of Heaven' but didn't go for it till now. Wonder I should go still? Anyone want to take the boring challenge with me? Every one said that it was not that NICE in their reference but it still depends on each's point of view.

Hrmmm.... maybe I should go just for the sake of watching it. Hehe...

Anyway, I got to go for 'The Longest Yard' instead cause one of my regular customer said it was worth the money. Since, I like Adam Sadler's movies and I don't have to work on that friday night. Which I can have a Time Out - Have a break and Have a movie. Not Kit Kat and it has been months since I ate Kit Kat. Hrmm... so bored of it.

For some reason, Adam must have said that he needs to act in a serious movie and not always comedy type. But it was not totally what I was thinking at all again. Well, he did act serious BUT it still funny though. I don't think he can live a life not being a comedian at all.

Courtney Cox was there just right at the begining of the movie wearing a "I DUNNO WHO" the designer dress and it was like that which she went upstairs to find Adam still wearing usual clothing drinking beers on the bed. She then screamed at Adam for not being ready by wearing the SAILOR package clothing for the grant party at their home. Adam stolen her beloved CAR and drunk and caught by the police at the telecast LIVE TV news on that minute reported by Courtney to have her car back. Isn't it GUYS are the CAR Lovers whom tidy it very nicely and called it their BABY? Courtney was a guy instead of a girl and bad luck, her - in movie fav car - was so crashed that how much does the car costs and how many hungry children can have their food when they don't get a penny at all? Look at the darn police cars was crashed as well. That's the end of Courtney appearance in the movie so far. Isn't it weird of how much they pay her to act in that movie?

Continue with the movie which was fun in the middle part as the cons get to kick the guards' asses. How many cons would like to do that when they are in the prison? I bet that they will eventually like to kill them when they have the chance for not cooperating with the cons. If I were them, I think I like to just fool them around like 'Home Alone' movie and of course, I don't get to go out soon. Hehehe.... what a fun thought. But it should be worth it, I guess. Never try, never know.

Oh yah, and the girls in the movie. My gosh, they really looks like Beyonce if you really live in there long enough cause they danced whalapp enough till you can drop your mouth off. My oh my, they are the chunniest babe in the movie better off than the guards cheerleaders. Look at them, they ruled in the movie and look at their body, not that bad for being a girl. Not to say that there was this "girl" was having a appearing tummy who was the main "girl". That was the only scence I don't really want to see.

The rest was good competition breaking the body and hurting as the cons wanted the guards to go DOWN... at least they won and I think the guards will treat them better next time cause the guards are LOSERS. Cons are human being as well spoken by the Red Indian uncle who just said two words - Mean Machine. It works all the way and whoopp (high pitch voice) and it works the time.

Worth to try out and you'll get the butt seat cooling speed faster than you thought in the cinema.

~ Normal Community Speaks ~

Certainly proved that every girls know how to bake a cake even though it's an instant any cake provider company.

I was just having a bad day especially for girls - can't believe that I was nuts enough untill I do not know what I can do to pour out the excess blood from my body and went to bake a cake. Funny though, it's time for me to do it which took me a longggggggggg time.

First cake - Tofee Sponge Cake - FAILED big time. What the hack? I just forgotten to put in the butter and I was wondering what I missed... It was just plain "butter" which the cake ended up so gravy even though it's already baked, untill I can vomit out of nothing. Anyway, I smashed two eggs and pour it in just to remember that. Think of it, it was not bad. Extra itchy hands and brain to put chocolate instant pack as well. Incredible, nothing happen! Smingled some butter on the oven plate, not too bad (I thought I know how to bake it). Pour the thing into the oven plate and waited more than 40 mins - out come was - OH MY GOSH, the only thing I forgotten was the stupid butter. Well, try another new one which was somewhere in the kitchen drawers.

I found the one with the cookie instant box. Some don't know what instant any cookie provider company again. This time I remembered the butter. Another itchy thoughts and hands - mixed it with the mocha drink packs again. The flavour is nice though, should try it. Did the same piece of duble work while watching the chinese series rented. Went to shower for 15 mins while waiting for the cookie to bake. You know what.... I nearly burnt the cookie instead as I put the heat too high until the inside is still gravyish. Another moment of fainting, but then I try a lower temperature - it's getting there. My housemate said it smelled nice. What a good encouragement for me at that time. Well, I gave up as I was so damn hungry which I have to REALLY eat it. Hey, not that bad for the first timer to bake a cookie which ended up a CAKE instead.

Second thought, I should start from baking butter cake now with a correct temperature this time. Then, I'll do other stuff, housemate is getting me the coffee cookie recipe soon from her friend. I'll sure tell you all how I ended up doing it, okay! Want to try my CAKIE?

~ Playing with the PENIS game ~

Some how or rather, I have been observing my pet dog and my housemate's pet dog. Both of them are adorable male dogs but come to think of it, they are seriously pervert dogs.

What I can say is that... is that.... They bite the opposite penises while playing hardcore game.
Isn't it weird? It sounds like guys.

Sure thing they sounds like guys as they are male dogs but... I am saying here is - "If you put two guys in a four wall with a lock door, they will ended up playing the penises to irritate each other to play hardcore game. Think of it, it is true. Where's the proof?

- "A more secret game is showing your sex organs to another. Boys are very interested in the size of each other’s penis. They compare them, in secret places like cellars, attics, barns, haylofts, in the wood, or in their own room at home. Boys feel inferior about having a small penis. But they discover that when their penis is hard, it is not much smaller than the biggest one around." (Taken under Sex Game Section)

2. - Just normal sexy game but it's all about penis again.

Not to say that I'm the worst sex idiotic or something, but it is the truth. Have you seen male dogs hump each other to get what they want such as their favourite toys from the opposition? Our dogs do that and one of them must be the winner. Funny but true... but they are just horny enough to do that thing as they don't get to hump females.

~ The SECRET he WON'T tell you - even after a few beers ~

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~ Shopping Spree ~

It has been daysssss…. I have come in to write stuff. I was so busy with so many meetings going on. Well, it’s not so FUN to have meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 3 weeks. What to do… I have lots of things to plan for this semester for the International Students in Deakin University (Burwood Campus) but I just like to make people to have FUN like me.

I have a REAL DAY OFF on last Sunday. So, I went to Box Hill Centre to get some THINGS. Yupe! Shopping, shopping, shopping and shopping. Since my little baby son has bitten all of my shoes and high heels. I just HAVE TO GET some and I bought high heels, boots and a sport shoes. Every thing is cheap but it’s worth the money. Now, I need to get more BOOTS. Hehhee…it’s autumn and winter seasons, I just need to get DRESSED.

As I intended to get shoes which I wander off to see bags. Hehe… cheap, cheap! Worth $20 each and I got 3 bags. Ok…. Dun ask me to convert to RM. I’m earning part-time money here. So, it’s cheap for me when I earn Aussie dollars. Eventually, I have spent more than I EXPECTED but… I just can’t resist some of the beautiful things. Sorry mom, I should save money but… I really need to buy things for myself as a REWARD for being hard working. I’m happy and sad at the same time as money is spent like water.

Anyway, I do save money and not going to tell mom and dad what I have. Hehhe… just to make them unhappy when I said I don’t have money but… I just have. Weird to say it here! Just can’t tell my parents I do save money for in-case things. Well, I’m off to shower and sleep early. Meeting tomorrow AGAIN…

Till then… talk to ya guys and gals soon. Chao

~ Models / Tits / Asses? ~ written by Scott Rosenberg

Actual title - "Gina Against the Models of the World”

You wanna know what your problem is?

Gina: I'm speaking to both you, okay, you're both fucking insane. You wanna know what your problem is? MTV, Playboys, and Madison fucking Avenue. Yeah. Let me explain something to you. OK, look, girls with big tits have big asses, girls with little tits have little asses. That's the way it goes. God doesn't fuck around, he's a fair guy. He gave the fatties big, beautiful tits, and the skinnies little, tiny niddlers. If you don't like it, call him. (entering store) Hey Mitch. Thank you. Oh guys, look what we have here.

(picking up Penthouse magazine and opening it) Look at this: your favorite. Oh, you like that?

Tommy (Matt Dillon): I'd go along with that.

Gina: Yeah, that's nice, right? Well, it doesn't exist, okay? Look at the hair. The hair is long, it's flowing, it's like a river. Well, it's a fucking weave, okay? And the tits. Please, I could hang my overcoat on them. Tits, by design, are intended to be suckled by babies. Yeah, they're purely functional. These are silcone city. And look, my favorite, the shaved pubis. Pubic hair being so unruly and all. Very vain. This is a mockery, this is a sham, this is bullshit. Implants, calogen, plastics, capped teeth, the fat sucked out, the hair extended, the nose fixed, the bush sh-these are not real women, alright? They're beauty freaks. And they make all us normal women with our wrinkles, our puckered boobs, hi Bob, our cellulite, seem somewhat inadequate. Well, I don't buy it, alright? What you fuckers, you think is that there's a chance in hell that you'll end up with one of these women you don't give us real women any thing approaching a commitment. It's pathetic. I don't know what you think you're going to do. You're going to end up 80 years old, drooling in some nursing home, and then you'll decide that it's time to settle down, get married, have kids? What are you going to do: find a cheerleader? Charge it, Mitch.
Willie (Timothy Hutton): I think you're over simplifying.

Gina: Oh, eat me. Look at Paul--with his models on the wall, his dog named Elle Macpherson. He's insane! He's obsessed. You're all obsessed. If you had an ounce of self-esteem, of self-worth, of self-confidence, you would realize that as trite as it may sound: beauty is truly skin deep. And you know what? If you ever did hook one of those girls, I guarantee you'd be sick of her.

Tommy: (looking at the magazine) Yeah, I suppose I'd get sick of her, after about, what, 20 or 30 years?

Gina: Get over yourself.

Tommy: What?

(They leave the store)

Gina: No matter how perfect the nipple, how supple the thigh, unless there's some other shit going on in the relationship besides physical, it's going get old, okay? And you guys, as a gender, have got to get a grip, otherwise the future of the human race is in jeopardy.

Copyright © Scott Rosenberg @

~ President's Friday Night Girl ~ written by Aaron Sorkin

Sydney: Have you seen a grey cable-knit sweater?

President Shepherd: A grey sweater? No. I called you at the office today.

Sydney: Its Beth's, I wore it one time and I didn't want to leave it.

President Shepherd: Where are you going?

Sydney: I'm going home and then I'm going to Hartford.

President Shepherd: Connecticut?

Sydney: Yes. Do you know if it was sent with your dry-cleaning?

President Shepherd: What's in Connecticut?

Sydney: Uh, Richard Reynolds' campaign. He may be able to get me a job.

President Shepherd: When did you decide to get a new job?

Sydney: Not long after Leo Solomon fired me from my old one. (opens drawer) Beth's gonna to
kill me.

President Shepherd: Why did he fire you?

Sydney: Uh, "Total failure to achieve any of the objectives for which I was hired." I told him he was being unreasonable. After all, I did get to dance with the president and ride in Air Force One a couple of times. But, you know those prickly environmentalists. It's always gotta be something with them. If it's not clean air, then its clean water. Like it's not good enough that I'm on the cover of People Magazine.

President Shepherd: I'll call him.

Sydney: You'll call him? You mean you'll call him yourself, personally? It'll come from the
President? That's a great idea. I think you should call Leo and make a deal. He hires me back for, say, 72 days. I go around scaring the hell out of Congress making them think the President is about to drive through a very damaging and costly bill. They'll believe me right? Cause I'm the President's Friday night girl. Now, I don't know if we can dip into that well twice, especially since I've lost all crediblity in politics, but you never know. I might just pull it off again. I might be able to give you just the leverage you need to pass some piece of ground-breaking crime legislation, like a mandatory three-day waiting period before a five-year old can buy an Uzi. (slams drawer shut) Oh, fuck the sweater! She'll have to learn to live with disapointment.

Kudos and much thanks go to Seth for this monologue, it is very much appreciated.

Copyright © Aaron Sorkin @

~ Believe what I believe in ~

Church was like a HOME to me when I started knowing God. His like my every thing when little kid friends bullied me in church all the time. I don’t have real friends in church except Him. I sang His lovable songs, I remembered every scripture readings, I prayed to Him like talking / chatting with a friend and I even slept in church soundly when I don’t listen to sermons (Sermons are boring, sleeping in church makes me feel SAFE).

I grew up knowing Him better every time. He let me do lots of things to make little children happy. I learned to accept every little ones even though they are naughty. I learned to protect little ones when they got bullied just like me. I taught them tambourine dance on special occasions. I taught them to play games and it was fun being with them. It’s a GREAT JOY to actually BE WITH THEM. It’s the same like Jesus enjoying Himself when He was doing story-telling sessions with little ones.

I never believe that there are Santa Clause, Rudolph, Christmas Reindeers, Elves, Fairy, Godmother and others. I just BELIEVE that there are Jesus and God. I adored Christmas Day because it’s the specialty day which I got to celebrate Jesus’s birth. But… is it His REAL DATE OF BIRTH?

Well, I grew older and I began to understand more. I open my naked eyes to see things that I shouldn’t be looking at. I open my naked ears to listen conversations that it’s not my problems. I use my naked hands to touch things which are so dirty that it dirtied my hands. I sense through my naked nose and I smelled worst than rubbish perfume. I went through at time of disaster and I don’t want to go back where I started anymore. It’s freaking me out. It’s a nightmare for me. I started not to believe what I’m supposed to believe in.

I just want to be left alone. I want to go away for awhile and LOOK for my FAITH. I want to gain back my believes BUT… it has been so disappointing. I’m having emptiness though it’s supposed to be filled by Him.

There was a sermon just based on question of “WHY”. It touched me so deeply that I stopped asking WHYs. The pastor mentioned that if we keep on asking whys, there will never be an answer BUT the answer of WHYs. It will NOT END at all until you stop asking WHYs. It’s good sometimes to just not ask WHYs and you will have answers at the end which is faster.

But… recently the WHYs came back to me. I felt that life is going down hill and not up hill anymore. I’m left without any strength as I don’t feel any support at all. I’m drowning deep in the sea and it’s still drowning. I just want some one to just some day pick me up in a second and stop me from asking WHYs. But… the moment is not there yet and I’m still sinking deep into the sea. Is it because I dun believe that He is doing great for me that’s why I don’t will the support. OR I don’t really care about Him for not supporting me at all.

As usual, you all will just tell me the same answer. Believe Him and He will surely support you. Trust in Him and He will pick you up. I have to knock to get His attention. I have to ask, so He surely can help me in lightning speed. What’s the last one? Can’t remember…. Might just tell me where’s the verse came from.

~ FAITH ? ~

It has been such a disaster in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia that I started to back-slide. I didn’t go to church at all and I don’t finish the whole book of Bible. I tried so hard to finish it but I never ended up doing it. Do I really have that kind of FAITH when I used to be having?

God touches my life when I needed him the most and not really sometimes. I believe that He knows what I want and He gave it to me. I asked him so many things and He still gives it to me without a reason. He provides every thing for my family and I till then. We must OBEY Him because we will be pleasing Him. He has the every LOVE which every one has been seeking for. But… is it going to be every day?

God, in another hand, ask for what He wants and expects highly from ‘us’. He wants ‘us’ to know Him and let other people to know Him as well. He wants ‘us’ to give our LOVE to Him truly. His jealous when we don’t NEED Him. He can be full of anger when people threaten His children badly in this world. But… I don’t think he kept His earlier promises in the Old Testament anymore.

Remember there’s this story about Noah who built a boat to put a pair of animals and his children in it because God is going to flood that town as there are lots of sinners with sinful things happening. After more than 1 year, the land dried up and Noah built an altar for God and sacrificed the animals to be approved for that cleanliness of land. In Genesis 8:21-22 showed: ‘And the Lord was pleased with the sacrifice and said to himself, “I will never again curse the earth, destroying all living things, even though people’s thoughts and actions are bent toward evil from childhood. As long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.”

Remember again after the flood, God created a ‘RAINBOW’ to keep his promise in Genesis 9:11-17 showed: ‘I solemnly promise never to send another flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the earth.” And God said, “I am giving you a sign as evidence of my eternal covenant with you and all living creatures. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is a sign of my permanent promise to you and to all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will be seen in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with everything that lives. Never again will there be a flood that will destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.” Then God said to Noah, “Yes, this is the sign of my covenant with all the creatures of the earth.”

And what happen to the latest earth disaster in December 26, 2004? A Tsunami disaster that have killed more than 5 thousand people in Acheh, Phuket, Sri Lanka and others. Is this call a RAINBOW PROMISE to the creatures of the earth? Whoever is the writer of Genesis – I don’t think you made a good choice of putting it as God did not PROMISE what he has said earlier on. Don’t ask me to read Revelation as it’s the world most unbelievable DISASTER. It’s the END OF THE WORLD for every one. But… why God wants to create human at first? Is He so lonely that He needs a human being to accompany Him? Is He wise enough to give Adam a WIFE? Then isn’t he lonely and angry when Adam and Eve didn’t OBEY His word of wisdom?

Why am I writing this religious angry blog because I want to really ask God one simply question.

WHAT THE HEAVEN YOU WANT FROM ME? I’m sick with this life and You trying to test my faith every day. It’s enough for me, I’m darn done with this life. THIS LIFE IS NOT MINE, IT’S YOURS. You OWNED me… I’m back-sliding and I feel sick and angry with You because You are trying to gain me back as I’m more to the DEVIL’S SIDE. I HATE PROMISES of what YOU HAVE MADE for my family and me to make it HAPPEN FOR SUCH A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. You have ruined my family’s life and mine as well. All because it started off with money and You are still trying to TEST US for it. I’m not into you anymore and I’m SO SORRY TO DO THIS TO YOU But… I HATE THIS LIFE, ENOUGH OF ME and ENOUGH OF YOU! I HATED TO SACRIFICE MY LOVE to the people I LOVE and to the animal I HAVE GIVEN LOVE TO. YOU WIN and I lost. Go ahead, deal with my life when I die.

~ Magnetic Pull ~

Magnet therapy is the latest of the ancient healing arts to gain in popularity

According to those in the know, more people are using magnets to heal chronic illnesess. By placing a tiny magnet at a strategic point on their body, many have found that the condition rights itself or is greatly relieved.

Magnet therapy is the latest of the ancient healing arts to gain in popularity, and is being hailed as a completely natural healing tool which is highly effective and which has no adverse side-effects.

Scientists around the world are now intensively researching the therapy, and magnets are being used to treat complaints as diverse as head colds and rheumatism.

Magnets are also being used to relieve pain, increase metabolic activity and reduce stress and even nervous problems.

More recently, doctors at Imperial College, London have found that magnet therapy may help people with spinal cord injuries.

An electromagnet was placed on the scalp of people with partial damage to their spinal cord. It generated brief magnetic pulses that stimulated the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex. This, in turn, led to improved muscles and limb movement, and increased ability to feel sensations.

mysterious leanings

Kenya-born Bhati Vyas – the celebrated alternative therapist who helped pioneer the magnetic approach, and whose clients at her clinic in Mayfair, London include Cherie Blair, Mariah Carey, Ralph Fiennes, Belinda Carlisle and Sophie Dahl – says: “It started in India and dates back at least 3,000 years.

“The red dot that some Indian women wear on their foreheads was originally made with a small amount of magnetic powder. The idea was that you placed the dot on an important nerve point between the eyes, and it worked to calm down the brain – and keep you beautiful because it reduced stress and tension.”

Magnet therapy, she says, works mainly at the prevention level because anything magnetic is immediately attracted to iron – a major constituent of red blood corpuscles.

“The first things magnets do is to start working on the circulatory system. They have the effect of refining the blood and, when you do this, the whole system can start speeding up, and disposing of waste and toxic matter.

“Very many chronic health problems are due to a sluggish circulation. Magnets act to remove sluggishness so that you soon start to feel better. Some diabetics using magnet therapy have found they could halve their insulin intake.”

Researchers have found that you can give ordinary water therapeutic qualities by magnetizing it.

Says Bhati, “For this, you just put a small magnet each side of a bottle of water, leave it for about 15 hours, then drink it. Drinking magnetized water helps with constipation and cellulite – both indications of a sluggish circulation.”

Scientists at the University of Tubigen, Germany, are helping tinnitus sufferers by jamming the brain’s electrical activity with high-frequency magnetic therapy.

Of 14 patients who had suffered with chronic tinnitus for a t least a year, eight had measurable tinnitus relief, ranging from slight to complete suppression of the constant “ringing” sound in the ears.

As magnets have both a North and a South pole, they can be used either for revitalizing or relaxation. Some doctors prefer only North pole, whereas others prefer South pole for treatment.

In his book The Anatomy of Bio-Magnetism, the late American Dr. Albert Roy Davis (often called the grandfather of healing magnetism) revealed that North and South poles of magnets emit different energies.

The North, he said, was most helpful in, among other things, arthritis, broken bones, burns, some cancers, kidney infection, teeth and gums, and toothache. The South, on the other hand, seemed to work best on all kinds of pains, prostate enlargement, poor digestion and weak muscles.

But he pointed out that combinations of both North and South pole magnets give good results as well, although for local applications a single pole magnet is sufficient. In general applications, it is better to use both.

Among the well-known magnet therapy devoted are Bill Clinton, Anthony Hopkins and up-and-coming actress Naomi Harris, who is appearing alongside Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek and Woody Harrelson in After the Sunset.

The 27-year-old actress suffers from more acute period pain than most women because she has a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

“I knew that unless I found a way of dealing with my periods, I couldn’t meet the growing number of grueling film schedules that were being offered,” she says.

“It was suggested I try a magnet, s I did. It’s about the size of a small coin and it clips on to my underwear to sit over the uterus. I was very doubtful because there was no way I could see how lumps of metal could possibly cure such a medical condition.

pain, pain go away

“I started using it during the middle of a particularly painful period and found that within a few days the pain simple disappeared.

“It was like a miracle. Now I don’t have to turn down marvelous roles that are being offered.”

Doctors are quick to point out that magnets themselves don’t heal anything – they simply stimulate the body to heal itself.

As one doctor put it, “Magnetism is a natural event. It is neither magic nor medicine. It merely allows body cells to exist at their best level.

“In recent years, developments in healing through magnetic therapies have increased dramatically. They have become an overnight attraction in the medical world. Their powerful effect in banishing plain from thousands of patients is being hailed as a major breakthrough. Their use is no longer being sneered at by medical experts.”

Magnets have long been recognized therapeutic tools in the equine industry and now there are many magnetic therapy products for people – everything from magnetic sleep pads (to help cure insomnia), to individual magnets (clip-on or to be worn with straps) for placement on injuries and conditions of all sorts.

The human body is endowed with natural healing powers. As Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once said, “Nature cures; not the physician.”

And now, as more and more are discovering, magnifying that healing energy with magnets applied to the injured area, can greatly boost the body’s natural healing powers.

Copyright © Joan Krzys at 20/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

~ Vinegar – “Nature’s Secret Weapon” ~

You’ll find vinegar in just about every kitchen in the country – but most of us only ever use it on chips or as a salad dressing. Did you know there are hundreds of other uses for vinegar around the home and as a traditional remedy. If you thought vinegar was just for salad dressing.. then you’re in for a big surprise!

“Vinegar – nature’s secret weapon” is a new book with over 325 tried and tested uses of vinegar. For example, did you realize that you can use vinegar to:

1. Polish the chrome on your car
2. Soothe tired and aching feet
3. Clean work surfaces, mirrors and glass
4. Repair scratches in wood
5. Relieve headaches
6. Whiten whites, brighten colors and fade sweat stains
7. Lift painful corns and calluses
8. Clear embarrassing dandruff
9. Ease the pain of insect bites
10. Help treat burns
11. Help fade age spots
12. Prevent infections
13. Ease nausea and stomach upset
14. Relieve coughs and tickly throats
15. Cure hiccups – fast
16. Relieve a sore throat
17. Guard against food poisoning
18. Disinfect almost anything – it’s used in many hospitals
19. Lift stains on carpets
20. Remove ink stains
21. Soothe painful sunburn
22. Clean brass, copper and pewter
23. Banish unpleasant odors
24. Dissolve chewing gum
25. And much, much more

Over 325 different uses in total. But that’s not all. Vinegar also has two very powerful natural allies – Honey and Garlic.

Honey and Garlic too!

As a special bonus and for a limited time only, we have included two completely free sections to the Vinegar book – so, not only do you get a Vinegar book, but you also get a Honey book and Garlic book too – that’s three of nature’s secret weapons all for just $24.95.

You’ll learn simple, yet effective home remedies using honey and garlic – alone or mixed with vinegar and at a fraction of what you’d pay for commercially prepared products.

Here are some of the amazing health secrets you’ll discover within the special honey and garlic BONUS sections of “Vinegar, Honey & Garlic - nature’s secret weapons”:

1. Learn to prepare this easy poultice for painful joints
2. A simple drink to ease muscle pain fast!
3. Prevent burns from scarring
4. A tasty recipe to keep your cholesterol low
5. Heal that cold sore fast
6. A morning treat that could ease the discomfort of asthma
7. Learn to prepare this ancient Indian broth for blood pressure
8. This delicious tea could add sparkle to your sex life
9. Need to lose weight? Here’s a tasty brew that will help
10. Stop toothache quickly with this natural plain relieving tip
11. This Russian folk remedy for colds works like a charm
12. Clear sports and blemishes fast
13. Ease gas and indigestion fast
14. Learn how to combat the flu
15. Plus much more

Copyright © Herald Sun at 20/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

~ 20 Ways to Make the World Better ~

1. Be more romantic. Use candlelight more often, even if you’re alone and taking a bath, or over dinner. You’ll help save world energy and slow down the greenhouse effect. Of course, if you can find a friend to share that bath you get extra points for water conservation.

2. Investing in the conservation, restoration and protection of the environment is the best and most profitable investment we can make for the whole world, says Dr. Ron Nielsen, author of The Little Green Handbook (Scribe). Next time you’re celebrating a special event, or someone you know is having a birthday, call Sydney’s Trees for Life and they’ll arrange for a native Australian tree to be planted to commemorate the occasion. Call 1300 880 804 or go to

Or take part in the annual Plant a Tree Day organized nationally by Planet Ark on July 31, 2005. Last year more the 220,000 volunteers helped plant a million native trees at 3000 sites Australia-wide.
3. Think before you buy a bottle of herbicide or a chemical cleaning product. It’s estimated that there are more than 100,000 kinds of synthetic chemicals in use and that between 200 and 1000 new chemicals are being added each year. But natural pesticides and cleaners are becoming increasingly trendy so you’ll find more attractive options in homewares and gardening shops. Try Jackie French’s Organic Gardening in Australia (Reed) for suggestions on natural pesticides and check out for a natural dish liquid that won’t leave toxic residue on your dishes, or in waterways.

4. Genetically modified foods like corn, soybeans and cotton carry genetic material that enables them to survive dousing with the lethal pesticide Roundup (and yet are still served up to us). Of course their effects on the environment are also unknown. If you’d like to protest about GM food, join Greenpeace’s True Food Network, Meanwhile, buy organic food whenever you can afford it. You’ll be helping support a healthier environment and getting less toxins in your diet.

5. Want to make a big difference in your community? Meals on Wheels always need volunteers to deliver meals to the elderly. Contact your local council.

6. Watch more funny movies, read more funny books and laugh more. The world needs more laughter. The bonus: you’ll strengthen your immune system, exercise your internal organs and be invited to more places.

7. Make a difference in someone’s life for only $35 a month. For that amount you can sponsor a child in El Salvador, India, Bangladesh or other third world countries through Plan International. You’ll receive photos and letters from your sponsor child or their family so you can keep track of their progress. And you’ll feel good! Go to

8. Get fit, have fun, and help keep the air clean: get a bicycle, a pair of rollerblades or a scooter. Go everywhere you can on it. It’s more fun than joining a gym.

9. Love animals but don’t have room for a permanent pet? In NSW, you can do volunteer work for WIRES, an organization that assists in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of native wildlife. You can either train for foster caring or help with fundraising and administration. Visit

10. Don’t help turn the world into a rubbish heap. Use airtight containers instead of wrap or foil, recycle bottles, paper, aluminums, plastic and more, avoid disposable items like paper cups or napkins, take your own shopping bad to the supermarket and don’t throw waste down sinks and toilets. Millions of tones of sewage is dumped in the sea each year, killing wildlife.

11. Collect rainwater and use it to help grow your own veggies or herbs for maximum taste and freshness (and impress your friends with your green thumb). If you live in an apartment, you can grow tomatoes, mint, coriander and more in pots. Go to

12. If you want a friend for the next decade, rescue a dog from the pound. Numerous international studies also show pet owners have lower stress levels. Contact the RSPCA in your area for viewing times and price guidelines (generally you’ll pay $200 to $250 to cover desexing and microchipping).

13. Got the Christian bug? Youth with a Mission sends young people around the world to help the disadvantaged and preach the gospel. Go to Not religious? Find volunteer opportunities at

14. Eat less beef. It may help you lose weight and you’ll reduce the amount of land cleared for cattle. For more information visit

15. Get on top of your fashion mistakes and feel good doing it. Clean out your wardrobe and donate clothes to a charity.

16. Help someone in Africa enjoy clean water. Pump Aid installs simple, cheap and effective handpowered water pumps, transforming the lives of some of the poorest people in Zimbabwe. Go to to make a donation. While you’re at it, don’t forget to filter your own water so it’s delicious and chemical free.

17. When you’re shopping for a computer, fax machine, scanner or printer, look for the Energy Star Label. It guarantees that the model minimizes power consumption – for example, by switching into a “sleep” mode after a set time. For information on the scheme visit

18. Make your start page. Thanks to the sponsors involved, every time you click on it, you help feed a third world child.

19. Do the simple things: buy free-range eggs, avoid fancy packaging, fix your leaky taps, don’t leave the television on standby… making the world a better place doesn’t always have to involve tough action.

20. Save paper and spread the world about the fact that every one has the power to make a difference to their own health and happiness as well as the universe.

Copyright © Herald Sun at 20/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

~ Customer’s Weird Behaviours ~

Since a year I stopped working as waitress and I thought I’ll never do it again. Just imagine of what I said last time turned out NOT TRUE for this time. Basically, I enjoy myself working as one. I got to communicate with lots of strangers and it’s just COOL. I just LOVE it. Thanks to my brother, Kenny Tan persuaded me to work with his old boss which was a half good and half bad experience. It’s a long story, not interested to talk about it.

Anyway, I’m now working in a new restaurant called GALANGAL RESTAURAT at Andrew St., Mt. Waverly just off Highbury Road next to the Horizon Petrol Station. Tuesdays and Thursday are my shift but I do come in for Fridays. I’m just a back-up lady boss when she wants me. I sounded like something else… Hrmm…

I thought today won’t be busy as its Tuesday (22/02/2005) and I got lots of rest. I ended up day-dreaming the wrong idea. Eventually, we have full house which can accommodate 30 people and plus 2 more tables which total up with 34 people tonight. Yes, it’s seriously a lot of customers tonight. Only I’m the only girl hired waitress with the help of my lady boss being a waitress and kitchen hand at the same time. My lady boss has very good food presentation; I love the DESSERTS a lot. Hrmmm.. I haven’t tried one yet.

Well, there’s a Chinese family came in without reservations and it’s like coming as a gangster style. I don’t like the feel of the wind, it’s so chilly. Well, they gave me the impression of I just want to eat and I don’t freaking care of you at all. I’m like: WOW! This is going to be a tough table to take care.

I ended up can’t remember the new dish menu and I was struggling myself remembering most of the dressings which my lady boss didn’t remind me again while introducing. It’s a freaking embarrassment to me. So, I didn’t expect that the ‘AUNTIE’ will laugh so happily of my freaking mistake.

There’s another lady at the same table which might be a wee bit older than I am acted like she’s paying for the meal. Don’t have to freaking show off your FCUKING AUSSIE slang to me while you are freaking CHINESE as well. I do know AUSSIE SLANG… Don’t have to make me a FREAKING DUMB ASS. Ordering me around impolite manners are way too much, she spoke too much of wanting this and that while I have 2 customers to attend at the same time. Don’t fool around with my memory… I can memorize things well in just a second. By showing her off of ME, I do whatever that B1Atch want me to do. Just to FREAKING SHUT HER MOUTH UP. I’m happy to make her hurt, and I don’t mind since she’s not paying but her whatsoever dad or uncle is doing the payments.

Next time, you see me. Better be respectful and act in good manners because even the locals pay respect to us as waitresses / waitress. Don’t forget that important part or else you will get it from me. I’m not joking with you this time. Just warning you and every one will go home happy if it’s a good manner.

~ Red, Red, Fun ~

When is a green book not a green book?
When it is red.

What is red and goes up and down?
A tomato in an elevator.

What is red and white on the outside and grey on the inside?
An inside-out elephant.

What did the tomato say to the tomato behind hijm?

What’s big and red and eats rocks?
A big, red rock eater.

What’s big and red and eats sand?
A big, red rock-eater on a diet.


There are at least 5.5 million red blood cells in each cubic millimeter of blood. Red blood cells get their color from hemoglobin.

Tangled tongue-twisters-
Say these three times, fast speed: RED LORRY, YELLOW LORRY, RED LORRY, YELLOW LORRY.


Your heat will have beaten two and a half billion times by the age of 70. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.

The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. By mixing thee, any other color can be mixed.

People born on a Sunday in Thailand traditionally wear the color red. They believe it will bring them good fortune.

Red in China usually means good luck. Paper-cuts are popular for Chinese New Year.

Red means strength, courage and energy. Color is produced when light strikes an object and reflects back in your eyes.

Apples are an excellent source of Vitamin C and fiber. You can also eat dried apples.

Some red fruits can help guard you against serious health problems:
Ø Cherries help you sleep better.
Ø Cranberries work against plaque on your teeth.
Ø Strawberries and raspberries help your brain as you get older.
Ø Watermelon, like tomatoes, contains lycopene, which acts against cancer.

Copyright © Herald Sun @ 19/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

~ Goods from Herald Sun Newspaper ~

~ Dogs Hop To It ~

DOGS in the Northern Territory of Australia are getting “high” on cane toads.

Dogs were licking the toads’ back and becoming addicted to the hallucinogenic poison, NT vet Megan Pickering said yesterday (18/02/2005).

“We have had quite a number of cases of dogs that are getting addicted to the toxin,” she said.

Copyright © Herald Sun @ 19/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper


~ Warning On Xbox ~

XBOX owners are being urged to stop using their machines after the discovery of a fault that has resulted in some consoles bursting into flames.

A recall notice issued by Microsoft warns almost one in 10,000 consoles may be fire hazards and the fault is in the power cord. In 30 consoles worldwide, it has caused minor injury or property damage. In seven cases, customers sustained minor burns to hands.

Copyright © Herald Sun @ 19/02/2005 Herald Sun Newspaper

~ No, Fuck You ~written by David Benioff, from his novel

(Monty walks into the bathroom. He looks in the mirror. In the bottom corner, someone's written Fuck You!)

Monty: Yeah, fuck you, too.

Monty's Reflection: Fuck me? Fuck you! Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it.

Fuck the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back.

Fuck squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Get a fucking job!

Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores and stinking up my day. Terrorists in fucking training. Slow the fuck down!

Fuck the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped up biceps. Going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jingling their dicks on my Channel 35.

Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. Ten years in the country, still no speaky English?

Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. Mobster thugs sitting in cafés, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth. Wheelin' and dealin' and schemin'. Go back where you fucking came from!

Fuck the black-hatted Chassidim, strolling up and down 47th street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff. Selling South African apartheid diamonds!

Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self-styled masters of the universe. Michael Douglas, Gordon Gecko wannabe mother fuckers, figuring out new ways to rob hard working people blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life! You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fucking break! Tyco! Imclone! Adelphia! Worldcom!

Fuck the Puerto Ricans. 20 to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls, worst fuckin' parade in the city. And don't even get me started on the Dom-in-i-cans, because they make the Puerto Ricans look good.

Fuck the Bensonhurst Italians with their pomaded hair, their nylon warm-up suits, and their St. Anthony medallions. Swinging their, Jason Giambi, Louisville slugger, baseball bats, trying to audition for the Sopranos.

Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermés scarves and their fifty-dollar Balducci artichokes. Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched, all taut and shiny. You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart!

Fuck the uptown brothers. They never pass the ball, they don't want to play defense, they take fives steps on every lay-up to the hoop. And then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man. Slavery ended one hundred and thirty seven years ago. Move the fuck on!

Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. You betray our trust!

Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent child's pants. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. And while you're at it, fuck JC! He got off easy! A day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity! Try seven years in fuckin Otisville, Jay!

Fuck Osama Bin Laden, Alqueda, and backward-ass, cave-dwelling, fundamentalist assholes everywhere. On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your seventy-two whores roasting in a jet-fueled fire in hell. You towel headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal, Irish ass!

Fuck Jacob Elinski, whining malcontent.

Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery, my best friend, judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass.

Fuck Naturel Rivera. I gave her my trust and she stabbed me in the back. Sold me up the river.

Fucking bitch.

Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar. Sipping on club soda, selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers.

Fuck this whole city and everyone in it. From the row houses of Astoria to the penthouses on Park Avenue. From the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho. From the tenements in Alphabet City to the brownstones in Park slope to the split levels in Staten Island. Let an earthquake crumble it. Let the fires rage. Let it burn to fuckin ash then let the waters rise and submerge this whole, rat-infested place.

Monty: No. No, fuck you, Montgomery Brogan. You had it all and then you threw it away, you dumb fuck!

(He takes a breath and tries to rub away the words.)

Kudos and much thanks go to Adam for this monologue, it is very much appreciated. Adam would like to thank Dr. Madow and Randi and Harry for their help with various corrections. I would also like to thank Dearsey and Peter for sending me a few additional corrections to this much-viewed (I'm sure) monologue.

Copyright © David Benioff @

Monday, January 02, 2006

~ House Cleaning Season ~

How many times do you clean the whole house in a day? Do you clean it by once a week, or once a month, or once every six months or in a year?

Let say, it’s a two-storey house and there are lots of itsy bitsy tiny winy spots that you have to use sponge to clean it especially the toilet bowl. How long can you stand it?

Well, I have been cleaning up the toilet bowls since I was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia renting a room with no attach toilet / shower rooms. Basically, it is a public toilet. Since it’s so dirty, why no just clean it up for my sake to sit on it and have the feeling of RELAXATION… I wonder how many people can do it. I think you can say that I’m crazy or whatsoever for cleaning the public toilet. It’s just ME and I like doing it.

It makes me think of ‘something else’. Are you thinking of what I am thinking?

It really feels GOOD when it’s CLEAN and it feels TERRIBLE when it’s NOT clean at all. I wonder how people can stand the dirtiness. Anyway, I’m cleaning this house bit by bit since my housemates are not here. I have the freedom of cleaning my own so-called: “ADRIANA STYLE”.

As long as it’s clean – I’m HAPPY! Hrmm… it seriously feels GOOD.


It all started again when one of the girls I met said that she was ‘HOT’ in a classroom with no freaking fans at all but an old air-con working quite well for all of us. I was there knowing the temperature today is 34 degrees MAX which I should stay home. And yet I was there watching or you can call it observing her words – thinking that the university should build fans for the old classroom.

Anyway, the girl said she’s ‘HOT’ with the next sentence followed with: I’m damn having a period, ok!

Yo, this is cute conversation. I always thought that I’m the only one can scream that kind of sentences out publicly, and now I found another match doing the same thing. Well, it’s kind of embarrassment for ladies but who cares… we’re in the 21st Century and not like the olden days anymore whom we, ladies have to be ladylike all the time in front of gentlemen. What? Gentlemen… hopefully outside there still have this kind of bugs.

Suddenly, this male friend of ours twisted our mind and asked us: By wearing a tampon can loose your virginity, isn’t it? Cause it puffs as it grows bigger, won’ it?

This is seriously a good finding for all of us – ladies, which we have to know and teach the males to know about this or our children – if you ever think of having one in the future. Hrmmm…???

The traditional definition of ‘VIRGIN’ means when you have no intercourse with the opposite sex at all. Basically, it’s not true as it only lies as a physical issue. There are many ways you can just damage the hymen by doing extreme stretched like the Ballerinas or tore your hymen while doing extreme exercises like riding bicycles on bumpy roads, horseback riding, or you are born with a tiny or non-existent hymen.

Then, YOU ARE NO LONGER a VIRGIN. Saddest story but it’s true. Don’t believe, go check out this URL: or

How is it now? Feeling better or you REALLY understand the whole concept of ‘V’ now? Well, sometimes it is not your fault to loose your ‘V’ so early because your parents might just want you to do something talented to make you more talented for your future. Then blame them or might as well TALK to them, ok?


If you ever have a boyfriend who asks you: Why you did not bleed? Straight away dump him and find another guy that doesn’t care about ‘V’ but to enjoy you and sex. Remember, it’s your duty to take control of your emotions and not them.


If you pledge to keep your ‘V’, believe me, virginity studies found out those 16 / 17 years old high school girls already saying BIG BYE-BYEs to theirs. Check out this website:

It’s truly the SADDEST thing to loose your ‘V’ pledge before your marriage and your partner – males would always LOVE to be the FIRST LOVER of yours. How can you ever resist the temptations of the Barbarians when negative & positive touches each other and went “KA-BOOM” that night with full of LOVE or should say it’s just SEX. And yes believe me that Dutch babes have sex younger than men for their freaking FIRST TIME by the age of 16. Don’t believe it, go to this website:


But I found a better way to have a young ‘V’ back to you, oh crapz, not the counseling. This is much better; check it out, the VIRGIN CREAM…

~ Ugly & the Beast - A Wedding Made In Hell ~

"Check it out... This is the COOLEST BLOG that babe has written. Recommended by me"

For those not in the loop, on February 10th 2005, Prince Charles a.k.a. Prince of Wales a.k.a. That Ugly Man With Monkey Ears announced to the world that he would, after all, be marrying long-time lover Camillia Parker Bowels … I mean Bowles.

Wow, finally a wedding worth remembering. Everytime I hear bout a high-profile wedding, it’s either a troll-like husband tying the knot with a trophy wife or a good-lookin’ guy endin’ up with a butt ugly missus. For the first time ever, we get to see a fairytale mix-n-match of what would be the equivalent of the Beast (from ‘Beauty and the Beast’) marrying the Frog (from ‘The Princess and the Frog’). Which one is which? Doesn’t matter. I’m just wondering how their first child will look like. God have mercy on his/her soul.

I guess this had been a long time coming. Apparently, our love-struck mutts first set eyes on each other in a polo match way back in 1970. Not even his glamorous wedding to Princess Diana in 1981 could douse his true feelings for that walking leather-bag. Well, I hear some of you accusing me of jumping-the-gun. That it’s wrong to simply draw conclusions coz we don’t really know what he actually feels. Alright, I’ll be fair and put myself in his shoes.

Let’s see. Here I am, the Prince of Wales. Soon-to-be King of England. Ruler of my country once my mum kicks the bucket. I’m butt-ugly. I got ears that would make Jumbo shy and possess all the personality of a bucket of shit. No girl in their right mind would take a second look at me unless it’s out of pity / shock / lookin’ at my personal wealth. Here comes this magnificient, beautiful, young girl who steals the heart of a nation. She’s got a heart of gold, she’s soft-spoken and becomes the People’s Princess. Best of all, she adores me. Truly loves me. I must’ve been a Saint in my past life for this stroke of luck. So what do I do? Throw it all away. Ignore Diana. Make her unhappy. Keep meeting up with that human Halloween mask and drive Diana into the arms of other men.

Hmm, not only does he look retarded, he actually MUST be retarded to be doing what he’s been doing all this while. Let’s forget all his past ridiculous comments in the Press. Let’s forget all his other red-faced inducing public moments. This HAS to be the mother-of-all-cockups in the life of Prince Charles.

There has to be some explanation. Perhaps Camillia is the last of the Pagan Witches of Stonehenge and she’s put a Reverse Perception Curse on him. A curse that makes her look like Britney Spears in his eyes. Perhaps she was one of his many flings in his past who ACTUALLY has some discriminating, damning evidence about his sexual escapades. Perhaps she secretly videotaped him enjoying the Golden Shower that’s all the rage in most perverted parts of Japan. Perhaps this has been the world’s most elaborate hoax for a reality show ever. Maybe they secretly tape all our disgusted / shocked reactions and on the ‘supposed’ wedding day, Fox Network or BBC will come out laughing and say, you’ve been Royally Punk’d and clips of an entire nation’s surprise will be shown 24/7 on the TV in the government’s bid to show how susceptible the common folk are to deception. Whatever it is, it is unnatural.

The only people who would be lapping up every minute of it (with the exception of Charles & Cam) would be conspiracy theorists and fans of twist-ending movies (i.e. ME). I’ve already heard lots of theories claiming that Charles was behind Princess Di’s fatal car crash. Some even claimed that is was with the Royal Family’s backing. Now comes MY version of the twist: it was Camillia all along! Working her way using Charles as the puppet, she is slowly ticking off the Royal Family one by one. Maybe she’s also the one secretly brainwashing Harry to turn into a hooligan and William into a faggot. After the whole family is in turmoil, she will stand there laughing like a maniac for single-handedly bringing down the British empire. Probably all this spurned from a childhood vendetta after her uncle / cousin / grandfather was sacked as a royal butler? We will never know. Let’s hope the story doesn’t end at the wedding. Come on, give us MORE twists.

If you never hear from me again, it means that the MI 6 has gotten to me. I would be under torture for spreading malicious lies and detained for sedition. Oopz, I forgot I’m no more in Malaysia. And if the agents here do stumble upon this article, they’d probably buy me a pint for the accurate analysis of their soon-to-be ruler.

posted by YU JIAN at 2/11/2005 03:20:00 PM

Copyright © Ong Yu Jian @

~Yat Gong Gong, Yi Gong Gong, Sam - where's MY ang pao!~

First of all, Gong Hei Fat Choi / Gong Xi Fa Chai / Happy Chinese New Year / Selamat Tahun Baru Cina / Gong Hi Fat Choi / Giueng He Fat Chai...others - I don't know...

Secondly, I'm FREAKING SORRY! Not calling people back in KL / TWU (Sabah) cause I'm freaking busy with my heart to go out with anyone..

Thirdly, am working part-time with uni. So no time to sms / msg / call people...Actually, I'm just lazy to call and go out...

4thly, checkout my - errr...what address to add me - this it is - To see what the darn festivals I want to go. Call me la... Me last year in Melbourne...

5thly, I don't really use multiply. So, don't check on me... me no freaking Multiply Maniac now.

Finally, I want to go UK....for holiday and do something useful there and come back to Malaysia to work.

That's all.. End of my report.. Check out my instead. I got Hi5.. but I don't use either... hehehe.. Chao people