Saturday, December 22, 2007

~Daddy Tan is coming 4 Christmas~

My dad is arriving today at KL around evening and we will be going to have dinner straight after coming down from the airpost - KLIA. Of course we have cleaned the house and now we just have to wash the dogs and vacuum them before dad arrives. Christmas has no idea where we are going to celebrate but absolutely going to and presents are at home to be open after dinner. We will have lots of pictures and will posts it soon after.

Friday, December 14, 2007

~On the way from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Part II~

3rd week ever since I came back, I went up to Penang for a good old time memory and of course to find Julia as well. I've not been back there for 7 years, - WOW -, it has been really a long time and most of the spots are now change. I went to all the new shopping malls, went to the G Hotel around Gurney Drive but eventually we didn't get to go for dinner or supper at Gurney Drive due to can't find a PARKING LOT. Yeh, it is so busy till we just drive pass and look at people eating and enjoying the good old sea view.
It was a good time even though, I've to wait for Julia to come back half day work for 2 times in nearly a week holiday up at Penang. Most of the time, we spent outside and the petrol really costs her like nobody's business. We went to see Desmond and Wendy at the Queensbay area, can't remember what's the particular office area called. Anyway, some where near the area, only 10 mins drive away or less if the drives let you go through the roundabout easily.
After meeting up with them, we went back home. Wrong turning due to heavy rain and road side water splashed on the window screens, can't even look where we are going till the wiper (driver's side) suddenly stop moving. Julia and I were like, SHIT, what are we going to do and we just can't stop in the middle of the road. We just have to drive a little bit more till we found a road side that is safer to park.
I went down have a look at the wiper but just couldn't work and nothing was stuck. Just have to drive out no matter what happen. Yah, went to the wrong turning when I said earlier on. Just have to keep on going straight till I saw 2 police under the bridge just waiting for the heavy rain to clear. I asked Julia - parked in front of them and asked them to help or else we can't do much with just the wiper couldn't work and it's too dangerous to drive back in this kind of weather.
I went down, talked to one of the police with English and he can some how manage to understand me but I struggle to talk in Malay with him till Julia came down and explain to him more in Malay. He started to understand what am I referring to at last. He looked at it and tested the wiper, it was just loosen. He then asked Julia to open the bonet and she doesn't know how to do it since it was the mom's car - BMW. I even worst, I don't even drive these kind of car, obviously I have no idea how to open it. The polices were just plain laughing at us that drive this kind of luxurious car but don't know how to open the bonet.
Then we were asking him the way of going back home. He then said to us that U-turn from this traffic lights and go all the way straight is to Ayer Itam. In my mind I was thinking it is not an u-turn which we can use to turn but since he said that why not just do whatever he said. The other police was nice enough to tell us that on the way you can go to the workshop to repair the wiper. I even asked him is it safe to go back home without the wiper on, he said can if you dare to do it just have to drive slowly.
Suddenly, the rain just stopped and I said - Oh no, no need already as the rain already stopped, we can go home straight without the wiper. The police was nice enough to help us to use the wiper and remove the raindrops on the windscreen. Ooii.... never thought the police is sooooo nice in Penang. Maybe better than KL, maybe ok, not very sure because it did not happen to me in KL before. Then, we left to made an u-turn and we have to stop to due the traffic lights were red. Suddenly, I saw the blue red colours and I looked behind thought that the polices were escorting us back. I was so proud, mana tahu - perasan saja (means how do I know, mix emotion) that they were just going off to another way.
So, Julia found the way back and we were safely arrived at home. Saw the whole family having dinner but we were so hungry till I can faint easily but then have to explain to the mom about what had happen just now. Julia's brother and uncle helped to repair the wiper as it was just loosen. We went out with Julia's brother and his girlfriend to have supper. Haiiii..... finally can eat already.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

~On the way from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Part I~

I left Sydney on the 8th November 2007 and sat the MH 122 flight to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. After nearly 3 years of not sitting a plane, I reminded myself I need to fasten the belt after I load my handbags on top. Yes, I forgotten how to use the belt in 2004 after I finished my university. I didn't even dare to ask people how to use it, I just slowly think a way of fastening by looking at the person sitting right next to me.

This trip was a good memory for me as I met 2 guys - 1 is older and another 1 was the air steward. I was kind of glad cause the whole trip at least I don't get to be bored like a turtle. So, I was surprised that the air steward was spending more time with me than anyone in the plane but he was nice enough to talk to both of the guy next to me and I. Treated like a business class passenger as he took more magazines for me to read and I didn't get to finish the 2 and half magazines that he gave me and the one in the pocket. I wanted to take it back home but I have taking too many things.

Had heartburned half way through and I didn't have any medicine with me, sucks, as I was hurting like nobody's business. The old man next to me still talks like nobody's business about what he likes and what happened to his friend that had heartburn problem too. I was like SHUT UP can you please let me have a time of myself and I really have no sense of mood of wanting to listen to all these conversations when it doesn't concern about me and it doesn't help as well. Of course as Aries, we love to be having all the attention when of course there my guy was paying more attention to me as well. Ok, cut the air steward short, his name is Arjuna. The old man can't remember his name cause I've stopped corresponding with him. Hahahaha... things badly did happen from him to me. You all can guess about it, better avoid him but can't remember his name, sorry dude!

Arjuna aka AJ was really taking care of me very well and most of the section air stewards and air stewardess were saying to me, I'll ask him to see you soon. Not long, there he was in front of me again, taking care of me the whole way till my heartburn was calmed. It all begins from te alcohol he made for me actually but I didn't say it was from there. I guessed he knew that it was from that cause he said about different pressure from the ground compared to the air. So, I looked like a tomato the whole trip till one of the girl has to bring a cool towel for me to ICE myself down. Hhrrmmm.. business class hey. Anyway, my water bottle was refilled all the time as soon as it was empty without asking me but AJ just grabbed it and brought it back soonish.

Yeh, I know what you know. I'm not too blunt this time but at least I've got taken care of in the plane. We were talking most of the time throughout the flight and this time was not a bad trip for me to go back home. At least, I made an effort to know people in this flight compared to last time I had.

I've been back to my home country for almost 1 month and 5 days. As soon as I arrived, my mom's relatives came down for a visit includes my grandma too whom I haven't seen for almotst 3 years. She looks younger after so many years of not seeing her, I think as she doesn't have to think that much as her son, my uncle is taking care of the business now. I didn't really talked to her much but we did talk about what I've been doing in Australia and what will I be doing when am here. That's the whole conversation that involved.

The next day's dinner, we celebrated a day earlier for my brother's birthday. Yes, the kind of whole family except my dad was not there to be part of it and we went to this secluded place to eat seafood - CRABS... of course am not talking about scabies... as we all know what that causes and how it can jump from another place to another place. Hahaha...
Everyone left on Sunday and finally I have my peace and rest throughout the damn whole freaking week of not going out till Desmond, my old time friend from Penang came and brought me out for drinks till I don't even know what sort of questions he was asking me. Yes, I was that blur till I don't understand a thing until now. I always have to ask him what sort of questions but he can't remember too. Pointless for me to crack my head to dig out the questions that he asked me. It was a great time to see him after so many years and finally met his girlfriend, Wendy and now part of my friend circle in KL.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

~My party time~

oh yes, I'm going away from melbourne started from coming tuesday on the 7th Nov 2007. I'm going to miss the big time outing with my workmates. I miss the life here some how or rather even my ex was saying that I didn't have the great time here.

Maybe just because I was pretty occupied with what I want to finish off and achieved to get the results what I wanted to see and I didn't notice much with my life over here in Melbourne, but for sure I have been having great after drink time with my workmates for the past 4 months. That's what I am going to miss most.

I have friends that I was hanging out with but I think everything that consists of drinking that's where I will get myself into. I started to talk to the locals because they would not understand as they might think that I might be interested in them but unfortunately I was just hanging around playing around with them. hahaha.. I think I'm freaking drunk now cause I don't even know what the hack am talking about. At least, I know that I had fun after work drinking at Prince Alfred and the second time I was at elephant.

Not too bad but I really like the lifestlye that I have for the past weeks. I will eventually miss my girls drinking with me. Plus a guy that helps me crack my back bone. I really love it. Dimitra was saying to me that I need to move on and find someone that can physically crack my bone while I'm back in malaysia. hahaha.. That's funny.. if I can get a guy to do that for me properly and not trying to paralyze me.

Joanne was there, she was my teacher back in Elly Lukas Beauty school. She can dance and we had a great time. Loiuse is her sister whom she was working with us. Anyway, I'm going to shower as I don't even know what I am writing here as I'm just babbling here without thinking much.

Finally, I just want to say Thank You Girls from the Endota Spa which has been helping me with work and guiding me through the worst time of starting to work. Andrew, whom has been helping me to CALM down for nothing much important when it has to be unimportant at all.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

~Randomizing the life of work~

Yes, I'm heading up to Sydney next year to live and work. It is a good thing as I have to go somewhere new again to start all over after nearly 5 years in Melbourne which my life is getting bored.

People can just randomly said that "You have me what". For me, it's just bullshit and I will not believe in that sort of sentence as it is so naive to give a plain promise. People won't understand what it really meant to some people as it is not a joke as some people still believe that there are people that can be still trusted and rely on in any situations. I'm naive but I still believe that this person will still exist in this world. So, don't be stupid and just give me plain promises as I can still remember after 10 years of what you have promised me in words and day.
Well, I'm leaving and I'll miss my after work drinks with my workmates at Endota Spa from Port Melbourne where we always go to Prince Alfred Hotel just few blocks away from us at Bay Street. Cool thing to cool off the temperature after so many years of nothing drinking beer. Pure Blonde is not my type as I have headache after drinking and you'll ended up seeing me going to sleep and take panadeine.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

~Life in Melbourne~

4 and half years in Melbourne was the thoughest decision that I've made to come over. Not a friend nor a family members to rely on but I've still survive for that long years. Not any of the Melbourne memories made me think back twice. Nothing I've done is regretful but once and I've to move on again. Life in Melbourne was nothing great as weather is crazy, people are not really that nice compared to Geelong (where my heart usually goes), more clubs, pubs and bars that young people are investing their money into it, but there was once I had fun with some friends that don't go to this places.

I was happy with the first 3 years but after that nothing made me happy, I think it's time to leave this place as my heart is getting colder with Melbourne. Nothing made me stay for longer as my duties are done so far. Graduated twice, found jobs, got my PR, had a car and had a courier but just no man in Melbourne. Maybe it's good because I got to do what I need to be done first and man was not in the list until someone comes up to me one day. As long as my family is with me, nothing make me sad. I'm happy to leave Melbourne as the duties are done.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

~Falling off the Face of the Earth by Matt Wertz~

Stay away from me
I'll be gone soon
It's just so hard to let go once we've grabbed hold
It's nothing that you've done
You're not the only one
I'm just learning to be in twenty-three places

Cause' I'm falling off the face of the earth
Crashing into bridges I burn
And I'm falling off the face of the earth
I'll be home soon

Is this how the story goes
When rubber meets the road
Waving goodbye is so hard without hello

Cause' I'm falling off the face of the earth
Crashing into bridges I burn
And I'm falling off the face of the earth
But I'll be home soon

I keep forgetting to
Keep you an arms length away

And I'm falling off the face of the earth
Crashing into bridges I burn
I'm falling off the face of the earth
But I'll be home soon
I'll be home soon
I'll be home soon

Thursday, September 13, 2007

~Listen to 5:19 by Matt Wertz~

But not from here ladies and gents, let me learn how to fix the audio thing for you when I have the time to do.


I'd be lying throught my teeth if I told you
That I'm ok

When July came I thought I had it all together
Til' you said I need some space
Truth be told
It's so hard to wait

With one eye on the clock
And one on the phoneIt's 5:19...
I'm feeling alone
And if I could talk to you
I'd want you to know
I'm holding loose
But ain't letting go

We both know that I could think myself dizzy
Right now I'm spinning around
I know you said, "baby, don't worry"
But I miss you right now
I said I, miss you right now

With one eye on the clock
And one on the phone
It's 5:19...
I'm feeling alone
And if I could talk to you
I'd want you to know
I'm holding loose
But ain't letting go

Baby, take all the time you need
I just want you to know
I'll be here, waiting

With one eye on the clock
And one on the phone
It's 5:19...
I'm feeling alone
So if I could talk to you
I'd want you to know
I'm holding loose
But ain't letting go(x2)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

~At the QV Market~

My dad was actually choosing his cowboy hats for his work at the field. He needs it just to stay away from the sun shining on his face. I was just there to play around and saw this brown hat. Tried it on and mom said it's nice on me. We ended took a picture but I didn't get my hat.

Mom was taking care J for me while I went into the pet shop to find some good lease for J. Dad took this picture without mom's knowing.

~The other family gathering pics~

This is my dad's oldest sister - Tua ko and her husband - Uncle Peter. I was there with mom and this happened in Simone's house around Fitzroy.

At last around past 3 years, my dad was happy to be in the picture with his sister and family.

Friday, August 17, 2007

~My Yaris~

This is my yaris bought by my dad as a present for my degree whom I ended up finishing it in two years time as promised. Bullshit.... if I'm that rich. Nah, dad got it for me as a working car and compact enough for myself to drive around Australia.

~My workplace~

This is my workplace, Endota Spa Port Melbourne situated at 403, Bay Street, Port Melbourne.

This is the only white building at the corner of bay street and crockford street.

~My son, J Tan~

My son is so cute that dad decided to take pictures of him wearing sunglasses and specs.

This is his normal sleeping pattern when he is seriously sound asleep... X-Rated! Sorry for viewing his private parts.

~This happened in KL before everyone comes to Australia~

This is my brother - Kenny and his gf - Grace having dinner at the Japanese Restaurant back in Kuala Lumpur somewhere. I haven't been there yet, hopefully I will one day when I go back to Malaysia for holiday.

Mom proudly standing next to my bro's car.

Mom and Dad at the Japnese Restaurant.

My bro leading the way out of the shopping mall obviously.

Mom, dad and Grace after dinner mint.
My bro, mom and dad having another dinner mint.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

~27th July 8.45pm @ Melbourne Airport~

Actually, my parents' flight arrived at 7.30pm. They came out around 8pm and I wasn't there until 8.30pm. Why? Because I went to friend's house just to ask them to help me finish up the knitted scarf that I wanted to give it to my mom on the spot and mobile for my dad. At least both of them have presents when they arrived.
This is my mummy... talking on the mobile with my brother who is still in KL and his coming to sydney soon next week.
This is my dad, we have to take the pictures by ourselves cause mom was too busy talking on the mobile still.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

~Sydney is where I am now for the next 2 days~

Hey, I'm at my aunt's house. Took lots of pictures so far for the sydney trip. So, won't be lllooononnnnnngggg to post it at the blog. Stay tune for new pictures of mine and families.

Hahahhaa.... muakszzzzz!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

~Busy as a monster~

Yah, a MONSTER not a bee... so, be understandable, when my parents are with me. Stop calling, texting or try to ask me to go out. I'm doom not hanging out with any friends when my parents are here. This is the latest warning from my mom. The only one that I can spend time with is my son, J. The rest eat whatever you can when am not around with you. Thanks julia for being there not to find me when my parents are here with me all these years.

Thursday, July 19, 2007



I guess I'm saying BYE...

Monday, July 02, 2007

~Endota Training @ Richmond~

I was in the Quest Richmond for the Endota Training and was not actually looking forward to it. Don't know why but when I was there the whole day, I knew why. Anyway, the training was at Richmond and it starts at 10am.

This is Kyla who works in the Endota Head Office, I didn't get to know what she does there but must have something to do with marketing side.

Lupka is from Pevonia and she was here to just talk through about errrrr.... retail, I think. By the way, if I don't know what I was talking. You might think the best way is that I was not actually hearing the lots of the training throughout the day as I was little bit sleepy as theory teaching does not work on me at all.

Melanie who is one of the owner of Endota and another one is Belinda whom she was not there. I only know now that both of them are beauty therapist and they studied together. Endota means beautiful in aborigin language. The logo which has many rounds like a stone belongs to malaikat stone thing that has something to do with healing or wellness.

Lunch was served with pumkin soup and lots of different sandwiches. Of course the tea and water is served another part of the conference room.

David who is the remedial massage therapist to start with and owned one of the Endota back then but now working for the Head Office for treatment training.

Time to go off after training but it was good enough to see who is working for which endota around australia. So there were therapist from adelaide, barrosa, richmond, port melbourne, eltham, and etc. 10 mins before 4 pm, most of us are happy to go back home for good dinner chill.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

~Georgia's Birthday Bash~

Georgia was the girl that worked with us at the Endota Spa Port Melbourne as an experienced girl for the school to do manicure and pedicure. This is her whom is married and with a kid - a boy but he was not home last night. *I look huge with the coat on - should have to take it off.

Georgia's best friend, I think he name is Tara.

Tara's sister, Maria.

This guy is such a humour and tell you the truth, most of the time I don't even understand what he says. Seriously, I don't think anyone get what he says but he is also annoying people. Attention seeker I guess. Don't know how to spell his name but I think it's Angi, something like that sound. He said he EX lives around Meadow Heights, hahaha....That's Maria and Georgia.

Georgia drinking SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS, got too smashed and has to go to bed and ZZZZZZZZ. Well, didn't really eat the whole day.

Stan, Tara and Maria's brother, his cute chubby boy, huh? 7 months single and happy living single live at the moment. Got lots of cuddle from this Greek boy at the end of the night cause he was smased. Tell you the truth, his cute and big enough for good cuddles as he resembles a big teddy bear. I think I'm obsessed with soft, white, bigger size teddy to hug all the time. It's just nice and lovely to have one whom can talk back to you. Hahaha... Oh yah, he goes to Amber Lounge on Saturdays as he said it's Greek night for them.

The kids are from another friend, I think the oldest is 10 years old, Gemini - split personality. Oh, Stan is Gemini too.

Kids building tumbler castle.

I've joined to play Uno with the kids and Stan. The oldest is Chris on the left and Stan trying to move away the cards so Chris wouldn't cheat or spying on his cards. Plus, Stan is very good with kids even though he's smased. He's like a big kid himself and his 22 years old. He said he loves kids, want to get marry soon and have kids. What a cute guy.... yummie!

The twins, Adrian on the right and the left is something like Andrea, I guess. Adrian is 6 minutes older than the other one but younger one are organized and helpful.

Georgia serving Shots for the guests to have a good drink outside.

Lamb and chicken, yupe. I never thought they would order this one at home to serve the guests.

Tara making some shots - baileys & kahlua. Butterscotch with baileys.

This is the whole tray that is going to be served.

Another shots, Midori and butterscotch or maybe vodka absolut.
Stayed until 2 in the morning, didn't get to drink much cause I have to drive back home. If not, shots shots shots all the way and I'll be happy with it all night long.

Friday, June 29, 2007

~Lost in love~

Tuesday that was gone, I spoke to Margot - Payot Distributer for our spa about I don't know whether I'm good in being a beauty therapist cause people just do not listen to what you want to try to make themselves healthier.

Margot said that I have the HEART, I'm perfect for my job. It's hard to have a beauty therapist that have the thoughts that would want to care for others.

I'm touched and delighted to know that she understands me on that spot because there were not many people know about it. Just a few I can say whom is my family and closest friends. I might forget your birthdays and your beloved anniversary. How I know you and how we all became friends. How we became so close and what drew us to be such besties. But it's all about caring and friends who are in need indeed in help.

I'm emotional when people that I love and care are no longer going to be just kms away from my house but have to fly to a specific destination to see them and gives a good long friendship or loving hugs. It's true that I have to go out more often to find friends but I'm too traditional because long friendships are hard to build. If I have a boy friend that can go shopping and has girlie chats with me, I'm awfully delighted to have you onboard too. I think I sound desperate but I can tell you the truth. I'm desperate and I do miss my closest friends.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

~Resit for ITEC Waxing Theory~

Hehhee... went to resit for my exam today at 9. Guess what, I didn't arrive quarter pass 9 cause I was in the heavy traffic - city. I now understand that when it rains, PEOPLE DRIVES TO WORK or STUDY...!!!

Oh yeh, half way there - called the school to inform them that I'm late - Cool Huh? The university won't even bother whether you are late, who cares! You late you eat shit. So, I was busy walking up and down at the school's building because we have lots of students sitting for the exam half yearly. Then, changed quite a few classes and ended up sitting just to wait for - YOU ARE READY TO START. Eventually, my heart was not pumping as hard as previously when I was sitting for the exam last year end.
Last of all the stupid thing, I announce that I FORGOTTEN TO BRING PEN for the exam. Oh, that was cute! I have to go to the reception - find some pens, and people went to me - what the hack are you doing? I'm like - errrr, searching for pen. Tam and another girl were like, how could you forget to bring your pen to sit for exam? I went - oh well, there you go, I DID! But not point of me getting the pen cause we ended up using the HD pencil.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

~Payot Product Training @ ParkView Hotel @ St Kilda~

So, I have missed my own perfect sleeps on Monday and Tuesday as I have to go for the Payot Product Knowledge Training at 9am.

It is presented by Kelly who has been working for Payot for quite a long time and she was a qualified nutrisionist as well. This training works well cause we touch about how the ingredients help the skin to be better.

This is the Maple Conference Room and it is cozy to have this kind of training as it just gives us different place to refresh the brain.

Water and sweets are provided for every two seatings. Sugar boosts your hyper active up. Good for training purposes.

This is how much they give a DAY.

Morning tea - coffee, tea, milk, cups and so on.

Muffins that is served today. Yesterday was Croissants with fruits or berries but I've forgotten to take a picture of it.

We had lunch in between at the Lime Restaurant at Ground Floor - didn't take my lunches cause I was so busy hungrying... Eat Eat Eat!!! An hour break, went up to the Maple Room - continue with the training. That is some of the products that we tested on our hands just to get the smell, test, and texture of it.

And last of all, my name card for the presenter to know who the hell I AM.