Saturday, November 03, 2007

~My party time~

oh yes, I'm going away from melbourne started from coming tuesday on the 7th Nov 2007. I'm going to miss the big time outing with my workmates. I miss the life here some how or rather even my ex was saying that I didn't have the great time here.

Maybe just because I was pretty occupied with what I want to finish off and achieved to get the results what I wanted to see and I didn't notice much with my life over here in Melbourne, but for sure I have been having great after drink time with my workmates for the past 4 months. That's what I am going to miss most.

I have friends that I was hanging out with but I think everything that consists of drinking that's where I will get myself into. I started to talk to the locals because they would not understand as they might think that I might be interested in them but unfortunately I was just hanging around playing around with them. hahaha.. I think I'm freaking drunk now cause I don't even know what the hack am talking about. At least, I know that I had fun after work drinking at Prince Alfred and the second time I was at elephant.

Not too bad but I really like the lifestlye that I have for the past weeks. I will eventually miss my girls drinking with me. Plus a guy that helps me crack my back bone. I really love it. Dimitra was saying to me that I need to move on and find someone that can physically crack my bone while I'm back in malaysia. hahaha.. That's funny.. if I can get a guy to do that for me properly and not trying to paralyze me.

Joanne was there, she was my teacher back in Elly Lukas Beauty school. She can dance and we had a great time. Loiuse is her sister whom she was working with us. Anyway, I'm going to shower as I don't even know what I am writing here as I'm just babbling here without thinking much.

Finally, I just want to say Thank You Girls from the Endota Spa which has been helping me with work and guiding me through the worst time of starting to work. Andrew, whom has been helping me to CALM down for nothing much important when it has to be unimportant at all.

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