Monday, May 14, 2007

~Vain, Naive or Bitchy Friends?~

Why friends have to be so judgemental towards another friend whom they almost knew all the high school years until now?

Yes, I used to have friends like these but I just tend to slowly not contact them cause they are not good to be with. Why do you have to say things that are so hurtful to hear and to think? Don't you have anything better to do than gossiping and bitchy about other people's appearances or life or whatsoever they are doing to themselves. Think about yourself, you are no greater than them unless you think you have achieve more things compared to them. If you are already married, you might just have to think properly when you say about other people cause you are being said behind your back too.

My mom always tell me - do not talk about other people's bad things because you might just get the same thing happen to you. Yes, I've gone through that and it is true that when you think back, the things did happen to your life.
You can say things about anyone cause you all know them more than I do but if they treat me badly - that's it - it's bye bye friend... Not even a hi bye friend at all. If they treat me nice, it'll be hurtful to hear what you all have just said about them. No wonder, a friend of mine said THERE ARE NOTHING FOR US IN MALAYSIA. True, there are nothing but at least my family and memories are there. To ask me to go back for good? NO WAY! That's my answer - why? Should I always be judge by my friends or relatives or stay here and being respect by many?
I've been here since 2003, met many friends and said bye bye to many friends too. At least, I live happily and layback here. Worries are only the rentals, car and bills but there are no friends to judge you all the time. Can say that if people say things behind your back - it does not come back to you easily unlike in Malaysia.
What if people are westernize attitude or character? I can say to you IT'S NOYB. I've scolded by many friends of mine saying that you are born chinese and born as malaysian. So what if I am one? If I don't have the mind, heart and soul to be one, you can't force me to be one. My parents always said to me that don't forget you are still chinese after all. I'll say yes I know but I don't have to live traditionally - of course, there are some parts of me still have the traditional heart, mind and soul but most of them are westernize ways.
Mind is open but it does not means that my traditional ways as a chinese is gone. Heart is open but it does not means that my vagina is open as public. Soul is open but it does not means that I'm not malaysian just that I like Australia.
Who cares if they are fat or chubby or slim, they goes for liposuction - at least they get to do it for free. If you want to do it, you have to pay for the whole process. It's so expensive that even I don't have the money to do it on my thighs. So what, if the cars are given or own by their whoever. My dad bought me the car. So, I'm already 26 years old and I still have difficulties earning money for my first year of working.
If they want to be vain, you all know better than I do. Sometimes it's not like they are just vain friends or vainatous words but they are still a friend that you all known for years. It's not like as if you know them just YESTERDAY. Let them be because one day they are the ones will realize whether did they do it or not. If they are not vain words from your friends, what are you as a friend more than 5 years understand FRIENDSHIP means?
Know what.... FUCK OFF! Stop bitchy cause you are no greater than anyone. Same goes with me tonight as well. So, I'm going to fuck off....Bye!

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