Wednesday, April 25, 2007

~The night before ANZAC day~

It should be the day people start preparing for the words to say on the ANZAC day and go for the shrine for remembrance for the soldiers who died to serve the war. Younger generations' pride for their great grandfather who tried to save Australia from being taken or rule by some other countries... This is the night before that every one is busy choosing the right colour and look good in front of every one. The pride and glory that their loved ones have served the country is young brave men.

For me, I was just busy with my accountant at Glen Waverly for around one hour. Drove there from my home and it took me an hour and half to be there cause of the traffic plus tomorrow is holiday. Went to friend's place at BoxHill - stucked in the traffic for almost half and hour to be there. Sitting on the sofa was just the amazing thing my bottoms can ask for at that moment of time. So well, was eating a little bit here and there.

Then drove all the way to caulfield - had a proper dinner - Yummie - my favs - Asam Laksa... Hehehe. I love it so much. Then, went to watch movie - The Reaping - I thought it's suppose to be a Horror movie but it ended up it was just a cult village that went crazy. But only three parts are scary - hehehe... The girls' eyes are actually quite beautiful which I can say for the whole compliment for the movie. Others - it's just a bible story that happens in the village itself.

After the movie, went back to BoxHill - hahaha... The people there are playing MahJongg - I have no played for a long long time. Was waiting very long until Max got up from his seat - and I just went to play without asking him first. But then I got to play for only three rounds. Later, this bunch of people are discussing of getting beer - ended up we left the house at 1am - got a 5 litres of beer that worth - $ around 35.00 at Riversdale Road. Went back home before two - prepared the table, groundnuts, beer glass, towels to wipe the table, ciggrattes, ashstrays, lighters, and many more.

Yum Seng - from every one to every one. Then, drinking penalty time is up. Played a few games but then still can't get people to drink interestingly. So, some one said about the game of 7, 8 and 9. Never heard of it??? Neither do I but it was fun though. Oh yah, we used two diced and a bowl, number 7 is to add in beer, number 8 is to drink half of the second part of pouring and if it is first part - have to drink it all up. Number 9 is to finish the whole glass. If you get two numbers are the same - change direction but if you get two 4s at the same time, have to drink half of it and change direction, other numbers mean that you are safe.

Guess who lost the whole 2 hours game? hahahaha, the who is owns this blog and writes crapazzz all the time. Yupe, I was already quarterly drunk - since I can't drive back home, ended up sleep over at friend's place until 11.30am this morning. That is the whole night before ANZAC day celebration for us.

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