Thursday, April 19, 2007

~I'm back and hope I'll drop by soon~

It's been a year plus since I last blog anything over this blogging site. I've a few in friendster as I always log into most of the time. Never miss doing it even though I didn't log in for a few days. I'll copy the friendster site for you to look at if you're interested to look at what shit I have and wrote - There you go.

It's a little bit noisy at the moment. But hope more people can write more things to make the noice go away QUICK... Of course I'm not going to delete it. It's cool cause some one that I don't know sent it to me. It's a nice gift from internet.

My friend - ching ching always asked me to write something everyday. I was like - errrrr, but there's nothing much that I can write cause now I'm working as a beauty therapist and it's a little bit weird to complaint what I did at work, right? But maybe it's a good blogging site for me to crap all the things that annoy me at work and calm me down here rather than placing it in my heart, mind and soul. I know... it's not good to keep it in. Sometimes it's good not to say anything to anyone.

Oh yah.. got a new hair cut and permed my hair. This is the picture of it. It just went flat after a few hours from the Good Morning hair salon in BoxHill - hairdresser's name is Tye - Korean guy. They are good in cutting hairs and curling too.

This is what happen the next two days of keeping the hair became... lost the shape of the perm but then hopefully it still can maintain. I think instead of maintaining with the hairdresser every two months. I think I'm going in for once a month. Hey... I have to maintain my hair since I'm been working so hard. It's just a gift for myself every month. Can't complain that I'm not doing anything for myself now.

That's my son which is so funny and sad. Always I think he's sleepy when talking photos all the time. But he knows very well that mom is making him busy all the time. Grooming I mean. I have a curly dog and ended up have to groom him almost everyday.

So far so good. At least you all get to see what is going on in my life at the moment after the beauty school gets me into study and not getting anywhere in Melbourne for fun. But at least I did drink on the night of my b'day... Errr Hrmmm.. not for this year. It was last year - 2006. The 2007 b'day I was working on the weekends and didn't get to drink. Can say that I'm a lousy drinker now or maybe it's not straight or hard liquor. Did I spell it correctly...liquor?

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