Saturday, June 23, 2007

~Prince Alfred @ Port Melbourne and Booze Bus @ CityLink on Friday Night~

I was at the Prince Alfred just down the streets where my workplace is to celebrate Tammie's farewell as she is going back to work at her old place which is 2 minutes walk from her house compared to she has to take train and tram from her house, I think it took her around an hour and a half to Port Melbourne. I'm going to introduce my workmates.
Tammie on the left - taken and lives at Eltham.
Lauren on the right - taken too and she is our spa manager who goes to Elly Lukas Beauty College too.

From left to right - The massage therapists - Dimitra, Tina and Kayla who comes from Canada while travelling in Australia for more than 6 months.

From left to right - That's me cause of flash, my eyes are small as I don't like the flash. The wider I try to open my eyes, the smaller it will get when the flash comes. Dimitra and Kayla.

From left to right - Dimitra, Kayla, Tammie and Lauren.

From left to right - Me, Tina, Kayla, Tammie and Lauren.

We got table 2 as Tina came straight from her full-time work to have dinner and the rests just join in to have some drinks.

Beer - a jug costs $18. Around 5 people shares the beer except me cause I ended up having a red wine takes me ages to finish off.

My chocholate flourless cake - $8 with ice-cream.

Chips with tartar and tomato sauces after a good few drinks.
Random picture which I was just playing around with the sepia while taking it at night time.

As usual, we were all sitting and talking until it was around 9.30pm as it is time for the DJ to set up and have some 80's night dance. So far, I have been to once which was the beauty school for the introduction camp. It was fun cause we have to dress up but at Prince Alfred - everyone working class was there just to have fun and drinks to catch up with after work. Can say that it was my second time going out drink at the place where only working class people will go after work. It was good cause it's like - Ohhhh, I have grown up and joining the working class crowd.
Dimitra, Kayla, Tammie and Lauren went to dance while I was sitting and looking people playing pool. Tina and Matt (Tammie's boyfriend) were talking to each other. Around 10.35pm, I was bored looking at the people playing pool, went up to find the girls to dance with. It was pretty astonish cause don't really see me dance at all but I was happily dancing away as I REALLY NEEDED it.
Dance dance dance and drink beer beer beer - Had red wine and two glasses of beers. Took off my trench coat as I was getting hotter while dancing - guys were trying to get into our group and there was this young lad kept on hanging behind our backs. Guess what - he tried to tickle me to get my attention - inside of me - GET LOST, YOU IDIOT. He lost cause I didn't acknowledge him and went off, came back and asked two mates of mine - Can you two do Lesbian Dance?. Oh oh...... this was fun. Security guard came up, asked to follow him and there this young lad - Bye Bye.... to the entrance.
I left 15 minutes before 12am and drove back home cause I have to work the next day. Still got lots of alcohol in me cause the last beer which I took was around 15-20 minutes before I left. So, was hoping that there won't be any booze bus on the way home. Drove happily until I saw the signs saying roadwork ahead - 80kmh then 60kmh - police cars on the left side of the CityLink. This was weird.... 40kmh, one police car on the right. Better brake and I did it right in front of the police car. There it was BOOZE BUS ahead, bloody hellllllll....... Lights around shining the CityLink. I prayed to GOD so hard that time for more than 20 times just said: Oh God, please let me pass, please let me pass. Left and right lines - 10 cars each row. The police officers were like turn to your left... turn to your right.
Nervous break down and tried to pretend I was fine which I was but just have to be alert. Five cars ahead of me - one police officer were like go straight, keep on going straight. There I was, passed the random search and in my heart screamed - I PASSED THE BOOZEEEE..... Phewwww, that was close and my saying is: I will not drink and drive back home again. I'll just be good to do one drink and that's it.

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