Thursday, March 27, 2008

~Christmas Dinner 2007~

Christmas dinner was at SmokeHouse in K.L.. Oh yah... really smoke house, hahaha.. it was an old traditional cottage house which it is a restaurant for serving western food only but to tell u the truth, the lamb was pretty dry on that night which wasn't a worth it dinner to dine there actually. Anyway, but it was ok then eating food which is bad till you drop.

The restaurant has a waiting area where the customers wait to be seated at the table or to be serve by the captain. It was decorated in a English style but the firework wasn't working of course. Hahaha..

Me at the waiting area so at least you get to view the fireplace upper part.

We were seated at a crooked area. Hahaha.. Not that I want to complain but it's the truth.
This is another part of the restaurant just right behind where we were seating.
My dad and I.
My brother and mom
Salted cheeses were served but actually salted cheese is not good for health.
Eggnog, my first time having it but I don't like it so I gave it to my mom after a sip.

Red wine - Yum Yum...!!! My favourite drink of all times and I took a picture of my dad drinking the wine.
Carols were singing in 4 different parts of the restaurant and they have a pretty good voice.
Hrmm... can't remember the soup but it was good till bottoms' up by me.
Yah... brother was hungry until he has to lay on my mom shoulder's while waiting for the main course to come.
4 different biscuits and cakes were served but I only like one of it which I ended up not eating the rest but took the one that I like from other's place.
We were back at the lounge which were actually waiting for the bill to come. Nice place huh.. On the right corner is a bar. So yah, you can actually drink and sit there while waiting to be serve if it's too busy.

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