Friday, August 17, 2007

~My Yaris~

This is my yaris bought by my dad as a present for my degree whom I ended up finishing it in two years time as promised. Bullshit.... if I'm that rich. Nah, dad got it for me as a working car and compact enough for myself to drive around Australia.

~My workplace~

This is my workplace, Endota Spa Port Melbourne situated at 403, Bay Street, Port Melbourne.

This is the only white building at the corner of bay street and crockford street.

~My son, J Tan~

My son is so cute that dad decided to take pictures of him wearing sunglasses and specs.

This is his normal sleeping pattern when he is seriously sound asleep... X-Rated! Sorry for viewing his private parts.

~This happened in KL before everyone comes to Australia~

This is my brother - Kenny and his gf - Grace having dinner at the Japanese Restaurant back in Kuala Lumpur somewhere. I haven't been there yet, hopefully I will one day when I go back to Malaysia for holiday.

Mom proudly standing next to my bro's car.

Mom and Dad at the Japnese Restaurant.

My bro leading the way out of the shopping mall obviously.

Mom, dad and Grace after dinner mint.
My bro, mom and dad having another dinner mint.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

~27th July 8.45pm @ Melbourne Airport~

Actually, my parents' flight arrived at 7.30pm. They came out around 8pm and I wasn't there until 8.30pm. Why? Because I went to friend's house just to ask them to help me finish up the knitted scarf that I wanted to give it to my mom on the spot and mobile for my dad. At least both of them have presents when they arrived.
This is my mummy... talking on the mobile with my brother who is still in KL and his coming to sydney soon next week.
This is my dad, we have to take the pictures by ourselves cause mom was too busy talking on the mobile still.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

~Sydney is where I am now for the next 2 days~

Hey, I'm at my aunt's house. Took lots of pictures so far for the sydney trip. So, won't be lllooononnnnnngggg to post it at the blog. Stay tune for new pictures of mine and families.

Hahahhaa.... muakszzzzz!